The Girls

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Name: Alex

Last: Winter

Age: 17

Personality: Introvert (True personality, hides it) Kind, Caring, Serious, Thoughtful, Loyal, Trustworthy, Sensitive, Sporty, Childish


Backstory: Alex is from a rich family, her father owned a big company until one day he got killed on his way home from work. Alex was with him but was able to run away after her father commanded her to. She was depressed but decided to hide her pain

Likes: Music, Football, Cricket, Swimming, Books, Snow, Animals, Sweets, Taking pictures with her camera

Dislikes: Violence, Pain, Blood, Abuse, Suffering, Rape, Spiders, Her Depression


• Hides how she truly feels from everyone

• Her height is 5'6

• She has a Older brother called Jacob that is Gabriel's age

• She knows all of the boys:

Shay and Kyle are her cousins

Oliver is Shay's best friends so she is close to him

Cameron and Alex are childhood friends

Gabriel is her brothers best friend


Name: Crystal

Last: Goodman

Age: 17

Personality: Brave, Stubborn, Kind, Caring, Thoughtful, Loyal, Trustworthy, Adventurous, Oblivious to flirting


Backstory: When Crystal was 5 she was crossing the road with her mother and older brothers. She tripped as her mother and older brothers made it across the road, a car was coming as she stood up. Her mother ran and pushed Crystal to her brothers but she got hit and died at that moment

Likes: Music, Books, Sweets, Cooking, Snow, The outside, Animals, Skateboarding, Running, Earphones

Dislikes: Violence, Pain, Blood, Abuse, Suffering, Rape, Bullies, Cars


• Has a male husky called Max who would protect Crystal with his life if needed

• When she was 14 she broke her arm while skateboarding

• Terrified of loud noises like car horns and sirens

• Her height is 5'5


Name: Morgan

Last: Baker

Age: 17

Personality: Cold (at first), Kind, Smart, Thoughtful, Loyal, Trustworthy, Stubborn, Quiet, Secretive (At first)


Backstory: Morgan grew up with an older sister who was a famous idol before she got kidnapped, raped and killed when Morgan was only 7. After that day Morgan decided she was going to continue what her sister started. At the age of 13 she was as famous as her sister was

Likes: Singing, Dancing, Books, Reading, Flowers, Animals, Sweets, Cherry blossoms, Snow, Video games, Music

Dislikes: Violence, Pain, Blood, Abuse, Suffering, Rape, Flirts, Kidnappers, Death 


• Has trust issues

• On stage she puts on a childish mask

• Her stage name is Blue because of her hair

• She hides she's an idol

• Her height is 5'4


Name: Skie

Last: Starlight

Age: 16

Personality: Kind, Sweet, Caring, Loving, Loyal, Thoughtful, Stubborn, Energetic, Antisocial (if it's not about games/anime)


Backstory: At a young age Skie's parents wanted her to be extremely smart and get the best grades but she found Video games, Anime and Manga and fell in love with them. When she didn't live up to her parents expectations they abandoned her. She now lives with her cousin and his adopted parents

Likes: Video games, Anime, Manga, Snow, Animals, Books, Lollipops, Music

Dislikes: Violence, Pain, Blood, Abuse, Suffering, Rape, Bullies, Studying 


• Wears purple glasses when she gets a headache or reads

• Her cousin is Oliver

• Has a little brother, called Austin, who is 5. He has white hair and pink eyes.

• Her height is 5'3

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