Chapter: 15

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Do you know BTS?: What's the color of your dress?

My eyebrows scrunched in a deep frown.
Why would he ask me that?

Don't tell me he wants to match.

“What? Who is it? You look like you found out how to be normal,” my mom asked.

I glanced at her and shake my head, walking over to the couch.

White. I replied.

After a minute my phone blinked again.

But I checked it after two minutes.

Do you know BTS?: Okay, we will be there.

I didn't reply to that.

The bell rang and I unlock the door, putting on a smile.

It was my dance team and some other friends along with Emma and Dae.

They both engulfed me in a hug.

“I want to sit as soon as possible!" Dae exclaimed shaking his head in distress.


“I feel dizzy seeing you this hot!" He grinned, I slap his back and rolled my eyes.

They all walk in admiring the house.

“Hello, I am Y/N's mother," my mom said walking elegantly into the living room.

“Woah, you look more like her sister," Jules stated with wide eyes.

That's the Soohee effect.

“Now I see why you are so beautiful Y/N," Aera smiles at me. I winked at her.

“Sit down please," I motion them to take the seat.

My mom also invited some neighbors. She became friends with a handful of them, except that trash can lady of course.

“Hello, ladies! Meet my daughter Y/N," the mother introduced me.

“I am Han Y/N. Nice to meet you all," I bow politely.

“Oh my, you know I love that fight in the store. That bitch needed a lesson!" A lady who was tall with a slender frame said.

I glared at my mom, she might as well broadcast the clip on an international news channel.

Mom rolled her eyes saying, “I didn't say anything. She was in the store when you fought."


Soon my mom became busy addressing them while I join my friends.

“Valentine's day is coming soon," Jihee said.

“Oh thanks, I didn't know Jihee," I mumbled and she rolled her eyes while others chuckle.

“Who doesn't have dates on Valentine's night?" Hara asked looking around the group.

Few boys and two girls, along with me Emma and Dae set our hands up, proudly.

“How are you living guys? Every queen needs a king! What's a Queen without a king?" Aerum said dramatically.

“Historically speaking, better," I siped on my sprite, and ‘oh' erupts in the room.

We chat a lot, danced and sang. Later my mother's friends left after having some snacks so did mine, except Dae and Emma.

Later Park Hye Jin and his daughter arrived.

I smile at them, the girl looks so cute.

“Mom, look who's here!" I yelled from the living room. My mom appears in the kitchen doorway and I swear I saw her blush when she looked at him.

“Hello Soohee and Y/N," he smiled. He was dressed in a burgundy shirt which was neatly tugged in his pants. He slipped his shining boots off. His wrist was wrapped in a silver branded watch.

Rich! More reasons to be cautious of him.

I mean I don't have anything against him. But he is trying to flirt with my mom. I just don't want her to go through the same pain again.

“Hey, you fine?" Dae nudged my shoulder. I nodded.

“She is my daughter Hyerin. She is 7 years old," he introduced his little daughter.

I girl smiles and hugged her dad's leg, hiding her face.

“Ahh...someone blushing I see," I said teasing her more.

She giggles cutely.

“Sorry she is just a very shy type," he said with a chuckle.

“Exactly opposite of you," my mom commented.

“Yeah. You are looking extremely gorgeous Soohee," he compliments my mom making her cheeks go rosy.

Woah. That's new.

“Okay, I will take this innocent girl away from you. Can't let her hear you two flirt," I said earning a slap on my back.

I just laugh and held my hand out for  Hyerin.

“Come, I will give you cake," I said. She looks at her dad for permission.

“Go with Unnie, she is very nice," he told her pushing her forward.

She smiled and holds my hand.

I felt envious, seeing her with her dad.

I brush off the thoughts and led her to the couch and she sits.

“Hii cupcake," Dae said with his cute dimple smile.

She gasps, “His dimples are like Namjoon Oppa."

“You like BTS?!" Emma asked excitedly.

“Yes! I love them," she exclaimed and we laugh at her cuteness.

“So you like my dimples more or Namjoon Oppa's dimple more?" Dae asked her, expectedly.

“I never touched his dimple or yours how I can choose?" She frowned.

Woah she is smart.

Dae gave me a look saying another one like you. I roll my eyes.

“What if you get to touch his dimples today?" I asked her.

Her eyes gleamed and she smiles showing her teeth.

“I will give you all my toys if it happens!!" She yelled.

“Don't yell Hyerin they can hear you," her dad told her from the kitchen.

“Hehehe sorry"

The bell rings and I know it's them.

“Okay now be ready!" I told Hyerin and walk over to the door.

I take a deep breath. I was seeing them again. The fact they are now my friends seems like a dream.

I swung the door open and was ambushed in a hug.

“Hello to you Tae!" I laugh patting his back.

He pulled away and flashed his boxy smile.

Man, he is so fine.

“I miss you really," he told me.

“I did too and so did someone else," I whisper the last part gesturing at Emma, who was avoiding glancing at him.

Taehyung bloomed and quietly strolled in.

I glanced at other members, welcoming them with a smile.

“Hii Y/N!"  They all say in unison.

Their pretty faces were covered with masks, they take it off though stepping in. Even I put my heels away for a moment. They mistreat our feet.

“You look pretty," Hobi hyung said.

“ don't mind if I call you all hyung right? I find Oppa a little weird," I asked them.

“Yeah. We both are fine with it," Jin hyung gestured at Namjoon who nodded in approval.

I look at the two maknaes.

“You can just me Jimin," Jimin said with a smile that made me flush.

“Just Jungkook or Justin seagull," he wiggled his brows and I chuckled.

Finally, I look at him.

My heart leaps.


He was dressed from head to toe in black.

Why did he ask me if he wasn't gonna twin?

But man, he looks so hot and handsome. His black silk shirt was loosely tugged in his raven jeans, exposing the smooth pale skin of his chest. He secured the tight jeans with a black leather belt. His wrist was clad with a black wristwatch and donned some silver on his lanky fingers.

His eyes met mine and I feel my heart thumping more loudly. His eyes were like the fog on a winding road, blurring my vision and muddling my sense of direction. I was abided by his gaze, he didn't move a muscle not, did I.

“You can stare at him later you know, just let them In already"

I jumped out of my daze and darted my eyes from him, bestowing a glare on Tae.

“S-sorry please come in!" I stepped aside.

Yoongi tilts his head and a corner of his mouth curves up. His slow-walked-in, his hand brushes against mine as he passes by, shooting electric waves to my heart. I look at him, he turns while walking backward and......


Damn this guy!

Chuckling at my reaction, Yoongi settled beside Taehyung.

“Hello I am Soohee, Y/N's mother," my mom poked her head in the doorway of the kitchen.

“Mother? You? Seriously?" Namjoom stared at her in disbelief.

“Yeah. I am. You guys enjoy it, I am preparing some snacks and dinner in the kitchen," she said and quickly walks back.

“Wow, your mom, she so pretty," Jimin said.

“Park Jimin!" I raised my brows.

“Hey, I was genuine!" He admits and I smiled.

I look over at Hyerin and she was a statue. She didn't even move. I slowly walk over to her and kept my hand on her shoulder.


She flinched and stare at me.

“Are they real?" She asked peeking at them with her big eyes.

“Yes, we are sweetie. You like us?" Hobi asked smiling at her.

“Oh my God! Oh! They are real! Dad! Look who's here!" She yelled jumping up and down, members laugh at her cuteness.

Her dad instantly arrives with an apron. Oh, so he is impressing my mom with his culinary skills.

“I told you not to yell sweetheart," he told Hyerin.

“Hello, I am Park Hye Jin. Please bear with my daughter she likes you all a lot!" He nervously chuckles.

“It's fine sir. She is very cute," Yoongi assured him.

Her dad disappeared into the kitchen again.

“Meet my friend Dae and you already know Emma," I gestured at Dae, Emma was already engaged in conversation with Jimin.

“I am Kang Dae, nice to see you all," he politely bowed. I guess he is not a fan of them.

“Hii Dae...oh wow your dimples are like Namjoon Hyung!" Jungkook looks at him in awe.

Dae and Namjoon both blushed.

“Okay, so Hyerin wants to poke your dimples and decides who has the best one," I told them and sat between Yoongi and Tae.

I felt Yoongi moving closer to me, or it might be just my assumptions.

“Oh sure, come here cutie," Namjoon said, settling beside Dae.

Hyerin squealed and jumps up and down.

“I can?" She asked grinning.

“Yeah, you are so cute, he will let you," Tae told her.

She walked and slowly pokes their dimples and they giggles. I snap their pictures.

They look so cute. I gaze at the picture with a huge smile.

Suddenly he bends closer to me. He kept his hand behind the couch and shifts near me to look at the picture.

“That's beautiful," he whispers huskily. My heart will not be fine at the end of the party.

The fresh and spicy scent devoured me in his effect. I wanted to hug him tightly and never let him go.

“You are looking stunning Y/N" his raspy voice was just for me to hear, I felt his warm breath tickling on my ear, his large hand found his way on my lower back. I almost jumped, he smirked knowingly.

I slightly nudge him away with my elbow before anyone could see us. He chuckled and winks at me.


There he did it again!

Should I just stop sleeping forever!

“You both have nice dimples, so I don't want to decide, one of you will be upset," Hyerin pouted.

Jimin and Jungkook made her sit between them.

“Okay, you are smart. I guess we both won buddy," Namjoon and Dae high-fived each other.

Dae is a very easy-going person, he started talking and joking with everyone in no time. He occasionally would make a flirty comment at me with a wink and I would roll my eyes.

Yoongi was mostly quiet all the time.

“Where is your mom?" He asked suddenly.

“Kitchen," I replied.

“I will just see if she needs help," He stands and so does Jin hyung.

“I will tag along," he said, and both walk into the kitchen.

I frown but didn't mind them.


(Drooling over him section)

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