Buddyfight Double Arc, Part One: GGG Cup Infiltrated! || Pied Piper's Insanity

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As the GGG Cup begins its tenure, a new and darker world, darker than Darkness Dragon World itself, moves behind the shadows. "The players are set, it's time to party, party~" New people come into play in the first part of the double arc!

New Characters: 

1. Fujin Tamamo ||Pied Piper||

Tamamo is a Cho-Osakan who is aroace, which led to extreme bullying in his hometown. Because of this, Tamamo shows a cold exterior towards others aside from those he cares fiercely about, such as his childhood friend and surrogate younger sister, Fukushima Kana. His favourite card is an Acid Siren card from Magic World, but he doesn't have a Buddy, nor does he have the passion for Buddyfighting, until one day, he and Kana meet...?!

2. Fukushima Kana ||Mad Scientist||

Kana is also a Cho-Osakan, but she is a disabled scientist who resents her family for always neglecting her, leaving Tamamo as the only person who actually cared. Having no arms didn't hold this little scientist back, and she managed to build her own prosthetic arms with Tamamo's help. She too isn't into Buddyfighting, only helping Tamamo with his deck once in a while. That is, until she get a new Buddy, but it's Ashes?!

3. Akihito Ayumi 

Hailing from Cho-Shizuoka, Ayumi comes off as an affable and kind person, yet this 5th grader is a force to be reckoned with when fighting with all her might! She also has a thing for Yunbae and plants. She gets close to Gao and the others via a Buddyfight, but what is her true reason for all this? Could it be related to how she met her Buddy, Soliray? Danger World doesn't seem to be a good fit for her! 

4. Ma Yunbae/Irina

Paruko's cousin from Korea, Yunbae may act perky and excitable on stage, but behind the mask, her conflicted feelings come to life! Just why did she switch worlds? Can she and her Buddy make amends? Perhaps, old wounds can be mended between her and Klaus...

5. Michelle Lee

Calm, strategic, yet as fearsome as a flame, Michelle was friends with Gao and sparred with him often until a certain incident led to their relationship being strained. She is also a tea afficado and will drink it all the time when she can. She and her Buddy, Ririanna are as knit-tight as any other Buddy, but when she and Gao team up in a Tag Team battle, will she find it in her to forgive him for what happened between them?

6. Nacht

An unknown figure...? who are they? How are they related to the new world that's emerged? iNvAlId InFo

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