Characters From - Haven (INVITATION ONLY)

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Silver - Fox Mutant

Name: Silver

Age: 15

Animal: Fox

Animal Characteristics: Largish fox tail, fox ears replacing her normal ears and they are higher on her head than normal ears, slight orangish fur that matches her tail colour covering her whole body less on her face

Appearance: Darkish blonde hair with dark orange streak through it normally loose, sparkling blue eyes with tinges of gold, lightish skin under her fur, wears a darkish gold hoodie with a lightish green shirt, gray/black pants with black/gray biker boots and finger less gloves, fairly tall meter and a half or so

Personality: Normally cheerful, has a short temper, can be nice one minute and mean the next, unpredictable, natural leader, loyal, can and will hate her enemies with a passion, tries to be friendly, first to say hi to a new face, prank queen, intelligent, likes to make people laugh and annoys people mostly on purpose when they are being a pain so they will go away

Fears: Waking up to find she has lost her friends, waking up to find out she has lost her mutations, finding out that she does not exist, finding out that her life is a lie, leaving her friends, never getting out of the Sanctuary

Ginger - Tiger Shark Mutant

Name: Ginger

Age: 13

Animal: Tiger Shark

Animal Characteristics: Largish dorsal fin on her back, 3 or so rows of razor sharp teeth that can re-grow adult teeth included, when in water she has a tiger shark tail, gills on her neck enable her to breathe underwater, when she is dry too long she will die

Appearance: Long dark blonde hair, green eyes, a bit ragged grey top and black jeans, bare feet, lightish skin

Personality: Tries to look on the bright side of things, inquisitive, curious, is direct, sometimes hostile to others

Fears: Never being rescued from Kingdom Labs, dieing in the lab, dolphins, loosing all her teeth, loosing her ability to swim

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