Mercedes (Anti Michelle)

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Michelle's anti

• Mass murderer
• Sadistic
• Heartless
• Cruel
• Too playful


Same as Michelle. Mind Hack is substituted for Mind and Shadow manipulation, everything else stays the same

Scenario 1: While dealing with Eggman, throughout the mist of battle, he creates a portal and blasts you in said portal. You land on your feet and glance around, seeing high tech things and advance buildings in view. While you search the new area, you hear a scream. You...?

Scenario 2: There have been rumors that antis have been appearing and confusing people. Some have caused havoc, some have been peaceful and welcoming while others are just neutral. As you wonder through Central City, a crowd screams and runs, a blue cat with red tipped hair smiling sadistically, "aww, come back! We were having fun!" You...?

Scenario 3: Make one up

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