~ Normal #2 ~

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Exactly the same rules as the original, so if you haven't read that then please go quickly read it and then come back to this one.

The only difference, is that this has a different OC with different scenarios

So this is my OC!

Name: Caleb Elijah Blanc

Age: 17

Height: 5"3

Appearance: Caleb is quite plain, mostly wearing just a white T-Shirt with red highlighting around the neck and sleeves. He wears ripped jeans and red sneakers, usually with a plain blue jacket with a hoodie. His skin is quite fair, with blonde hair and sharp blue eyes. His taste can change though, since he is actually very picky with fancy clothing

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Human

Personality: He's your typical tsundere, and is usually not one to admit his feelings or that he's wrong. He has a lot of pride, and is often arrogant when it comes to things like competition and sport. Extremely short tempered. Once you get to know him, nothing really changes except for the fact that he's more open about his problems, and is actually really supportive to people he cares about. Key point; for people he cares about. Anything or anyone else will get the cocky bastard treatment for as long as they don't know him and aren't close to him. He once stabbed someone in the arm with his pencil, because the kid made fun of him.

Likes: Teasing, messing with people, video games, writing stories and when he's alone, he likes to look over all the good times he's had with his friends

Dislikes: People who make fun of others openly, when someone talks behind his back, being told he's wrong with no explanation, utter douche-bags who have no reason to be, and being alone with one person for too long

Birthday: June 18th (Gemini)

Family: Peter Raymond Blanc (father), Elizabeth Rose Blanc (mother: deceased), Asher Nichola Blanc (older brother; 28)

Hobbies: Volleyball, writing, judo and the occasional drawing

Pets: A golden retriever named Honey (his mother chose this name)

Weapons: None

Powers: None

Fears: Golbophonia, Fear of Balloons popping

Mental Illness: None, but has experienced social anxiety

Health Issues: None

Allergies: None

Backstory: Caleb is just a normal kid, who just also happens to be a real trouble maker though I don't blame him. He lost his mother when he was only 7, and though his family have been super supportive, he gets into all sorts of trouble for a little recognition. He goes from school to school, either from being expelled or his dad getting another job. He also finds it super hard to stay still sometimes, mostly on account that people stare at him a lot. Has gotten into multiple fights, but he's actually an 'A' grade student. Well, he would be if he actually tried

Extra: He is left handed

Scenario 1

You were just going to school, minding your own business, when you see someone new come through the gates. He seemed really mean, and you were right. After doing all your usual things, you head to class, but on the way, the boy's glaring at you for some unknown reason. After you get to class, you sat down as you waited for the teacher. When they came in, so did the boy from earlier. "Class, I would like you to meet our new student" the teacher said, before the guy just smirked and waved. "The name's Caleb". What do you do?

Scenario 2

Caleb was the school delinquent, constantly getting into trouble and infuriating people. You were one of the regular victims of his teasing, but in a different way~. I mean, he flirts with you and tries to make you flustered every chance he gets. But today was a little different. He seemed quieter, and even though he was technically your 'bully', you still wanted to check if he was alright. You found him at the back of the school, just leaning on a wall. Your eyes widened as you saw he had bruises all over his body. He noticed you, and before you could explain anything, he pinned you to the wall and growled. "What do you want?" he hissed. You?

Scenario 3

You and Caleb are extremely close, (from childhood or in recent years, you can decide). You basically do everything together, whether it be vandalism of school property, or writing hilarious stories with each other. Both of you had arranged to go out on the weekend, before terrible news came in. He was moving to another school again, but it was going to be all the way in another country and this devastated you both. What had surprised you, is that Caleb said he was going to run away so he could stay behind and hang out with you. What's your reaction?

Scenario 4

ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ Make it up!

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