Skye Veikenheart

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Name: Skye Veikenheart

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Class: Soldier (can change in the Unison World)

Clothes: [Flower Dance] Dragon Tail outfit

Weapon: Beast Blade

Special Attacks:
Swift Smash: Skye strikes down with her sword with both raw strength and her armor's power in a flash.
Battle Shout: Skye screams out briefly, but her endurance increases by 30% and she increases her physical strength.
Iron Fortress: Skye gives herself a five second guard to increase her defense while striking her opponent with her strength and armor simultaneously.
Glistening Edge: Gaining subzero temperatures on her sword, Skye hastily and swiftly overwhelm her opponents with five consecutive strikes. She sometimes leaves snowflakes coming from her sword. This attack can cut through armor and shields with little difficulty.
Pride: Damaging herself, she gains more speed to attack her opponent. It's a real gamble.

Bio: ....figure it out—

Extra: Though she has an eye patch on her head- Nightmare Assault- she is not blind in that eye. She just prefers one eye concealed. Also, her last name has a bit of.... controversy to it.

Scenario 1 (Unison League only): You were sent out by the Master Guild to rescue a fellow Soldier that was fighting off Alsa's forces. Once you make it to one of the forests in Windt, you notice a girl with curly white hair, a white and black and slightly pink dragon fit on and purple samurai sword struggling to stand, taking full sized meteors against her body. She screams and falls back, blood and bruises littered upon her body. In front of her was a brunette, wearing a mask and a simple Purge Garb and deadly blue eyes. She glares at you, raising her staff, which is a Mechanized Staff..... and meteors rain down upon you. Battle start!

Scenario 2: You were walking within a mall/store, just minding your own business until some strange looking portal appearing right before you. Before you could even comprehend anything, a bruised and bloody body rams into you with a harsh scream. You both hit the floor and you stare at the shaggy and dirty white hair with the girl struggling to breathe. What shall you do?

Scenario 3: There has been recent news about some girl attacking animals and police. The animals would be dead but the police would only make it out with cuts and slashes. While you were reading about it on a sunny Sunday at home, you notice a presence behind herself..... and you turn around, suddenly seeing a girl with white curly hair and a bright red eye. What shall you do?

Scenario 4: You were relaxing at home peacefully. You thought nothing could go wrong on this nice day... Until a circle was summoned before you. You flinch and back away as a figure appears. It was a girl. She falls on her knees, coughing and her white hair covering her face. You...?

Normal gear: [Flower Dance] Dragon Tail

Festive gear: Imperial Kitsune Robes

Mission gear: Mercury Overcoat

Ranked Guild Battle gear: Jester Dress

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