I'll never forget you

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My lips moved across his "I'll never forget u baby be back soon"

I waved him goodbye as he got on the train he waved me back mouthing I love you I smiled so big

We have been together for 8 months now and I gotta say its amazing we have been threw so much and we always has been by each other side

I can never replace him

I began to walk home with a smile on my face it was getting pretty dark so I took the short cut way home and that it threw the cemetery it was getting pretty misty witch is kinda creepy at night

So I hurried up my pace I started to hear some weird tapping and dragging noise coming in my direction

I looked behind me kinda curious and spooked

But then when I did all the tapping and dragging thing stopped all I saw is a shadowy figure looking like it head was ....gonna fall off I gulped and began to run

I didn't like it all

Why Isabel why did you just have to go threw the cemetery I so stupid.

I ran faster and I heard galloping noise from behind me and something go flap flap flap all the sudden I was flying into the air landing hard into a tree knocking my head pretty hard against it I was dazed and almost unconscious

But I stayed up long enough to glance at the shadowy figure that was standing in front of me it let out a gurgle like it was trying to say something but choking instead

It coughed and tried again

You should of have gone with him


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