Episode-32 Love Is In The Air

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Things were going well between them. Too well, Sanskar thought with a twinge of self doubt. Once they got past the awkwardness of their previous argument, Swara chatted about her recent promotion at work and girl things like shoes and dresses. Hell, she could talk about the most boring subject in the world and he'll still be fascinated. Her low, well-modulated voice commanded all of a man's attention, the mole on her left cheek acting like a punctuation mark next to her lips. He'd like to hear that husky alto soprano in the dead of the night, calling out his name in a moment of ecstasy. A voice like that could bring a man to his knees.

As she spoke, he studied her face, admiring the regal sweep of sculpted cheekbones and the smooth flawless skin stretched over them. The black eyes, surrounded by inky lashes sparkled with conviction and cut around the courtyard, taking in details that most people would never notice.
One in a million, he thought. You've hit the damn lottery, Maheshwari.😁😍

Swara- Sanskar? Are you listening to me?

He watched her lips as she spoke,wondering just how long he needed to wait before he kissed.

Sanskar- Take me home with you.

The words slipped from his mouth without forethought.

Sanskar- Let's go back to your place, Swara. Let me make love to you tonight. 😍🙈

The lovely face went pale then flushed an attractive shade of pink, although her expression remained impassive. He lifted her hand to his lips.

Swara- Uhm,I have to work tomorrow.

She bit her lower lip in contemplation.

Swara- But...okay.

Her sudden acquiescence caught him off guard. One minute she was as sharp and unyielding as the edge of his switchblade; the next minute she was as soft and compliant as a down pillow. Once past the careful mask she always wore, he'd witnessed the vulnerability she protected so carefully. As she sat next to him with her hand in his, he felt the overwhelming desire to shield her from wrongdoing, to ward off bas*a*ds like that do*che bag Sameer.

The vibration of the cell phone in his pocket broke the siren spell she had cast. Without looking, he knew who the caller was.
He switched the phone to mute but made the mistake of looking at the text message as he did so.

F*c*! That message could only mean one thing. Kamini had mired herself in deep sh*t and needed him to clean up her mess. Why in h*ll couldn't he be rid of her? The only thing that bound him was his guilt. He knew if didn't go to her, she could wind up dead and it would be his fault. Swara stopped talking mid-sentence, alarmed by his expression. He forced a smile and urged her to continue. The last thing he wanted to do was leave her now when they have just started to make some headway in their relationship.

Swara- Who is that?

Sanskar- It's Kamini -- an old friend.

He frowned at the phone.

Sanskar- She's got problems. Look -- I'm going to have to take a rain check for tonight, but promise me that you'll come to Felony this weekend.

How's the episode?
I know it's a short episode but as you all know how much I love cliffhangers so here it is...😈😁
Will be back with next episode till then keep guessing what's going to happen next😉
Do vote and share your views through comments😊

Happy Valentine's week dear readers and also Happy Valentine's Day in Advance💗

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