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She scooted away from him, seeking to put few inches of daylight b/w his thigh & hers. He tightened his grip on her hand and pulled her back to him.

Sanskar- Where are you going? Get back over here.😬

She aquiesced and had to admit that it felt good to sit next to him with his hand on her thigh as if she belonged there.

Sanskar- I'm nothing like that douche bag & it pisses me off that you think so.

He placed a forefinger under her chin & tipped her face upto his, dark eyes narrowed.

Sanskar- He played you. He lied to you and cheated on you. He had made promises that he had no intention of keeping. I, on te other hand, have been nothing but straight up from start. I'm not promising you anything but a night that you'll never forget.

She swallowed hard. He wasn't kidding. The dark eyes bored into hers, unblinking & serious. Her heart kicked against her ribs. One night of sin with Sanskar. No commitment, no promises. Just hot, sweaty, headboard-banging s*x. The notion sucked every bit of moisture from her mouth and sent blood roaring into her nether parts. Only a fool would turn down an offer like that. She might be a lot of things, but stupid wasn't one of them.

Swara-Well? Ineresting points, all of them.

She said, stalling for time while she gathered her wits. Sweat trickled b/w her br*a*ts. The breeze had dissipated & left the atmosphere humid & heavy. The excellent wine intensified the heat.

Sanskar- Well?

He repeated.

Sanskar- Any objections?

Swara- Yes, a few.

She replied, still breathless.

Swara- First, I don't want to be one of your sad little groupies.

He said nothing but a muscle ticked in his jaw.

Swara- Second...

She paused to gather her courage & he interrupted.

Sanskar- May I rebut each point as we go?

He asked politely.
She nodded.

Sanskar- Great. Well, you wouldn't be one of my sad little groupies, as you call them, unless you wanted to be. That's on them not me. I don't ask them to make fools out of themselves. They do it all on their own.

Swara- Maybe, but you treat them like they're disposable. I have too much self-respect to subject myself to that kind of treatment again.

Sanskar- If I didn't respect you, we wouldn't be here right now. I would be off in pursuit of a sad little groupie. Give me a chance to show you how much I like you.

Swara- Why do you like me, Sanskar? I mean, why me? I'm not your typical target, I just don't get it.

He leaned back on his hand, considering.

Sanskar- You mean besides the obvious things like you're big b**bs?

She rolled her eyes & he grinned.

Sanskar- I like the way you call me out whenever I say something like that. Most girls put up with anything I say even when I can tell they don't agree. I like that & I like that you've got your shit together. You don't need a man. You can take care of yourself. I like the way your black eyes flash when you're pissed but you don't want to show it.

The timber of hos voice deepened as he trailed a hand up the length of her calf.

Sanskar- And I like the way your breath catches when I touch the back of your knee like this.

Swara- I do like thta.

She whispered. The pressure of those two fingers made her heart pound with desire.

Sanskar- So what else have you got? Might as well get it all out on the table.

She sucked in her breath & tried to concentrate as his fingers tickled the sensitive skin behind her knee. A pleasant heat was building beneath her skin, brought about by the gentle pressure of his fingers and the wine.

Swara- So let's say that I do sleep with you. How do I know that I won't catch some hideous STD? How many girls have you been with anyway?

Sanskar- A gentleman never tells.

He admonished. Unfazed by her look of doubt, he continued.

Sanskar- I get tested on a regular basis & I always, always use a c*nd*m. I was just tested a few weeks ago. I'm clean as a newborn baby- well, almost- & I haven't been with anyone since.

Dimples flashed.😄

Sanskar- Okay? Next issue?

Swara- Alright. Good answer.

She rushed her words together.

Swara- The thing is...I don't believe in casual s*x & I just don't like it that much. S*x should be b/w two people in a relationship that...

Sanskar- ...are in love, blah, blah, blah.

He interrupted by raising his hand, a small twig caught b/w thumb & forefinger like a cigarette.

Sanskar- We'll come back to that later. Now...let's go back to that second thing. What was that again?

Swara- What?

She pretended ignorance & clapped an invisible hand to her forehead.
I can't believe I said that, that second thing. I shouldn't have said that.
Especially to Sanskar who treated s*x as sporting event & who would never let it rest until he had thoroughly inspected, analyzed, & driven it into the ground.

Sanskar- The second thing you said. You don't like s*x? Are you kidding me? Christ!

He seemed thoroughly nonplussed by the confession.

Sanskar- How can you not like s*x? Jez!

He dropped the twig & ran both hands through his hair.

Swara- It's not that I don't- don't like it.

She stammered hopelessly humiliated once again.

Swara- I can do with it, that's all. Girls aren't like guys. Guys need it. All I can every really think about it how soon it will be over. I've done it.
The excellent wine had loosen her tongue and once she'd said way too much to the beautiful bartender.

Precap- Wait for next update😆😂

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Note- Next update will be Private🙈😉

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