~ Fantasy ~

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There will be some extra information needed in this chapter so keep reading on!


1. Humans are allowed in this

2. Follow your social status. You can't just jump from being a peasant to being a noble

3. Don't make yourself invincible!!! Don't worry, my characters will take hits too

4. This will be set up in a sort of medieval times so that means minimum technology and more empires, poverty, you know, this sort of stuff

5. There will be discrimination against people who are not straight. This just makes for a more interesting plot line. I mean, unless I make a scenario where this doesn't happen :/

! Warning ! There will be polygamy!

!Extra Information! This must be filled out and accepted before role play starts

Social Status (peasant, noble, commoner ect):


Now time for my Oc!

Name: Eterna Orrielle Lucardia

Social Status: Royal

Occupation: Princess and Knight

Age: 18

Height: 5"9

Appearance: Light skin, with long ginger hair, reaching mid-back length. Dark red eyes, which often scare people off. A white shoulderless dress, with a blue rose at her waist on the left hand side. Brown leather sandals, with her hair kept in two piggy tails. Eterna often wears a red head band, with the crest of her noble family on the bow.

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Species: Elf

Personality: Quite headstrong, often rushing into things without thinking of a proper plan first. Is kind and caring, but is often called a 'disgrace' because of her eye colour and the way she acts, which makes her seem like an apparent 'barbarian' to her parents. Is adventurous, and can be often found near creeks or on top of tree canopys. Gets easily annoyed, but bottles up her emotions most of the time.

Likes: Nature, apples (specifically Granny Smith), sunsets, and wide open spaces

Dislikes: Gay people due to the way she grew up, overly strict people, seeing people sad and catapults

Birthday: March 2nd (Pisces)

Family: Angelica Rose Lucardia (mother), Frecalious Parter Lucardia (father), and Ingeous Quan Lucardia (older brother; 23 )

Hobbies: Inventing things, sparring, searching the forest, and cooking

Pets: A green tree snake named Reece

Weapons: Xiphos, a type of sword used by the Ancient Greeks

Powers: Can control two elements, Earth and Water. Uses Earth more, since her control over water is quiet unstable

Fear(s): Pyrophobia, fear of fire

Mental Illness(es): Is developing depression, due to her family issues and responsibilities

Health Issue(s): None

Allergies: Anaphylactic to pineapples

Backstory: Eterna grew up in a noble family, as Princess to Lucardia. Though, she wanted to become a knight and serve in the army. Her parents tried all they could to get rid of that passion, but they couldn't. So, they ended up physically hurting their child, though not so much as for it to become abuse at first. It did graduallly grow, turning her parents abusive. Her brother, Igneous is the only friend she has at the moment, often comforting her in times of need.

Extra: She really likes dresses, often making her own and for others.


Scenario 1:

You're travelling through a dense forest, searching for a rare herb/animal to take back and research. You have gotten lost, and surprise surprise, there's a monster headed your way to attack you, as you have stumbled into it's territory. Right now, running is your only option, but the creature is fast. Before it could get to you though, it fell to the ground unconscious. At first you didn't know why, but when you looked closer, you saw a bite on its leg. "Paralysis bite. Don't worry, the creature will be fine" a voice said, causing you to turn around and see a ginger haired teen standing behind you. You?

Scenario 2:

You are part of the kingdom Lucardia, and you were just going about your daily business as usual. Suddenly, you felt strong arms wrap you in a hug from behind. You sighed, knowing that it was just your friend Eterna. You and the princess have been friends for a while now, and you see each other almost every day. "What'cha up to Y/N?" she asked, crossing her arms in a playful manner. You wanted to be more than her friend, but you didn't know how to tell her, and if she'd reject you or not. You?

Scenario 3:

You're the princess' trainer, so you often sparr with the young woman. After another day of hard work, you two decide to stroll the town for something to eat. The two of you chatted for a while, before an explosion was heard not far from where you actually were. Before you could warn her to stay away, Eterna had already left to go investigate. "Here we go again.." you muttered, before chasing after the girl. What do you find?

Scenario 4:

Make it up! (^∇^)

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