Chapter One

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I remember I had promised the update by last month end. And the update is delayed almost by 15 days. I apologize for the delay. I had some pending things to deal with and along with that I already have an ongoing story - i.e. Collision - to handle. So stuck with all of that, I couldn't help but delay this one. Sorry!

This is more like a sample chapter, I didn't want a prologue though, so a direct chapter. I might revise and revisit just in case I plan on changing it from Chapter One to prologue. 

Anyways, Once I get the feedback for this, and I know what are the reader statistics for this story, I will figure out the schedule for this one. Till then be patient. 


The morning breeze gently brushed across everything that came its way; carrying mild fragrance and warmth. Evelyn loved the feel of being hit by the gentle breeze. The view of the busy streets and tall buildings around was not the best, yet she liked it enough to spend her mornings on the rooftop while watching the city move.

The silence in the air was what she loved the most. If she had the choice, she wouldn't move from the spot for all day long. The problem was she didn't have that choice, though nothing in the world could restrain her from a perfect start for the day. She welcomed the morning, warm and pleasant.

She was ready for a fresh start - a start she was persistent to achieve the right way. Hopeful, she looked over the sky - maybe this was the day she would find something worth to start with. Unknown about what she was hopeful of, she just prayed it wasn't one of those days where she'd find nothing but shallow promises and stern smiles.

That's how desperate she was for a job. She wanted a job, if she wished to manage the rent for her apartment. For now she had her finances sorted but it wouldn't take long to exhaust every penny that she held.

She inhaled heavily and let out a controlled breath. Taking her time she composed herself before making her way downstairs to her apartment.

Once she reached her floor, she felt a sudden change around her. The silence in the air, no longer prevailed. Rather she witnessed a slight hint of commotion around - which for once she found unbelievable, as she was the only one accommodating the floor. Each floor in the building occupied two apartments - the doors facing each other and the elevator stood in the middle with the door to the staircase on the other side - while in her case the other apartment had been vacant ever since she had known. It was locked up, every time she had looked past her door.

So she wouldn't hear a thing on the floor until and unless she had a neighbour next door. Because she knew nothing would cause a commotion in her apartment, which stayed silent and alone.

Tiptoeing across the large passage, she looked at the now wide opened door. Now, she had a neighbour!

The cartons lay across the room and the room seemed an exact replica of hers', apart from the displaced objects that is. Consciously, she peeked through the doorway and tried to look for a moving limb but she caught none.

Stepping a foot into the unknown territory, she nervously called for an answer, "Hello!"

Her heart beat raced as nothing welcomed her but her own voice thrown back by the walls. The environment for a moment seemed too intimidating for her. It was better to have launched her feet into a run and locked herself home, safely and securely.

But she saw a head propped up from the heap of cartons at the far end of the room, in her direction. Welcomed with a toothy grin and twinkling eyes, she was addressed, "Hey!"

She was in awe; the little boy was strikingly adorable. In an instant she knew she wanted to meet the creators of such an adorable bundle of joy. He padded his way, bouncing over the cartons that each played as a hurdle in his way.

Taking her time to study his features, she noted his pale skin stuffed with chubby cheeks, his hairs a shade of golden brown and a colour similar to his sparkling eyes. Standing a foot away from me, he cocked his head up, to meet my gaze. His lips rolled into a pout as though wanting to say he would sprain his neck if he kept looking at her like that.

Cuteness overloaded, she thought.

Bending on her knees, she lowered herself to match his eye level. If his audible sigh was any indication to his relieved state, she was somehow content she managed to pull that out.

A minute later, after having a good thought he shoved his hand forward for a handshake, "Matt." He imitated formal poise and so was his voice. Her mind rummaged through the questions like where had he gotten to learn to be this formal and professional.

She shook her head, getting rid of the thoughts that were now rolling in. She slipped her hand into his and shook hands, "Evelyn." He shot a cheeky grin that displayed a slight hint of his dimples.

"Are you staying here?" She asked cautiously, trying her best to not sound poky.

"Nope," He instantly replied perfectly rolling off the 'p'.

Letting the silence seem into the air, she waited for him to resume the talking, "Uncle Jo will be staying here."

Uncle Jo took her curiosity. "And where is your Uncle Jo?"

Matt had his joyous eyes staring past her shoulder.

"Right here," came a sensually delicious male voice, surprising enough to startle her. She jumped, terrified by the sudden declaration. Her hand flew clutching her chest, as her heart beat quickened. It almost popped out, she felt.

She swirled but having lost her balance, she stumbled a few steps. However, an effectively carved arm swiftly wrapped around her frame.

And her eyes meddled with those of the most incredibly tempting man on the planet, ever. Dressed casually in a pair of denim jeans and a v-necked t-shirt that showcased the broad expanse of his shoulder and hung across his chest, lowering to his lean abdomen. 

Strong. Muscular. Yet lean.

She gulped as he repeated his words in his husky voice, "Right here, Miss." His eyes intently pinned at her.

While she couldn't tear her eyes apart from the gorgeous eyes that stared right back at her, Matt hooted, excitedly, "Uncle Jo! Uncle Jo! Uncle Jo!"

He was bouncing and clapping his hands, grabbing the attention of the two adults who had forgotten that they had an audience - a kid. 

"This is Ev." Matt joyously filled his uncle with information to which he couldn't help but laugh. 

Evelyn steadied herself, "I am Evelyn, your neighbour," though the rock solid grip of the muscular arm around her waist didn't loosen a bit.

"Glad you are," he chuckled as she wiggled against his hold, "Evelyn." There was something unusual with the way her name rolled out from his lips, the way his eyes pierced her - which she wasn't able to pin point at but had the ability to send shiver down her spine. 

"Joel," he whispered against her ear and moved a step back, still holding his eyes at her. 

It took her a good minute to realize that she was no longer held in his arms and he had just given out her name.

Way to be rude, Evelyn, She thought sarcastically as she mentally slapped herself to have been drawn to a man like she had never been with a man before. The thought itself made her snort. 

She had been with men and her share of fun in life. The only difference was she now knew that romance only existed in fiction. There weren't sparks or butterflies that one could feel, no romance; only a rush - sometimes physical, sometimes emotional.

"It's nice meeting you, Joel," she splashed a cheeky smile in his direction and knelt in front of Matt, she spoke, "and you too, Matt." Scrunching his nose as she ruffled through his hairs, he was rewarded with a peck on his cheek.

Joel let out a sigh, thoughtfully. Lucky Matt!

She straightened, turning her attention to Joel, "Let me know if you need any help," his eyes gleamed with mischief and she quickly added, "with settling in." 

He smirked, knowingly and said, "I would." His promising words, erupted a trail of emotion she hadn't realize she was capable of.


I would really want to know, if there are readers who are reading this, whom do you envision as Joel and Evelyn? Let me know! As for Matt, I thought of Pierce Gangon!

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