Part- 27 His Thoughts- Personal & Professional

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Sanskar signed the last vendor payment cheque, shoved it into an envelope and threw his pen down onto the desk with a groan. The stake of invoices on the office desk at Peterson's Pub was just as large if not larger than the one at Felony. Both establishments were hemorrhaging money in a way that meant certain death if he didn't do something soon. His uncle, Durga Prasad,had entrusted Sanskar with the care of both businesses while DP finished out a short vaccation. That was a sanitized expression that his family used to describe DP's two-year sentence to a minimum security prison in upstate New York.

He shoved his hair back through his hair & pushed back from the desk. It wasn't hus fault that Peterson & Felony were in such dire straits. Both places had taken a financial hit when the inflow of DP's book making funds came to an abrupt halt. God only knew what other types of illegal businesses DP had been running out of the back rooms. The idea infuriated Sanskar to the point that his vision turned red around the edges. If DP had put half as much effort into a running business as he had put into skirting the edges of the law, Peterson's & Felony would be viable, profitable enterprises.

All of this was old news. Most of his unreasonable anger stemmed from his encounter by the lack with Swara & had been channeled at DP as a distraction. He just couldn't get over the way things ended with Swara. What had been planned as a meaningless s*xual romp had left him empty & bitter. No one was more surprised than him to learn that he wanted more than just a roll in the hay with her, but he had no idea how to go establishing a deeper relationship with her. A dozen times each day, he had dialed her number then hung up b4 the first ring. His cowardice pissed him off.

He scrumped his face again & stood from the desk, paced back & forth a few times b4 donning the black dress pants, crisp white shirt, & red bow tie that made an Peterson's uniform. The itchy two-day stubble on his chin begged for a shave, but he didn't had the time or the motivation. Why did he torture himself over a girl who wasn't interested in someone like him? Her words echoed in his every waking thought. You are so not my type. What exactly was her type anyway? A tight-a*sed, douche bag like Sameer? He snorted with contempt for himself & honey-a*sed, Sameer. Maybe she needed a new type. Maybe he needed to convince her that he could be exactly what she needed.

Precap- Mother-Daughter meet...

How's the episode?

I know it's boring but it was needed to clear Sanskar & his Bar's background with his feelings about Swara.

Lastly, Sorry for late update🙏 I got busy with judging Swasan awards.

And a great news...This ff is on 44th Rank in Bar out of 986 😄😄😄

Thanks alot readers for your support it wouldn't be possible without you guys ...

Next update will be super long😃😃😃

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