~I'm just your friendly neighborhood slasher~

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Name: Deathscream
Gender: Female
Age: 30
Sexuality: Lesbian
Appearance: Deathscream stands at 6'5 and has a muscular build. She has short, dark gray hair, crimson colored fur, and white eyes. She's almost always wearing black or dark blue.
Scars: None

Personality: Deathscream seems cruel, heartless, and sadistic, and will laugh at others' pain (only if she knows that they deserve to be in pain) When around her friends, she's more caring and gentle, though she still scares the hell out of them.
Likes: Her girlfriend, her friends, sharp stabby objects, and her daughters
Dislikes: Marigold, Shadow, Ash, people who hurt Akira or Nightscream, and people who think they know everything

Backstory: As soon as her parents laid eyes on her, they knew something wasn't right about her. They named her Deathscream, showing their belief that their daughter was cursed due to her crimson fur.

Deathscream was abandoned at a very young age. Thankfully, an older couple had found her and decided to take her in. Deathscream lived with them for years, and despite what they told her, she knew the truth about why her parents left her.

Once Deathscream entered middle school, she was continuously bullied by a kid who everyone called Stone-heart. It continued for most of her middle school years, until she had enough. (Long story short, they ended up fighting. Deathscream knocked Stone-heart out, and no one messed with her after that.)

When Deathscream entered highschool, she was snappy and rude towards most students, wanting to show that she wasn't afraid to beat them up if they messed with her.

After a while, she became less snappy towards the others, learning that they weren't all like Stone-heart. She did see him in highschool, however, but he never messed with her after what happened in middle school.

(Ok this is too long. Deathscream adopted Nightscream, met Blade, and they started dating. THE END)

Scenario 1: (Skyrim AU)
You were walking near Robber's Gorge when you see someone fighting five bandits at once. What do you do?

Scenario 2: (Warrior Cats AU) /Your character must be a cat\
You were strolling beside a small stream when a crimson colored she-cat suddenly jumped out at you, ordering you to get off her territory. What do you do?

Scenario 3: (Any AU)
Make it up!

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