Family Gathering

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Characters :

Name : Reaper / Reapee
Soul Animal : Reaper cat
Age :28

Relation(s) :

•Addhu's hubby
•Saku's father
• Perfecta's son
• Cyan-s / Adrian's adoptive parent

Nature and occupation: unknown

Name : Addhu (addhukathiravan)
Soul Animal : Cute duck
Age :25

Relation(s) :
•Reapee's wifey
•Saku's mother
• Perfecta's daughter-in-law
•cyan-s / Adrian's adoptive mother

Nature and occupation : unknown

Name :Saku (Saku_Jessica)
Soul Animal : Cute Bear
Age: 5

Relation(s) :
•Addhu and Reapee's daughter
• Perfecta's grand daughter
•Cyan-s/Adrian's sibling

Nature : unknown

Name : Adrian (cyan-s)
Soul Animal : cute cat
Age : 7

Relation(s) :
•Addhu and Reapee's adopted son


Name : Star (StarOfMeh)
Soul animal: none
Age : 8

Relation :
•Saku's future husband

Nature : unknown

Occupation : Grim reaper

Name : Prince (The_Prince_of_Dreams)
Soul animal: none
Age : Unknown

Relation(s) :

Occupation : Flirting

Nature : Act as Prince

Name : Perfecta (Perfecta101)
Soul animal: none
Age : 40

Looks : Old but looks young

Relation(s) :
•Reapee's mother
•Addhu's mother-in-law
• Adrian and Saku's grandmother

Occupation : Searching for husband

Name : Ray/ Ayano (crescent_crimson)
Soul animal: none
Age : 28

Relation(s) : Family friend

Nature and Occupation: unknown

Name : Devil (Disttruta-)
Soul animal: Demon
Age :18

Relation : none

Nature and occupation : unknown

Name : Ivan Stuka (Well-Life-Aint-Fair)
Soul animal: Dragon
Age : 29

Relation(s) :
•Saku and Adrian's older cousin

Nature : Blunt asf, Sarcastic, Short Tempered, Serious, Doesn't give a damn, Quiet, Anti-Social, mysterious, talks only when he believes is necessary

Name : Alisha (Alisha5821)
Soul animal: none
Age : 6

Relation (s) :
•Adiran's future wife

Nature: unknown

Name: Aphi (Alphichu)
Soul animal: half Wolf half Phoenix

Relation(s) :
•Saku and Adrian's older cousin

Nature :Kind and bubbly

Occupation: Pet sanctuary helper

Name : Ivy (mira-3)
Soul Animal : Ladybug

•Adrian's friend ( were  together in orphan)

Occupation: unknown

Nature : cheerful



All the Family members including Prince and Devil are gathered in the house of Grandma Perfecta for family Gathering day....

Here is how the conversation goes....

Simple things to know :

#Main string of comments will include all the members of family / characters

#You are supposed to make new string of comment if u r going out of living room with other character

#No one is allowed to comment anywhere else in the book if not necessary, this is to make easy for people to find where we r RP ing

#I have to delete all other comments made here for the matter of ease


That's it
Thank you for reading !!

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