Love Byte ~ 15 - Desperations Of Long Distance Relationship

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Hey peepzzz, how are you all?

I know, I suddenly disappeared. I'm sorry, I'm sure you must be fed up to listen this but I'm so sorry. Actually I'm in writers block all these months and had to overcome it. Finally did it.

Well, I'm truly happy as I joined in my dream course VFX (kind of animation or graphics types) course. After ages I feel useful and glad to do it.

So coming to this love byte, I wrote this one few months back which I don't remember when but didn't complete then *face palming*. Finally completed, haha.

Gonna be more steamy than all other love bytes and stepped out of my comfort zone in few point. So please tell me howzz it...


Melody's POV

Her weary yet beautiful almond eyes were moving rapidly on the iPad screen but her mind was somewhere else or precisely with someone. She was pacing in front of the desk to focus on the work but there is of no use. She's sexually aroused yet a time frustrated on him, on herself and even fed of masturbation.

Huffing, she dropped the iPad on the table and strolled lazily to the hall balcony. The sky was turning to black from blue and the city started to flash like stars. From the eleventh floor of the building, the busy roads and shiny lights are just reminding of her life, they look beautiful yet clumsy.

She was alone and longing for the one who took away her sanity by ending up the damn video call hours back. She couldn't overcome the annoying sensation yet. Since eight months both were far away from each other and busy with their respective work. They want to hold each other tightly, caress fondly, kiss fiercely, love till eternity and what not.

But the main issue is TIME.

'Even in the video call, he doesn't have time to f*ck me,' a lone tear escaped from her precious eyes.

Once again she checked his WhatsApp status. A long sigh escaped from her lips looking at the same last seen online status. Anger and irritation raised in her veins. She wants to vent out her emotions by hitting him hard right on his face. Biting her lower lip, she sniffed looking at his display picture.

'Why should we even face this situation? I can't stay away from you anymore,' she gave up the battle to hide her tears.

With a thud, she collapsed on the floor, curled up into a ball holding her knees tightly she buried her face and cried her heart out loudly without care. She can't bear this pain, separation and longing. It's not like they planned. It hurts more than she imagined.

Shivering with the intensity of the overflowing emotions, she wept like a toddler craving for the attention. She wants him to hold her, coo her, kiss her, in fact, she wants him to be with her right this moment. She miss him like anything else in the world.

Hearing the beeping sound, she impatiently checked her phone for his call but to her dismay, it was from her best friend and colleague, Vinod. Wiping her tears she took deep breaths and cleared her throat receiving the call.

"Hey..." She tried to sound normal.

"What happened, you sound low?" Vinod asked immediately.

"Hmm, nothing just work stress. You tell, did you complete the searching part?"

"Halfway. What about you?"

"Just a few mails more,"

"Great then help me out,"

"Oh come on man," She huffed.

"As usual,"


"Okay bye. Unnecessarily, I wasted my time on you, in the meanwhile I would have got someone to help me out," his tone clearly showed his intention to lighten up her mood.

"Good for you, get lost then,"

A deep paused aroused in between them. She was waiting for His call but her best friend was painfully annoying her.

Vinod cleared his throat, "Stop sulking, have a cup of coffee and complete the work,"

She heaved a long sigh and smiled for his concern. "Did you install any secret cameras in my home?"

"In your bedroom plus bathroom. You know how sexy you look while bathing and changing!" He chuckled.

"That's great, have fun then. Even I'll have fun when Maanvi listens to this recorded conversation," she giggled.

"Woman, stop messing my life. She'll surely take it for serious and start the break-up drama, it became a habit for her. I don't understand why she won't trust me," his voice was painfully irritated.

"Men can't understand women's insecurity issues. So, just be patient and give her more time. For sure, she'll understand."

"Hmm, okay then. You too stop worrying and complete the work soon,"

"Okay then bye, talk to you later," with that she cut the call and scurried to the washroom.

After getting fresh up, she had hot chocolate as she was not in a mood to have her favorite coffee. She got lost in the work and suddenly jerked hearing the doorbell and checked the time, 8.47 P.M.

'Damn, I lost the time,' mumbling she went to open the door.

Her breath got stuck in her throat, goosebumps roused on her skin, the wave of emotions cascaded from her mind to heart. Her heartbeat quicken to see the one she was craving for. She was surprised to see the unexpected person at her doorsteps.

Her beautiful almond eyes wetted with salty tears. She blinked to confirm whether it's a dream or for real. Her senses got blocked and she felt dizzy. She held the door for support, biting her lower lip.



Both whispered each other's name forgetting their surroundings.

He was looking dashing in a black and black colour simple shirt and pants. His dark black colour hair has long strikes because of his long fingers messing them for every now and then. Dark circles covered his eyes, cheeks were thin and he lost much weight than she expected yet his hard muscles are visible. His dark chocolate colour orbs were desperately absorbing the beauty in front of him. They both want to embrace each other but their foot got stuck up to the roots of their emotions.

He missed her than she ever imagined. She was looking damn sexy in that long snuff colour nightgown. She was braless which is a known fact to him. Her shoulder-length dark brown hair was in a messy bun, a few hair locks are adoring her face. Even she too lost weight like him, her bubbly cheeks are not visible anymore. Her beautiful almond eyes were covered with thick black eyeglass but he can see the dark circles under her eyes. He knew the reason behind her red puffy eyes. He just wants to embrace her in his arms but unable to move an inch after looking at her devasted state.

She devoured his handsome hard frame without blinking. Her vision was getting blurred because of tears but she was scared to close her eyes. What if he disappeared into smoke just like they show in the movies! She took off the glasses to wipe her tears but pinned her gaze on his handsome hard frame.

"Come in," she whispered giving him away.

He stood like a rock devouring her every move. He was seeing her for real after ages. Her tears are disturbing him, he wants to wipe them away with his lips and hold her like his second skin, caress her delicate form, kiss her plumpy lips till he got satisfied and bury himself in her till eternity but not a single limb was ready to move.

Understanding his state of mind, so she pulled him inside. His palm was cold, steps were heavy but the gaze was pinned only on her. It was a hard moment for both of them.

A sudden rush of emotions knocked him back to the world with her warm touch. He wants to bury himself in her more than anything in the world. After sensing his cold skin, she got revealed that he was for real.

The shoulder bag dropped down without his notice after he steps inside. Their eyes were stuck with each other and their heartbeat pace increased to the next level. Both know what will happen the next moment and desperately waiting for it. The slow moments are making them restless but unable to overcome it. She locked the door and leaned onto it.

Her breath was uneven but her mind was wandering around all the possible dirty thoughts to happen in the next moment. Licking her dry lips, she pinned her gaze only on him. His body was greeting the needed warmth, a home warmth but he needs her warmth.

Involuntarily, he took steps towards her, his slow-paced steps felt like an eternity. She wants to run into his arms but his dark chocolate colour orbs making her nervous for an unknown reason. She started breathing heavily, he can hear her thundering heartbeat. Her breasts were heaving in rhythmic pace. He can feel her tensed form craving to be in his arms.

She wants to feel him close to her yet a time run away from him, a sudden wave of shyness ran through her veins. Her beautiful almond eyes are not ready to leave his frame, her juicy plump lips, her blushing cheeks inviting him to have her right this moment. He stood in front of her, just a few centimeters away from each other. They can feel each other's skin close, their breath fanned on each other's face.

Immediately, his cold lips touched her warm ones. It was an expected sudden action yet she got surprised with the intensity. He was cold, his breath, his presence everything was cold. She forgot her shyness and wants to warm him with her touch. Their lips didn't move just touched, eyes were still pinned to each other for heaven's sake.

Without a second thought, he pulled down his pants and moved her nightgown aside lifting the inner skirt upwards caressing her side thighs with his nails and slide her underwear. Desperately he entered in her warm juiciness after her underwear fell down. Within a fraction of seconds, everything happened without her realization. A very unexpected nor unplanned act. His breath and lips were still on hers.

She gasped with his sudden sensual act. She was just expecting a tight hug and breathtaking kiss but not in her wet dreams she expected something like this. He was not this unexpected person nor the desperate one.

He smiled after entering in her, she was warm, wet and ready for him to devour her. He missed this feeling, her warmth and tempting skin against his. Immediately he pulled away from the long nightgown which was disturbing him. Her creamy skin exposed to his desired and desperate dark chocolate colour orbs. He wants to devour her skin inch by inch. Her cleavage was tempting him to the core.

She was still in shock even after he was deep inside her. He smiled looking at her gaped almond eyes. He cupped her soft cheeks and sensually sucked her lower lip. Their saliva mixed and drooled making them groan in pleasure. The skirt was disturbing him but he needs her to come back to the world.

She was still in a daze and unable to comprehend the situation. Recently, she was having these kinds of wet dreams, so it's confusing her but the sensations are for real. She can feel his cold lips working on her warm ones. She can feel him deep inside her but still can't understand and scared to react because he disappears in her dreams if she reacts.

He pulled the band from her hair ruffling her nape sensually. Caressing her soft spots, he sucked her lips and gave one more long deep thrust. With that, she came back to the world and pushed him a little to see his face. He got annoyed yet didn't force himself on her.

She caressed his stubbled cheeks and smiled with tears digesting the fact that he was for real.

"You're traveling to Paris right then..." He cut her off placing his lips on hers.

Their long deep breaths and fragrance were arousing each other. Her delicate fingers curled into his black colour hair and fondled them sucking his lower lip. He was still inside her and they still locked each other in their heated gaze.

"Surprise..." He breathed on her lips. "Now let's start,"

With that, he deepened the kiss and thrust in her rapidly. Immediately she responded, kissing him like there is no tomorrow. In fact, it's true, she doesn't know when he leaves so thought to utilize the time wisely. His body temperature increased and now she can feel his warmth more than he feels hers.

His hold was possessive, thrusts were rapid like never before. She was breathing heavily moaning his name, grasping him tightly in her arms responded the way they desired for. He sucked her lower lip deepening the kiss as much as possible. Even she was sucking his lips hungrily. They just want the time to stop and explore each other as much as possible.

She started working on his shirt button unable to focus because of his sensual acts. To make it tough for her, he increased the pace pinching her right bud. She gasped moaning loudly and desired his long, strong fingers to squeeze her bosoms. But his pinching session was arousing, she became wet as he needed. The friction increased in between their thighs. Warm, wet, sensual and what not.

Finally, she unbuttoned his shirt, he immediately took off the shirt and pant which tangled to his feet yet continued his task. Not for once they closed their eyes. They were still not ready to leave each other's gaze.

His thrusts were fast and strong, her hold was tight yet delicate. She was completely enjoying his different side. Even she responded to him immediately as he desired. It's all their separation and desperation made things heated up. They always made slow and sensual love but not like this. Desperate, hard, sensual.

His fingers cascaded from her cheeks down to her bosoms. He just tugged her peaking buds and went down to her waist to her thighs and pulled her right thigh. Understanding his intention, she wrapped her arms and legs around him. Her underwear just left her feet easily without any effort. She was still half-naked yet her delicate form aroused him.

She hugged him tightly, he buried his face in the crook of her neck, her hair covered his face. They inhaled each other's fragrance. He took steps thrusting hard as this position was comfortable for each other. Both smiled biting and kissing each other's lips. He pinned her to the wall thrusting deep into her. She moaned breathing rapidly, he groaned to the heavenly sensation and craved for more. He placed her on the window bench, the doors were closed. She screamed giggling.

"It's cold!" She whispered sucking his lower lip.

"You're hot!" He breathed pinning her to the window.

They giggled, sucking each other's lips hard. She wrapped her legs firmly around his bare hips moving her hips to sink with his rhythm. Within a shift, he pulled the skirt upwards leaving her lips for a second. She giggled, his lips traveled to her chin sucking it hard enough to leave a mark. She sucked his left shoulder holding him tightly. Her long-nails were doodling sharp lines making him wince. It's painfully arousing him to the next level. His lips traveled to her neck to the bosom. All the while, he was thrusting hard in her.

"Yes baby, suck me hard," she breathed digging her nails in his skin.

His tongue circled her hard right bud and sucked it squeezing the other one. She gasped and moaned his name digging her long nails into his shoulders. Her skin was soft like as usual igniting the fire in him.

"Please make me cum, baby," she purred.

Immediately, hugging her, he attached her swollen plumpy lips. She held his hips tightly and moaned in his lips. He rammed like a bull till they reach climax. They released fast, hard and long with his groans and her moans.

They gasped for air and their heartbeat was thundering against their rib cage. They have been in each other's arms for a few minutes relaxing their racing heartbeats. They caressed and kissed fondly unable to leave each other.

"Bedroom," she whispered wrapping her arms and legs around him tightly.

He smiled holding her tightly and went towards the bedroom kissing her. Their wet bodies clasped to each other. They were still not satisfied and gone for a few more rounds until they got exhausted.

Both are looking at each other grasping each other in their eyes. Their bodies clung to each other like a second skin, he was still inside her. Their hardcore love bonded them closer to each other.

"I hate you," she whispered on his lips. A lone tear escaped from her almond eyes.

Smiling, he wiped her tears, "I love you,"

She twisted her lips, he chuckled.

"I shouldn't have trusted your words, in fact, I shouldn't have married you in the first place," she pinched his cheeks.

"Ouch," he held her palm and placed it on his neck.

"Just for ending up that f*cking video call," he smirked.

"What?" She narrowed her gaze and pulled his nape.

Sucking his lips, she bites his lower lip hard. He groaned and squeezed her hips. She jerked and winced as he was still inside her wet core. Sucking her upper lip, he cascaded his long fingers back to her hips and squeezed it. She moaned sucking his lower lip and enjoyed his naughty act. Making her busy in the kissing session, he entered his long middle finger into her from her backside. She moaned responding to his touch moving her hips.

Raising his lower body, "Move your right leg under me," he breathed on her lips.

She followed his order but groaned as he was outside of her. It was painful yet a time she wants him to be deep inside her. He pulled her left leg on him and trusted inside her making her wince in pain but he can see and hear the pleasure in her. She screamed as she was sore but unable to stop this sensual game. He hugged her tightly, her bosoms were painfully squeezing to his chiseled chest and waiting for his long fingers attention. He held her tightly thrusting slowly yet hard. He entered his long middle finger from her backside.

"God that was..." She was lack of words.

The sensation was igniting their desires more but they don't have the energy to complete yet continued without a break. Slow, passionate, and sensually moved their bodies at a slow pace. She held his nape tightly, he was fingering from her backside and moving her hips in a rhythmic pace satisfying their needs. She sucked his lower lip and directed his head to her bosoms. He buried his face in the valley of her cleavage and did what she craved for. He took her left bud and sucked it softly continuing his tasks perfectly. She moaned curling her fingers in his hair and moved according to the rhythm. Each and every thrust was going deep into her wet core making her crave for more and topping to it his mouth and finger work was non-stoppable.

They're reaching to the climax so he increased the pace moving to the right position and took hold of her lips. She too responded moving her sore form as fast as possible. Groaning, moaning, shivering they released and held tightly to each other. The sensation was unbearable and breathtaking. They relaxed kissing and slept tied.

She woke up feeling hungry and saw the time, 11:12 P.M. Her eyes immediately came back to him. He was in a deep slimmer and for sure will not wake up soon. She smiled and tried to move but realized that her whole body was tangled to him and he was still inside her. So, she laid back and observed his features. He was healthy back then but now she can see the homesickness clearly. She caressed his eyelashes, eyes, cheeks and going further down.

"I know you're desperate but aren't you sore enough already," his voice was husky.

He didn't open his eyes yet but smiling peacefully. She smiled like a fool hearing his sleepy voice.

"What have you done to me!" She questioned but it sounds like a statement.

Slowly, he opened his eyes, they're red lack of sleep. He yawned turning his face into the pillow. He looks like a toddler to her.

"Do you want me to repeat everything that happened or words are enough," he smirked tucking her hair locks back to her ear.

A lone tear escaped from her beautiful eyes. Silently he wiped it understanding the inner meaning.

"I can't live without you anymore. I'll come with you," She held his right palm to her left cheek.

"Just a few more months, I'll be back to you," he caressed her cheek fondly.

"You're already fed up with me?" She sniffed taking away his palm on her face.

"Don't forget what happened three months back,"

"Oh, how can I forget! I thought to surprise you but you don't have a single minute that whole week," her tone was dripped with sarcasm but smiled sweetly.

"I know you're angry, frustrated and what not but there you'll be all alone. No one will be there to take care of you. I don't have time to eat then how can I take care of you? Just endure for five months. We'll be happy, l assure you. Moreover, I don't want you to leave everything and come with me," he explained her patiently.

All the while, her tears were non stop. "Then you shouldn't have married me," she pulled herself away from him forgetting that he was still inside her.

She winced, he tried to ease her but she swatted his hand and laid straight without looking at him. He smiled looking at her stubbornness. He missed being close to her, in fact, he missed everything about her. She was waiting for him to say something. The question itself worrying her. It's just two years of their married life in that eight months of separation.

He propped his left palm under his head. He turned her face towards him holding her chin. For a few seconds, she protested to look at him but finally, lost the battle and drowned in his dark chocolate colour orbs.

She caressed his cheek and thought to vent out her unfathomable emotions. "A business marriage leads to the most intimate one. Still, I'm unable to decode how did I overcome my past relationship and fallen for you madly. How did you do that, Ravin?"

He smiled drowning in her lovely eyes. So true, their parents bound them to merge their business. She had the worst relationship and not ready to get into another one but can't disobey her parent's wish. She looks modern even her thoughts but a very emotional person. After marriage, it took them a few months to get along. Sex bonded them and separation made them realize their love for each other.

"I'm bad at emotional discussion so all I can say is I LOVE YOU," he kissed her forehead.

She hit his chest pushing away. "Why can't you say? You know, I can't handle long distant relationships yet I'm handling then you must coo me right but..." He didn't allow her to complete the sentence.

"Let's not fight baby, I'm hungry," he said caressing her waist.

"I don't have the energy anymore,"

He heaved a long sigh, "Don't you have spare food?"

She stuck her tongue out and sat up. He frowned but smirked immediately understanding the situation. He pulled her back on the bed, she screamed in irritation. He wrapped his left arm around her neck.

"What are you thinking, Sanya?" He whispered in her right ear caressing with his lips.

She shivered, closing her eyes and held his palm tightly. He continued his kisses down to her shoulder.

"Let's eat something and continue please," she tried hard to complete the sentence.

He pulled her face and captured her lips, sucking them he left her. She controlled her hormones and got up slowly wincing. Both knew how painful she was but that satisfied smiled lingered on their faces. She went to the wardrobe, his eyes were on her. She was going to take her nightwear.

"Don't wear," he ordered.

She smirked and went to the washroom, he went to the other room to get fresh up. She came back wearing the robe and arranged the dining table. He too came to the dining table wearing a robe.

"Why to waste two robes? Let's get into one," he whispered in her ear.

She pulled him to sit on the chair. They had a late-night dinner with some naughty talks.

"Let's go to bed," he told her before she starts to clean the table.


"Morning maid will do it," before she protests he eloped her in his arms and walked to their room.

She held his tightly looking at his face. He was not a romantic nor emotional person but she loved him due to his care and affection. He talks less but does everything for her. He doesn't buy gifts but allows her to buy whatever she wishes her. No restrictions nor over possessiveness but pure trust and love.

He made stand on her the ground. She held his nape tightly and stood on her toes.

"I love you, Ravin," she pecked his lips.

"Happy anniversary, baby," he kissed her forehead.

She got surprised and gawked him as if he was some fictional character.

"You remember?" She whispered.

He raised an eyebrow, "Then why did I come?"

"I thought you... you..."

"To f*ck you,"

She giggled and kept cute face, "Not like that but,"

He heaved a long sigh, "Wear that,"

She spun around following his gaze and surprised looking at the beautiful dark red colour dress. Surprisingly, she saw him and the dress simultaneously. He smiled looking at her cuteness.

"Come on, I want to see you in it," he whispered in her ear.

She bent her neck back smiling like a fool. "You brought me a gift?"

"Well learned few things in this long-distance relationship," he winked.

Her happiness crossed its boundaries and kissed him hard. He controlled himself not to pull off those robes and love her till she screams his name. She left him and took the dress. The smile was not leaving her lips.

The dress was a simple dark red colour with white stonework on the chest connected with pattern folds.

'Such a kid she is!' he got amused.

He can see all her teeth shining brightly. She was adoring the dress as if she never wore such dresses.

"How do you know my size?"

"Is it a big task!"

"Mom," she said in a matter of fact tone.


Her gaze shifted to him, "then," strange thoughts swiping in her mind.

He bent to her level, "What do you think, I was doing in our video calls?" His gaze traveled down to her body.

"But that's not possible to know my correct size,"

He pecked her lips, "Stop doubting me and try this one,"

"I'm not doubting, just scared to lose you,"

"Maybe it reminds of your past but I'm very loyal to my wife and no woman can satisfy me as you do,"

"Not like that..."

"Relax, you don't need to explain to me. Now get into it. All these days I imagined you in it but now I want to see for real,"

She bites her lower lip gazing him sexily. "Go outside,"

"What's there to hide?" He whispered huskily.

She left the dress on the bed and caressed her face down to her bosoms with her right palm gazing at him sexily. He smirked observing his vixen.

"Maybe..." She slowly pulled the robe thread. "You may not allow me to..." moved the robe to peek him. "Get into it,"

She took off the robe slowly tempting him to grab her. He was trying his best to not to pull her into his arms. Slowly she bent to pick the dress showcasing her curves. He just wants to lick every inch of her creamy form. Her smirk, her challenge yet sensual gaze, her petite form were making him crazy.

Finally, she wore it and adjusted it perfectly. Already her cleavage is visible but she adjusted her bosom upwards to smite him. The dress is clearly showing her curves and as he expected it was just covering her assets but nothing. Slowly yet sexily she strolled towards the mirror and gazed herself.

A satisfied smile lingered on her lips. She combed her hair and took a necklace. She gazed him through the mirror.

"Help me," she smirked.

He lazily strolled to her, took the necklace from her but dropped it on the mirror table. She frowned and going to ask but stopped looking at him open the drawer. There is a gift wrap before him she pulled it and opened it curiously.

"Are you really my moody husband or someone else?" The smile was not leaving her lips.

"What do you think?" He whispered in her left ear.

She was surprised to look at the beautiful diamond set.

"Before you ask. the credit goes to my mother-in-law,"

She laughed looking at his reflection.

"I predicted," she winked. "Now help me," both smiled.

With her instructions he made her get ready.

"Now the third gift," she stretched her hand smiling widely.

He placed his right palm in her palm. "I'm your gift, what else you need," he smirked.

She raised an eyebrow with a smirk, "Cake,"

"Oh..." The uncomfortable expression made her realize that he didn't arrange it.

"Well tomorrow I'll surprise you with cake for sure," she raised an eyebrow and laughed.

"It's okay, I'm really happy to get my first gift in our second anniversary."

Gazing her eyes he heaved a relieved sigh. She's not the annoying wife but an understandable one which he's glad for. Taking a step back he saw her from top to bottom. That dress, diamond set enhanced her beauty. She was damn sexy than he imagined. Without any makeup, she's looking stunning.

"You look gorgeous and sexy than I imagined,"

She smiled widely, "I got my third gift,"


"You compliment only when I ask you but now..." She shrugged smiling happily.

He smirked pulling her to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I'm willing to compliment you all the night with my mouth than voice," she giggled and pulled him to kiss but stopped.

Looking at her sad face he understood what's her next question. "Tomorrow night, I'll leave,"

She pouted sadly, "Then don't leave me for a single minute,"

He pulled her chin, "For that, you need to get out of this dress,"

She pulled him away, "Dare you tear this dress. I'm ready to sacrifice all my dresses except this,"

He laughed loudly, "Then get out of it,"

She pouted, "Just now I wore it,"

"Tomorrow whole day ware it but now get out or else I'll not take much time to tear it,"

"Mr. Husband, I can't wear it in front of our parents. You very well know that,"

He heaved an irritated sigh and strolled towards the bed. She got successful to irritate him. He took the phone and sat on the bed. She stood in front of him. He tried hard not to look at her but through his peripheral view, he can see her creamy things. Smirking she placed her right foot on the bed and gave a free show of her lower assert. He gave the stubbornness and threw the phone aside, pushed the dress upwards holding her hips with the freehand. As expected he sucked her fallen on his knees. She moaned when his warm tongue touches her wetness. She lost the grip and held his shoulders tightly. She couldn't focus on her grip as his tongue doing magic on her sore wetness. Her mind was occupied only with his sensual act but nothing else.

"Before my hands touch your buds take your dress off or else..." He whispered on her skin.

Her focus was on his mouth work but with difficulty, she took off the dress. He held her hips tightly so that she won't fall down.

Every day they would surely video chat and do things they crave for but nothing can replace holding their partner and do things they crave for.

Cons of long-distance relationships!

"Baby, I can't stand," she screamed unable to bear the sensation.

His lips moved upwards to her navel. His tongue flicked a circle around it. She pulled his hair moaning his name. He smirked traveling in between the valley of her bosoms and finally get hold of her lips, she can taste herself. She held the robe tightly to get a grip of herself. After getting back to her senses she tried to take off the robe but this time he helped her and took it off within a second. He made her sit on the bed but didn't leave her lips. She pulled her lips away and moved towards his right ear.

"69" she whispered, he smirked and pushed her on the bed.

She giggled, adjusting herself comfortably. He was going to lay down but she pulled him to her lips. She pressed her lips and said without leaving them.

"Thanks for coming and making my day. I know, more than me it's hard for you and I promised to support you to achieve your dream but you need to bear my tantrums,"

"All my life,"

"I'll kill you if you're planning to stay away from me,"

He chuckled and sucked her lower lip.

"Happy anniversary Mr. Husband," she pushed him on the bed smirking.

"To you too, Mrs. Wife,"

The whole night, they started to lose their gained energy in the passionate world.

*:~~~~THE END~~~:*

So, what do you think?

If you like it plzz vote and give your lovely comments to your dear Melody.

Love 💕

April Melody 🎶

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