"Thank You For Your Assistance." [AU]

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In summary, Notia was all along evil (or could just be corrupted), and said alien just painted herself in a beautiful light. Anyway, good luck.

Scenario 1: No. This has to be an error! This had to be a mistake! Well..... I suppose it isn't. Its all real, for when you least expected it, Digitalizer turned on you and the rest, taking you all down with little effort. And, within hours soon after, the world as you know it, has been dominated by her and her alien companion. It was unbelievable, almost unreal, but it happened. Now, after a month, you sit in DC, within their underground cages. Though you have power nullifying cuffs on your wrists and ankles, its seems like you have a room to yourself. Games, a television, phone, comfortable bed, things like that with delivered food, though it still felt like prison. Today, Digitalizer herself came to your cell early in the morning, her hands behind her back with an unreadable expression.

Scenario 2: [Same scenario above, different starter]. Today, you were brought up to the Oval Office, or what is now Digitalizer's office. However, Elliot is sitting behind the desk out of costume, just having a small smile on her face.

Scenario 3: ...... Make it up?

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