A New Bet

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RAW After Royal Rumble
Liv's POV

Me and the Squad show up to the arena and go straight to Hunter and Stephanie's office. When we walk in, we're welcomed with smiles and handshakes. Seriously, those two may play heels on tv, but they are nice as hell.

Hunter: How are you guys liking SmackDown?

Dori: It's pretty good, sir. Can't complain.

Stephanie: I grew up with Shane, I wouldn't blame you if you did.

We all laugh a little, then Hunter reaches into his desk. He pulls out three folders and puts them on the desk, separating them so that one goes to Sarah, one to Dori, and one to me. We open them cautiously and see RAW contracts and the plans for us when we make the switch.

Stephanie: In a few months, we want you three to move over here to the Red Brand.

Hunter: Tonight, you guys are gonna shoot a match for Main Event to kickoff things for the crowd. The rest of the night, try and get to know some of the roster here, and be ready for anything.

Dori: Thank you guys, so much.

Stephanie: Thank you. Now go get ready, you guys are up first.

We thank them, shake hands and all that stuff, then leave the office. As we're walking, I lock eyes with the Big Dog himself. My cheeks flush and I feel myself getting flustered.

Caleb's POV

Duncan: Your girl's here.

He says with his mouth slightly full of food. At least he had the decency to put his hand in front of his mouth incase anything came flying outta there. I look over to where he nodded and lock eyes with Liv. She freezes up temporarily, then smiles and gives a little wave.

Since my hands are busy holding my burger, I send a wink her way. Look, if she wants to play a flirty game, I'll play along. Who knows, I might actually learn how to flirt. I know how to talk shit and hit people, but flirting isn't exactly my forte. Most of the "flirting" I've ever done was on screen to make me seem more confident or something.

Duncan: Did you call her?

Me: What in the span of twelve hours between her giving me the number and now? No, I didn't call her.

Pamela: Call who?

Duncan: The Problem Child.

Pamela: Oh, Gio?

Duncan: What?

Pamela: Gio...as in Gionna...her real name...

She says, pausing to see if we start tracking with the information she's giving. Unfortunately for her, this is the first time we've heard her real name. Clearly if we'd heard it in the past, we definitely weren't paying attention.

Pamela: Her name is Gionna Daddio, she's from New Jersey, and she's single. She used to date Enz-

Me: Ah hell no!

Duncan starts laughing, nearly choking on his food. Pam looks at me with a raised eyebrow while I shake my head.

Me: There ain't no way HE got HER!

Pamela: What's that supposed to mean?

Me: Don't play cheeky like you ain't got eyes, Pam. Look at Liv...Gionna...whatever her name is! Look at her...then look at that Enzo guy...

Pamela: I was surprised too-

Me: Surprised!? I'm fuckin' flabbergasted over here!

Duncan laughs harder, coughing more now. He waves his hand around a little, causing me to smile as I watch his shoulders bounce with laughter.

Pamela: Was that your plan?

Me: It wasn't at first, but seeing him laugh like this brightens the day up, don't it?

Pamela: Sure does...

She says dreamily. I ignore her and look over to where Liv-...Gionna is. She's standing at an angle from me, so I'm looking at her right side. Just on the outline alone, let's just say I get why Enzo went for it. She's got a lot going for her. The Problem Child turns and sees me looking at her. I smirk and now it's her turn to send a wink my way.

Five Minutes Before Showtime

I walk around the arena towards the gorilla, where I see the Riotts preparing for a match. I look at the card on the wall and see it's for Main Event, then go over to Gionna since she's sitting alone, unwrapping a Jolly Rancher.

Me: Not gonna say hey to me?

She giggles a little while still looking down at the blue piece of candy. Then, she looks up at me with a playful smile.

Gionna: I would've gotten around to it eventually...

Me: Is that right? Got any new bets?

She pops the candy in her mouth, looks up at the ceiling, and looks like she's thinking. She puts the candy against the inside of her cheek and smiles at me. Her eyes meet mine as she looks back at me.

Gionna: Double or nothing. If I win, I get two dates with the Big Dog.

Her answer makes me grin and chuckle silently. I look down at the ground and nod a couple times, then look back at her.

Me: And if I win, that's two expensive places you gotta take me.

Gionna: You better win, Big Dog. I'd like four dates.

Producer: Alright, Riotts, you guys are up.

She hops off the crate and steps into the gorilla, her hips swinging a bit more dramatically like she does during her entrance. I shake my head and walk back to the locker room where Duncan's warming up.

Duncan: Your girl's lookin' pretty good in there. Not as good as Sarah though.

Me: Two ain't enough for you?

Duncan: Hey, if Pam brings her instead of Mercedes, I gotta be ready.

Me: If wrestling doesn't work, you could make bank as a professional idiot.

Duncan, laughing: Part time. If this don't work out, your boy's gonna start strippin'.

Me: Don't ever say that again, please.

We both laugh a bit loudly and watch the Riotts fight in 6-Women Tag match against a couple of people from NXT. It's for Main Event, so it's being recorded tonight but won't air for a minute. Sure enough, Duncan was...and I say this only because I agree with him...right. Liv...Gionna...whichever...is looking great out there. At the end of the match, she hits that fancy Codebreaker thing she does and the legal person on the other team is knocked out cold.

Liv covers and gets the three, getting the W for the Riott Squad. Duncan drinks some water, then pours the rest of the bottle on his head to make him look sweatier.

Me: Tear it down, big man.

We fist bump and he goes out to have his match with Kane after the Asuka segment finishes. Sasha came out during, said she's ready for Asuka (she isn't), and now they're scheduled to face off. Unfortunately, the commercial break takes up the early going of Duncan's match with Kane and another one takes up part of the middle of the match, making it seem really short. I stand up and leave the locker room and get in position with Kurt as we wait on Duncan to finish the match, which he does by flipping the stage and announce table on top of Kane. As I'm waiting back there, the Riotts pass by.

Gionna: I won my half, Big Dog. Your turn.

As she walks away with a smile, I shake my head and look up. Kurt's standing there laughing and waves a finger between the two of us.

Kurt: There something going on between you two?

Me: Not yet.

Kurt, smirking: But you want there to be, don't you?

Me: Wouldn't hate it.

Kurt: I didn't realize I was talking to the Big Dog right now. I'm not sure what's going on, but take it from me, don't wait too long to shoot your shot. It'll bite you in the ass.

I nod at his wisdom, then see the camera crew approach us. I hide out of frame as Duncan gets ready to come through the doorway.

Gionna's POV

We get back to the locker room in time to see the segment after Duncan's match with Kane. Duncan storms into the hallway and Kurt starts yelling, demanding to know if Duncan can go one week without injuring any talent.

Kurt: This needs to stop!

The Big Dog, my not-completely-secret celebrity crush, walks into frame and looks up at Duncan. The two lock eyes and it's clear there's still a metric fuckton of animosity between the two men. Roman, even in his relaxed state, is glaring daggers at Duncan.

Roman: I'll put a stop to it...right after I take the Intercontinental Championship off the Miz.

Duncan: What is it you told me last night...if you win tonight, I'm first.

The Big Dog shakes his head and steps up to Duncan Blake more.

Roman: When I win tonight, you'll get your match...and I'll put the Monster down.

Kurt manages to get in between the two and keep them from attacking each other. The men don't even acknowledge Kurt's presence. Instead, they just turn and walk their separate ways. The RAW General Manager stands alone and looks in either direction, then shakes his head.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

It's time for the match and Roman stands on the stage, looking around for a minute. The Miztourage stand in the ring with Miz as Romulus makes his way down to the ring. Once they're in the ring and they've already been announced, the match is officially underway. Miz tries to run for a strike, then Romulus uppercuts the hell out of him.

Roman stomps him into a corner, sends him to two other corners, and repeats the process. He runs for a clothesline, only to be hit with a boot from Miz. The Awesome One goes for several chops, but Roman doesn't look fazed by any of them. Each chop slaps against his chest, but it looks like it just angers him. With another uppercut, Miz is knocked back down to the mat. When he gets back up, he's backed up into the ropes with a headbutt before being clotheslined over, just like how Romulus eliminated him from the Royal Rumble match last night.

Despite the Miztourage trying to protect Miz, Roman walks towards them and they back away. Romulus grabs Miz and throws him into the steps, then throws Miz into the ring. The Awesome One tries to use the ropes to get back up, then Roman clotheslines him over the top rope and send him to the outside again. Seeing the Miztourage protect Miz, Roman comes out of the ring and grabs a chair, backing the Miztourage away from the ring and up the ramp. He turns his attention back to the Miz, then raises the chair above his head. Just when everyone thinks he's about to throw the title away by getting disqualified, the unexpected happens.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Duncan Blake steps out onto the stage with his arms crossed. Roman tosses the chair down, rolls into the ring to break the count, and rolls back out. Miz takes advantage and knocks Roman into the post as they cut to commercial.

After the commercial finishes, Roman is caught by Miz in a sleeper. Romulus powers his body up, Miz slips out of his grasp and goes for a Skull-Crushing Finale. Romulus reverses it and hoists Miz up, flattening him back down to the mat with a Samoan Drop only he can make look that good.

Duncan stands at ringside and watches as the two men go toe-to-toe. The men in the ring trade blows and Roman's bad knee starts causing him problems. Enough for Miz to take advantage and lock in the Figure-4. Roman spends several minutes in the hold, his cries of pain roaring throughout the arena. He manages to roll over and reverse the pressure, but has to let go after Miz gets to the ropes.

Miz goes for a second one not too long later, but Romulus kicks him away. He reaches down and grabs the Miz's fallen body, then pulls him all the way off the ground with one arm. He plants him back down with a single-arm powerbomb, nearly sending Miz through the mat.

I watch him move as if it's slow motion. His muscles flexing as he lifts a fully grown man off the ground, into the air, then planting him back down with tremendous force. He only gets a two-count from it and rolls away. Miz crawls over to the corner while the ref checks on Roman. The Awesome One goes to undo the ties on the middle turnbuckle, but Duncan grabs him by the wrist and snatches the Miz's hand away.

Roman heads over to them and gets a desperate thumb to the eye, making him stumble backwards. Miz gets behind him and hits him with a Skull-Crushing Finale.

He rolls Roman over, but only gets a count of two. Just as the ref's hand almost hits the ground, Roman's shoulder pops up. I let out a slight audible cheer as he does, earning a few weird looks from some of the others.

Miz tries to set up for another one, but Romulus drives him back into the corner, then connects with a back elbow. Miz counters another strike by Roman, hits the ropes, then is completely floored by a Superman Punch, only for it to be another near-fall.

The Miztourafe returns and before Romulus can lay waste to them, Duncan runs through them both. Roman gets distracted by the assist and is rolled up by Miz. 1...2...Kick out! Miz is so stunned by the kick out, he quickly rolls out of the ring by the announce table. While he does, Duncan walks over to the corner Roman's at and starts barking instructions and, oddly enough, words of encouragement.


Roman shakes the cobwebs free for a second as Miz comes back into the ring with a chair. Romulus stands up and runs towards him. Miz swings, but misses wildly as Roman ducks beneath it. He hits the other set of ropes and nearly cuts Miz in half with a Spear!

1! 2! 3! I stand up and cheer as they announce the winner and NEEEEWWWWW INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION...ROMAN ROMULUSSSS!!!

Dori, laughing: Easy, Livvy.

Sarah: What're you so happy about? Your boytoy won a title, so what?

Me: I'm not happy about the damn title! I just scored four dates with the Big Dog!

Dori: Is that what you were talking about?

Me: Mmhmm...

My mind wanders as I look at the screen. Roman stands with the belt in his hands and looks down at Duncan Blake. The Monster gestures towards the Miztourage and mouths "you're welcome" before heading back up the ramp backwards.

Lexi: So you and Samo, huh? He could use a girl like you to get him out of his comfort zone.

I smile at the thought, but deep down, I doubt it. I put those thoughts aside and get ready to meet him after the show.

After the Show
Caleb's POV

Duncan and Pam are talking as we walk to the car. I see the Riotts and Gionna comes over towards us. She has a large victory grin on her face as she walks over to us.

Gionna: Four dates, Big Dog. Sure you can handle that?

Me: Sure am. Can't promise I'll put out on the third though.

I say jokingly. She laughs a little, but covers it with her hand. Gionna brushes her hair out of her face and smiles.

Gionna: Who said I'll put out?

Me: No one. Just keeping you from being disappointed.

Gionna: You that bad?

Me: If I knew, I wouldn't tell you.

We both laugh until we're cut off by Duncan and Pamela's conversation getting louder.

Duncan: I'm not getting VIP tickets for just two of us! If we're paying that much, we might as well make it a special ordeal.

Gionna: What're they talking about?

Me: Tickets to some rapper dude. Kendrick or something.

Gionna: Kendrick Lamar?

Me: Yeah, that sounds about right.

Gionna: Sounds like a great first date to me!

Me: What!? No, no-

Pamela: Awesome! Double date it is!

Duncan: I'll get the tickets...

He says begrudgingly, not wanting to spend a shit ton of money on one event. Pamela and Gionna start walking to the car, talking about the concert, while we stand there.

Duncan: You're getting her back for that, right?

Me: You bet your ass I am. I still don't know who the hell this guy is.

Duncan: Yeah, I know. At least I won't be there alone.

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