[AU] 💉Researcher💉

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• Elliot takes up a profession as a scientist gone rogue
• Chassy, Jesse, Rudy(she doesn't even take part in this) and Sabrina are not gem users
• Elliot does not work at Rise Academy, but she will have a role there
• Notia and Kit never met
• Elliot has gone down the path of insanity


Name: Elliot Spring Myers
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Demi-sexual
Personality: Crazed, insane, highly intelligent, manipulative, one-track mind, ambitious, relentless, ruthless, cunning, malicious/heartless while experimenting on supers, and can go downright destructive when things don't go her way
Super alias: Researcher
Super outfit: Navy hair at neck length, cyan eyes, a white lab coat with a turquoise shirt and leaf green pants, black smooth shoes and a silver bracelet on her right wrist holding a cyan gem. Has as belt attached to her waist with needles, syringes, a taser and a device to sprout a robotic Corruptor tail. She has a speed suit designed to capture and incapacitate foes, silver overall and simplistic, though have of her head is concealed with her other half having a red glowing eye.
Powers/Abilities: Digital manipulation/creation, hacking, weapon summoning and deleting and/or altering things from reality at a heavy cost/Is very agile and reflexive, genius and knows how to handle many different weapons. Also has extreme knowledge in psychology and chemicals
Alignment: Chaotic neutral and/or evil
Goal: After being fired and nearly jailed for illegal experimentation set-up against her, she hopes to find and extract as many supers from their powers as she can to use for herself...for world domination.
Extra: She has an alien companion named Notia. Despite their two different goals, Notia doesn't care much for humanity; as long as Elliot helps her kill the Corruptors, she'll help her with her experiments and weapons.


Scenario 1(Heroes): As of January 3rd, a new villain by the name of Researcher has appeared, taking out heroes left and right throughout the States and taking their power for herself, though only momentarily. Now, she's paid the city a little visit, walking around and incapacitating whoever tries to attack her, and you're out on duty. You...?

Scenario 2(Villains): You're staring a random, crazed looking lady in the face too early in the morning. In the crime world, villains are the powerhouses, but when a certain woman comes knocking at your door at 3am, her presence will be stuck in your head– if her makeshift tail isn't. You...?

Scenario 3(Civilians): You wake up after feeling heavily dehydrated and hot, shifting around....but you can't move. You're in some metal bed, wrists, ankle and neck clamped down to the table and too tight to move, or you might lose skin. Would you like to shout for help or stay silent...?

Scenario 4: Make it up

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