Dear Bucket-Head

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Hi guys this is TwilightSiren. I do not own Spider-Man or Nova all credits go to Disney and Marvel. I have been currently shipping Spidey-Nova. So I have a one-shot of that for you. This is a letter from Peter to Sam. So let me set the scene...

Sam is preparing to leave to space with the rest of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Peter/Spiderman doesn't want him to leave before he reveals his true feelings. The easiest way to do that is through a letter. Without further ado.........

Peter sighed as he put his pen to a paper and began to write. He was finally going to tell Sam how he feels about him. Hopefully it all goes well, if not.....well Peter felt sick when he thought about that outcome.

Dear Sam,

Hey bucket-head. I decided to write this to you as sort of a goodbye note. I'm just saying to stay safe and good luck in space and all. I am positive you'll do fine though. Your an amazing hero Sam. I never got to tell you that enough. Everything you do is great. When you make mistakes they are so easily forgotten because you are so sweet and kind. I guess now will be a good time to tell you this note is also a confession. I like you Sam. No. I love you. You make my heart race faster than it should. You make me smile in a way no one else can. Every moment we spend together makes me so happy. Whenever we argue it makes me feel like the world is collapsing. Your perfect Sam, everything about you makes life better. Your smile is brighter than the shining sun. Your ebony hair makes the night seem magical. Your a shining star, Sam. Your light will never die. You will shoot across the skies and make every wish come true. Sam, your my shining star.

Love, Peter Parker
Your Web-Head

P.S. Maybe when you come back we could go on a date. I hope you feel the same way as I do.

Peter lifted his pen of the paper and leaned back in his chair. He folded the note, put it in an envelope, and wrote Sam Alexander on the envelope. He stood and began to walk to Sam's house. When he reached the home he put the note on the floor rang the doorbell and ran to the side of the house. He peeked around the corner as Sam opened the door. He watched as Sam picked up the envelope and brought it with him back inside. Peter sighed and began to run home.

Alright guys I hope you enjoy this one-shot. Please comment and follow us. I will most likely make a part two with Sam as a main focus. Baker4ever will be creating one-shots as well later on. Bye!

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