The Invasion (Superheroes Only)

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Warning: Depending on how your roleplay path will be, some scenes will be described honestly, gruesomely and may even inappropriately. Before you start, please tell me if you want my replies to be censored.

Heroes/Reformed villains:

Scenario: It has been (time skip of choice) since the defeat of Corruption, the Corruptor that has threatened the existing life of planet Earth and Anti Digi, the last minute Spawn Corruption implanted into Digitalizer in order to carry out her dying wish. Since then, the teachers have been quiet but active, fighting crime, growing stronger, Rudy can actually create weapons midbattle now.
Now in the summer heat of mid June, you relax at (destination of choice), a cyan screen appears on your chest. This usually meant Digitalizer was calling. When you go somewhere private to answer, she had a look of pure terror on her face, holding up a black looking vine with a dull red looking fruit. "We have a problem."
With your [nervousness] and [curiosity] peaking, you begin go ask but she cuts you off.
"The Corruptors are coming..."


Scenario: Since those idiotic heroes have defeated their enemies and you for good, you went into hiding, at least not on the surface. They've been growing. Developing...
One day in the damned summer heat of mid June, you head to the most calming place for a villain like you; a small forest out the reach of the bustling and heated city. There, you walk until you smell something. It smells sour but you brush it aside. You keep walking until you notice a path, a path of dead trees, animals, all life has died in the area. [Curiosity] peaking, you venture forward and hide behind a tree that was still alive, seeing an entire garden full of dull red fruit on black vines, growing from the ground....
And these weird looking things around them...
They turn in your direction and begin to approach...

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