The Time Traveler (F)

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Name: Corin Lyra

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Nationality: American


Personality: Corrin, like many others with her job, puts up an act of calmness, however, she is definitely more skittish and anxious than others. When things go wrong she's the first to panic and cry. She also hates the idea of ever hurting somebody and has a lot of compassion to give.

Backstory: She lived a normal life in the United States during the early 22nd century. However, as the eldest of her family, her dad slowly forced her into the time travel business to follow in his footsteps. She was hesitant at first, but when she saw the technology to be played with she felt right at home. Unfortunately again, her father pulled her into the agency program which sent her out into the field as an observer. At least she gets to play with the gadgets.

Likes: Technology, People, Sweets.

Dislikes: When things go wrong, hurting others.

Other: She uses a lot of gadgets since it's her favorite part of her job.

Scenario: For you, it was just a normal day, you had lived in Kraków, Poland your whole life, however, you were taking a walk and were a little ways out of town when all of a sudden you saw it. A girl appeared out of nowhere 10 feet in the air before falling head first towards the ground. The last expression you saw on her face was one of panic, and worry. That's when she hit the ground with a thud. What do you do?

Setting: Kraków Poland, August 30th, 1939.

Recommendations: This story might be more interesting if you're a character is an ethnic Pole.

Requirements: You are completely oblivious to the eminent German invasion. Other than that please try and keep the roles and responsibilities of your characters historically accurate. For example, you probably wouldn't find many women soldiers in the Polish army at this time.

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