The guitarist

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Would you give a guitarist money on the street?:

Name: Loki Hades Estrella.
Age: Depends in roleplay.
Gender: BOIIII

Loki has death black hair with neon orange tips. His hair covers most of his face so he often has it in a bun at home but outside the house he hides his face. Loki's skin is pale and is translucent almost. He has a skinny body because he rarely eats. You can almost always catch him wearing skinny jeans - that are baggy on him - and a t-shirt that oftens slips off one of his shoulders. He wears an over sized green day jumper. He has many, many music festival bands and other bands on his wrists running up most of his arms. He always wears a black beanie with two bashes that say, "Ima shit tard" and "IMA ON NERD PATROL! ". Loki's eyes are almost black.

Sexuality: Gay

Personality: Loki is alot a shy at first. Though he won't show it, he will trust you immediately but often hates himself for Trusting so easily. He is scared easily and is frightful of the big world. He is a kind Soul who only wishes to make the world a happier place.

+ Chocolate and Sweets
+ Climbing trees
+ Music
+ Silence
+ Listening to people talk
+ His laptop and wifi
+ Books


- Bullies
- When the wifi is down
- Going home
- His ex
- Getting wet in the rain
- Having to get out of bed on a school/work day
- Barbie girls
- Movies that don't follow the books


+ Singing (Though he'll never admit that)
+ General knowledge
+ Reading people


- Trusting too easily and getting emotionally attached to quickly.
- His luck is horrible
- He has voices inside his head

Biological family.
Medianoche Estrella: Deceased
Andrew Estrella: In prison

Adoptive family:

Mike Sanchest: Alive. Father
Maria Sanchest: Alive. Mother
Michael Sanchest: Alive. Brother


Andrew Estrella was a abusive husband and in a fit of rage, drunk, he killed Medianoche Estrella. He locked Loki in the basement for around a week only giving him enough water to survie every three days. Luckily, the police found out Loki had disappeared from school and came to check up on him. They found him in a battered, bruised and bleeding state. Andrew was locked up in prison for killing Medianoche and beating Loki. Loki hadn't told the police the other details. He was soon placed in a new home with Mike, Maria and Michael. Again, battered, bruised and bleeding he was abused. He believed in fairytales, as did his Ma, and believed one day thing would get better. And a prince charming would coming knocking in on his life. He just had to bare though it.

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