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They rumbled through the city, zipping b/w cars & weaving through traffic. Sanskar handled the heavy fat boy with a care & reverence that made her feel safe despite the rushing pavement beneath them. As they left the concrete & steel of the city behind them, the temperature cooled & Swara's tension began to ease. Traffic thinned out until they travelled alone on the road. Factories, bus stops, & people disappeared to be replaced by miles of white fence, cows, and rolling medows. She held tight to Sanskar's waist, her fingers hooked in his belt for added security, her inner thighs squeezing around his slim hips & the rock hard muscles of his legs. Eyes closed, she savored the caress of the wind through her hair, & the vibration of finely tuned machine beneath her. The energy & strength of Sanskar's body seeped into her with every passing mile. With him next to her it was easy to imagine that she was someone else, living someone else's life, without a care in the world.

He pulled off the road at a copse of aged oak trees. The road narrowed into an overgrown access trail that curved beneath the gnarled branches. The midsummer heat disipated in the shade of the lacy canopy. Sunlight dappled the path, interspersing patches of warmth with the coolness. The scent of damn earth & fresh water filled the air. After a few minutes, they emerged from tress into a clearing of vibrant green grass dotted with violet and dandelions & patches of blue & white phlox. Beyond the meadow lay the shore of a lake, its surface grassy smooth, reflecting the azure blue of a cloudless summer sky. The motorcycle rolled to a stop. Sanskar put down the kickstand & climbed off b4 extending a hand to help her dismount. In less than an hour, they had left behind the constraints of their lives & been transported to an idyllie world where there were no rules & no prying eyes to judge. They were miles from anywhere & completely alone.

☆☆Word Stock☆☆

1) reverence- deep respect for someone or something.

2) pavement- a raised paved or asphalted path for pedestrains at the side of a road.

3) medows- a piece of grassland, especially one used for hay.

4) gnarled- knobbly, rough, & twisted, especially with age.

5) disipated- (of a person or way of life) overindulging in sensual pleasure.

6) canopy- the uppermost branches of the trees in forest in a forest, forming a more or less continuous layer of foilage.

7) dappled- marketed with spots ofmr rounded patches.

8) interspersing- scatter among or b/w other things; place here & there.

9) dandelions- a widely distributed weed of the daisy family, with a rosette of leaves & large bright yellow flowers followed by globular heads of seeds with downy tufts.

10) phlox- a North American plant that typically has dense clusters of colorful scented flowers, widely grown as an alpine or border plant.

11) azure- a bright blue color.

12) dismount- get off of anything that one is riding.

13) constraints- a limitation or restriction.

14) idyllie- like an idyll; extremly happy, peaceful or pictutesque.

Thanks for bearing me in another boring Part😞😞😞
Will try to update soon😥😥

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