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People who make bad stuff happen to their oc a l l t h e t i m e

Ok so roleplay story time! I was roleplaying with someone who had a bullied oc. It was in a high school setting so I wasn't surprised. But the whole roleplay revolved around them getting bullied; and the thing is: It was my starter, meaning they were replying to me. So it starts off with my oc just kinda walking around on the first day. And their character was doing smth; long time ago I can't recall. But I do remember being super frustrated because they had their oc getting bullied all the damn time, and anything my oc tried to do to help was ignored. Like I tried to have my oc drag theirs away. And they made theirs stay and fall on the floor like omfg please stop. Another time they had the bullies overpower mines so that they could beat up their character. I tried to make a teacher come break it up, but they made the bullies drag their oc off like wtf??? I think I just deleted the whole thread-

And another time, this persons oc randomly started freaking up. Screaming, crying, shaking- the whole thing. And I'm just here like ' w u t ' and after they calmed down my oc said something about family - I think it was showing them pictures of them as a kid or telling them a funny story from their childhood- and then whoop another freakout session. They go from calm to screaming and crying again because apparently a offer of my oc reliving their time as a kid was just not ok. 

God, I have soooo many roleplay stories-

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