~ Normal #3 ~

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Well, well, well, another one you say? Oh hell yeah
This one is also the same as the other two, so I beg of you, please go read the first normal rp section before starting RP here!

¡Extra Info! Must be filled out before Rp starts


Okay, let's go!

Name: Tyler Morris Jæger

Age: 23

Height: 5"4 (he's a smol adult)

Appearance: Long black hair, kept in a small ponytail, blue eyes and pale skin, with freckles on his face. He wears an untucked white shirt, along with some black jeans and black shoes, which practically screams 'Hi, I'm gay'. Hell, he's even worn a shirt that has said that before. He has a good sense of fashion, since he's actually a designer.

Occupation: Fashion Designer & Part-time Model

Gender: Male

Sexuality: 100% Open Gay

Species: Human

Personality: He's extremely fun and outgoing, and absolutely loves to play games! You could say it's a child in a grown man's body, but his body looks more like that of a middle-schooler. He's a bit of a troublemaker, and often gives people a run for their money. He likes challenges, and will not hesitate to take anyone on. Be very afraid if he becomes quiet, because that either means he's super angry at something, or something has upset him. Either way, it's a lose-lose situation for whoever sets him off. Overall a good guy, and a bit too trusting sometimes, though is very dependable.

Likes: Cozy warm spaces, food, designing, and finding another fellow LGBTQ+ member

Dislikes: Closed minded people, quiet places, the dark, and homophobes

Birthday: October 2nd (Libra)

Family: Cole Renta Jæger (Father; Deceased), Tulip Hen Jæger (Mother; Deceased), Harrison Lupin Jæger (Older Sister), Ian Declan Liberò (Adoptive Father), Kaden Elliot Liberò (Adoptive Father)

Hobbies: Designing, Drawing, or if he's bored, he'll play his bass

Pets: An owl named Thestral

Weapons: Surprisingly skilled with a gun. Chopsticks and a belt are the next best things

Powers: None

Fears: Nyctophobia, Fear of the Dark

Mental Illness: PTSD

Health Issues: None

Allergies: Bananas

Backstory: Tyler was a crazy kid, often imagining scenarios in his head and acting them out in real life. Though he didn't exactly have a happy-go-lucky childhood. His father died when he was 5 during a robbery at their house, and his mother died of a terminal illness 3 years after his father's death, making him and his sister orphans. They stayed in the orphanage for a long time, before a sweet gay couple took them in. Tyler was not set back by his parents demise, or so he thought. That was until he heard a loud bang one day, and curled up into a ball on the floor, screaming his lungs out. After that, Ian and Kaden decided it would be best if they started taking him to see a therapist. It did get better, but it lingers there at the back of his head. He had taken a passion to design when he stumbled upon Christian Lucroix one day. It made him want to do something more with the idea, and so he became a designer.

Extra: He has a food fetish ;)

Scenario One:

You were watching T.V one day, as you lazily looked through any interesting channels. There's was nothing on, so for some odd reason, a fashion show caught your eye. It was showing off all the latest trends, designs, and what-not, but one of the designers caught your eye. Black hair, blue eyes, pale freckled skin. That's when you realised that was the guy who was just living down your street. Tyler Jæger. How do you know this? Well, he had actually come to you to collect his mail and take care of his lawn as he was going on a business trip. At least you know what his business is now. A few days later, you heard a knock on your door. You went to open it, only to see your fashion designer neighbour with a box of chocolates. "Hello there Y/N! I just wanted to say thank you for taking care of my house all this time!" he chuckled. You?

Scenario Two:

You were a hug fan of Tyler's designs and clothes, and were flipping through fashion magazines to see if he made the cut this year. This year, he was actually voted best seasonal designs of the year. You were estatic! Especially since he was holding a fashion not too far from where you lived in a few days! Bonus was that you got a free V.I.P pass from your friend who works with him. You decided to go to the park, before you accidentally bumped into someone. "Oh my goodness! Are you alright?" the person asked, and as you looked up, you saw none other than your favourite designer, Tyler Jæger. You?

Scenario Three:

You and Tyler had been friends for a while, and you were well aware of his sexuality. You had callled him over to hang out, and that's when you noticed something strange about how he was acting. He was quiet, and not talking as much. Everything was just causal chit-chat. Not talking about his designs, no ranting about work, just a clumsy man who had...wait, he had a bruise on his cheek! You decided to ask him about it, but he just laughed it off, saying something about a ticked off female model that punched him in the face, though you knew he was very much lying through his teeth. You both go back to your place, and as you thought it couldn't get worse, he started jumping every time you tried to talk to him. What do you do?

Scenario Four:

Make it up! ٩( 'ω' )و

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