Aphrodite T'Challa

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Name: Aphrodite T'Challa

Nicknamed: Sometimes she gets called by her last name. Aphrodite & her older twin brother Azari is called by little cubs by their father T'Challa. Aphrodite & her older twin brother Azari is called by little mutants by their mother Ororo Monroe.

Age: 1 years old as child same age as her older twin brother Azari T'Challa, 13 years old as teenager same age as her older twin brother Azari T'Challa. Aphrodite is 9 minutes younger than her twin brother Azari.

Gender: female

Pronounced: She/her

Personality: Quite, smart, intelligent, respect, responsible, proud like her parents & older twin brother Azari T'Challa, fighter, thoughtful, royalty, leadership, honest, brave, bright, serious, & disagreeable sometimes.

Appearance: Dark skintone, long blond hair, sky blue eyes while wearing a blue combat suit, black combat suit pants, blue & black combat gloves with claws inside of her gloves, black combat boots, blue & black combat mask also wearing a crown on top of her head as well.

Hero/villain: Hero like her parents & her older twin brother Azari T'Challa.

Crush: trying to figure out who will be her crush as well.

Weakness: trying to figure out her weakness as well.

Talent/powers:  Inhabit lightning from her mother, her entirely uniform can absorb vibrations & its vibranium lacing as well. She also inhabit enhanced senses, reflexes, agility,  enhanced strength, enhanced speed, night vision, enhanced stamina, accelerated healing factor, & extended longevity from her father.

Equipment: Her suit, vibranium claws, & vibranium daggers.

Abilities: Inhabit genius level intellect, master combatant, master tactician, & master acrobat from her father as well.

Relationships: Ororo Monroe ( mother, X-Men, deceased), T'Challa, ( father, Avengers, deceased) & her Azari T'Challa ( 9 minutes older than Aphrodite, older twin brother, Avengers) as well. Daisy Singer ( Alive, guardian), Sarah LeBeau ( Alive, adaptive younger sister), Hera Pride ( Alive, adaptive older sister), Freya Anderson ( Alive, adaptive older sister), Adam Drake ( Alive, adaptive older brother), Athena Summers ( Alive, adaptive older sister), Apollo Maximoff ( Alive, adaptive older brother).

Family members: T'Challa ( father, Avengers, deceased), Ororo Monroe ( mother, X-Men, deceased), Azari T'Challa ( Older twin brother, Alive but thought to be dead many years, Avengers, 9 minutes older than Aphrodite) Azari is the only family member of Aphrodite T'Challa have left, Daisy Singer ( Alive, guardian), Sarah LeBeau ( Alive, adaptive younger sister), Adam Drake ( Alive, adaptive older brother), Cole McCoy ( Alive, adaptive older brother), Athena Summers ( Alive, adaptive older sister), Hera Pride ( Alive, adaptive older sister), Freya Anderson ( Alive, adaptive older sister), & Apollo Maximoff ( Alive, adaptive older brother).

Backstory: Went with Daisy Singer to Savage land & other X-Men children's. She never know her parents & her older twin brother Azari.

X-Men team: Emily Barton, Sarah LeBeau, Adam Drake, Cole McCoy, Athena Summers, Hera Pride, Freya Anderson, & Apollo Maximoff. While her older twin brother Azari is part of the Avengers.

Likes: Her older twin brother Azari, her adaptive X-Men siblings, see Emily Barton as a adaptive older twin sister, see Daisy Singer as a guardian, & gets along well with the next Avengers as well.

Dislikes: Master Jay & Ultron because they killed both of her & her older twin brother Azari parents & she also thought that Master Jay & Ultron killed her older twin brother Azari as well along with their parents.

Species: Aphrodite & her older twin brother Azari  is a mutant like their mother & Aphrodite & her older twin brother Azari inhabit their mother X-gene as well. But Aphrodite & her older twin brother Azari also shown to have the roar of the black panther like their father as well.

Status: Royalty & younger twin princess of Wakanda while her older twin brother Azari is the older twin prince of Wakanda.

How Aphrodite T'Challa met the next Avengers, Emily Barton & her older twin brother Francis Barton, & reunited with her older twin brother Azari T'Challa: Aphrodite met the next Avengers with her adaptive X-Men siblings & she also reunited with her older twin brother Azari T'Challa as well in Ultron City. She also met Emily Barton & her older twin brother Francis Barton within Ultron City with her adaptive X-Men siblings.

How Aphrodite & her older twin brother Azari parents met each other: The X-Men were the allies of the Avengers. T'Challa met their mother at professor X mansion but the professor X wants his X-Men to met the Avengers while Tony wants his Avengers met the X-Men. When T'Challa saw Ororo Monroe & T'Challa fell in love with Ororo Monroe & at the sometime Ororo Monroe saw T'Challa & Ororo Monroe fell in love with T'Challa. Ororo Monroe became the Queen of Wakanda & had twin son & daughter with T'Challa. Aphrodite & her older twin brother Azari can't understand why their parents fell in love with each other & but what Royal Wakandan twins know is that their parents parents love each other & love Aphrodite & her older twin brother Azari as well.

Hero/villain named: Storm as Hero, Aphrodite took upon their mother Hero name as well while her older twin brother Azari took upon their father Hero name as well.

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