Adam Drake

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Name: Adam Drake

Nickname: None but sometimes he gets called by his last name.

Age: 2 years old as child same age as Hera Pride & Apollo Maximoff, 14 years old as teenager same age as Hera Pride & Apollo Maximoff.

Gender: Male

Pronoun: He/him

Personality: Handsome, loyal, friendly, impatient, self centered, driven.

Appearance: Black eyes, black hair, white skintone while wearing a white combat shirt & pants, white combat boots.

Hero/villain: Hero

Crush: Trying to figure out who will be his crush.

Weakness: trying to figure out his weakness as well.

Talent/powers: Inhabit the ice powers from his father.

Family members: Robert Drake aka Iceman ( father, X-Men, deceased) Vesta ( mother, Human, deceased), Daisy Singer ( Alive, guardian), Sarah LeBeau (Alive, adaptive younger sister), Cole McCoy ( Alive, adaptive older brother), Athena Summers ( Alive, adaptive older sister), Hera Pride ( Alive, adaptive older sister but same age as Adam), Freya Anderson ( Alive, adaptive older sister), Apollo Maximoff ( Alive, adaptive older brother but same age as Hera & Adam), & Aphrodite T'Challa ( Alive, adaptive younger twin sister)

Backstory: Went with Daisy Singer to Savage land & the other X-Men children's as child. He never know his parents.

X-Men Team: X-Men, Sarah LeBeau, Cole McCoy, Athena Summers, Hera Pride, Freya Anderson, Apollo Maximoff, Emily Barton & Aphrodite T'Challa.

Likes: See Emily Barton as a adaptive older twin sister, see Daisy Singer as a guardian, his adaptive siblings, & gets along well with the next Avengers.

Dislikes: Master Jay & Ultron because they killed both of his parents.

Species: Mutant like his father & inhabit his father X-gene. His mother Vesta was born as a human but his mother married his father.

How Adam Drake met the next Avengers & Emily Barton & her older twin brother Francis: Adam met the next Avengers in Ultron City with his adaptive siblings & he also met Emily Barton & her older twin brother Francis within the Ultron City.

Hero/villain named: Iceman as Hero, Adam took upon his father hero name as well.

Equipment: None

Abilities: Ice

Relationships: Robert Drake aka Iceman ( father, X-Men, deceased), Vesta (mother, human, deceased), Daisy Singer (Alive, guardian), Sarah LeBeau ( Alive, adaptive younger sister), Hera Pride (Alive, adaptive older sister but same age as Hera Pride & Apollo Maximoff), Cole McCoy (Alive, adaptive older brother), Athena Summers ( Alive, adaptive older sister), Freya Anderson ( Alive, adaptive older sister), Apollo Maximoff ( Alive, adaptive older brother but same age as Hera Pride & Adam Drake), & Aphrodite T'Challa ( Alive, adaptive younger twin sister).

Status: Mutant

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