#1- Date

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      I had no idea what was making me get so nervous. I had snuck out of the house more times than I could count- so why was it this time that made my ears hot and goosebumps travel up my arms? It was only that I was going on a date with the schools perfect, esteemed, and heterosexual Jace Harrington. He was everything my parents had begged for growing up- football, amazing grades, attractive sense of style mixed with respect and grace. They wanted someone who had friends, had girlfriends, good relationships with classmates and neighbors. Someone who got special treatment and shortcuts from adults in life- but it wasn't like I didn't... just a different kind of special treatment. I paced across my room, my hand holding my chin, glancing at myself in the mirror as I kept walking by. It would be fine, right? The anxiety prickled my stomach like a cactus. I stopped, glancing out the window and then at the clock, swearing when it had only been 34 seconds since I had last looked at the clock. I rubbed my pale hands together- blowing into them before rushing to his bathroom to check my hair. With a wave of panic, I saw my messed up my hair in my worry. Oh gosh, was I sweating? That nervous, huh. I cursed at myself, washing my hands to stop making them feel so clammy and going back out to my room and stopping for a moment. I glanced at myself in the mirror. Was grey really the best hair choice for this month's annual "finding more ways to piss off my parents that they can't do anything about?"
 I heard the door open, and close softly. So, my mother was sneaking out when his father took his daily six o'clock nap. I didn't care- I heard my mom disappear at six ever since I was six. I shook my head- I didn't worry about what my mother did these days. It was obvious my dad had been oblivious to my mother's affairs for a very long time.
With shaky fingers, I picked up my phone, wallet and keys, grabbing my grey hoodie and sliding downstairs. After years of practice of stealing Oreos, I knew every creak in the stairs- and more importantly, where not to step. I made it downstairs without a sound and slipped outside, a mix of orange and red plastered under my footsteps as the weather reminded us of how fast this year had gone by. The wind violently tried to tug me, and in self defense I pulled my hoodie's hood over my head. Almost as soon as I put my things into my pockets and took a deep breath to calm myself down, an old station wagon pulled up, with a pink haired boy grimacing.
"Hey, I wasn't late, was I?"
"Nope, right on time. Well, at least enough to freeze my ass off." I teased, opening the door and sliding in.
"Rude, I know I was right on time."
"Drive Late Harrington." I teased, as I slid my seat belt on.

"Oh." Jace murmured, and I scoffed at him.
"What's that look for?"
"I just... I didn't imagine your parents being what they are."
"Just because you're somehow attracted to bad boys, my parents being police captain and a lawyer doesn't mean anything."
"Who said I had anything to do with bad boys?" Jace muttered in annoyance, but the slight pink on his cheeks said otherwise. I leaned against the table, sliding his drink out of the way of his face so I could look at him.
"Well, Jace, we haven't really been friends through high school. Second, I don't have the greatest reputation. Thirdly, the fact that it took you a million years to ask me out."
"What, you knew that I wanted to go on a date with you?"
I stared at him for a moment. Maybe this wasn't the best time to tell him I thought he was seeking me out because he wanted to beat me up. Actually, when he cornered me behind the school, I could not have expected him asking for my number. I think I only gave it to him because I realized his efforts.
"Well, duh. You aren't really conspicuous, you know. I saw you watching me, following me... kinda cute, actually."
Jace looked down as he got slightly redder, shaking his head. "You're wrong though. I think... sure, bad boys are great. But I don't know why people label you as one, and the fact they do it so fast. I mean, I was just curious. I guess I started to like you a bit... I mean, we do have a class together."
"Yeah, but it's full of your homophobic friends. I'm just surprised I'm even sitting here right now. It's been so long since I've been... On like, a proper date."
"Yeah, I haven't either." Jace swirled around his straw, and I suddenly was worried I was either boring him or he realized this was a bad mistake. But... he could just be as nervous as I was. Sure, I hated Jace at times, plenty- well, more like his friends. It was never specifically him. I did genuinely think he was attractive, and I was more curious to where this was going to lead more then anything. It wasn't like Jace could do anything to me now- I was already out at school, so he couldn't spoil that, and if he got beat up or hurt, he would just not come to school until everyone forgot about it and him.
 "How do you feel about all of this?" I asked. 
"I guess I've never had a chance to come to terms about my sexuality. I'm still not sure... I'm just really confused." Jace murmured, and I wondered why he was getting shyer and shyer as the night went on. This didn't seem like his personality at all. "I don't know if I can do confused, Jace." I answered honestly, and I winced as his head snapped up.
"So you're saying this isn't for nothing?"
"What- I accepted your offer to go on a date, didn't I?" I scoffed again, smiling while shaking my head as Jace sputtered and tried to figure out his words. "Well... then I'm not confused. Curious." I could only think that it was an interesting choice in words for a first date with a guy you barely knew. 

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