Into another World

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In the growing darkness of the night, a black cat sat silently on a hill, staring at destroyed land she had used to call home. The once beautiful land had been destroyed, human homes stood where the forest had once been...Where her family had once been... 

Tears spilled from the cat's eyes, despite her attempts to conceal them. Another cat padded toward her, staring at her sympathetically with her warm brown eyes. Her black and white fur ruffled slightly by the cool autumn breeze. "I'm sorry for your loss, Dusk' she whispered, her own eyes filling with tears. The black and white cat paused sniffing the air. She recoiled at the sharp stench that filled the air. "Dusk we need to move on..."

Dusk stared at the hill, picking up the stench shortly after her friend. "Perhaps it would be better if I just let them take me" she muttered bitterly "I don't have much more to live for Badger..."

Badger studied her worriedly, looking slightly hurt "You have me" she said softly, gently brushing up against Dusk. "Everything will be alright...We'll get through this"

Dusk hesitated before nodding "You're right..." She said with a sigh. She paused glancing toward the ground, where a light swirled and shimmered. "What is this?" she asked, wandering up to it. She felt the ground pull her forward into the light, and she began to fall. 

"DUSK!" Badger's voice called out from above "Dusk where did you go?" "DUSK?"

Dusk hit the ground with a thud, glancing around in confusion. "Where am I?" she muttered, glancing around. The world was unnaturally bright and colorful, but there were no humans in sight. She heard a shriek, and someone else fell to the ground besides her.  Someone so familiar but so different...

"Badger?" she asked "What happened to you?" The black and white cat, had turned into an alicorn. Her eyes were white, her long blue and silver mane covered most of her face, and speckles of white were scattered across her body like snowfall. 

Badger stared back at her, eyes wide "What happened to me? What happened to you?" she asked. Dusk stared down at her- hooves? 

She ran over to a pool of water and stared at her reflection in shock. Her paws had become black hooves, her fur was white as fresh snow, her mane was a mixture of blue black and purple, her eyes were violet, and a key hung from around her neck. A white horn poked out of her head, and feathery wings were attached to her back... She was an alicorn

She glanced around "So we've changed and are in some sort of alternate universe?" She said frowning "None of this makes sense.... I can't logic my way out of this!" She began walking in a random direction "We should look around for food and shelter..."

Badger nodded in agreement, studying the area around them worriedly.  They were both so much vulnerable with their dull hooves, their lack of fangs and claws. "We should find a place to stay quickly, i feel exposed being out in the open.. if there are predators here we would be easy prey..."

Dusk nodded, before tensing. "B-Badger... I see a village. It's like one of those human ones..." she spoke shakily. Images of her dying family flashing through her mind.

Badger froze besides her, "H...Humans? H...Here? I thought there wouldn't be any..." She trembled slightly, glancing around nervously. "I don't see anyplace else to go..."

"Maybe it's abandoned?" Dusk suggested, trying to keep fear from slipping into her voice. 

Badger hesitated before nodding, "Let's hope so..."

Dusk continued leading the way toward the village, trying to ignore her growing fear. Hopefully i'm not leading us into danger... 

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