EM- Chapter 4

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Moréfindiel pov.
When I awoke it was midday. I got up and bathed, then changed into my clothes which was my dark blue elvish dress that reached the ground and had a golden band at the elbow of the sleeve on each side where the sleeve loosened and bacame like a skirt for my arm. I braided my hair into my own unique elvish braid and slipped my boots onto my feet and hid my long daggers in my boots. I headed out into the hall, seeing Miluiel wearing similar except her dress was silver. I nodded politely in her direction and we burst out laughing. We headed to the gardens for a walk, where, I spotted the Prince. I bowed my head. "Gi'suilion Hír vuín" (Well met, my Prince) I said in greeting. He inclined his head to the both of us. "Gi'suilion, Híril Moréfindiel and Híril Miluiel" (Well met, Lady Moréfindiel 'Kyra' and Lady Miluiel 'Emily') Legolas greeted kindly.

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