Sophie (Contest Submission)

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Short Story Contest by @_ShortStory_ ... "The Power of Love" ... Prompt: Write a story about love (any kind of love). ... (1500K) ... Due Feb. 28th, 2018.

"This is crazy Jack. You love on her more than you love on me and I'm your bloody girlfriend!"

Jack smiled indulgently at Trish. She was the love of his life. He'd never been happier with anyone. They'd been together 3 years and he loved her more with each passing year. Honestly, she just had to breath and he felt that all was right in his universe. Even when she was giving him grief over something he did, he was happy with life and with her because he loved her mad face just as much as he did all her other faces.

He gave her a cheeky grin in response to her complaint. She was pretending to give him the stink eye but he knew her too well. He knew she wasn't the least bit serious. She was just looking to make some noise and get some attention. It was cute. She was cute and it made him chuckle when she got riled up about 'Sophie'.

"I'm serious Jack!" She whined in a way only Jack thought was adorable. "You are more than willing to cuddle up with her but not with me! How do you think that makes me feel? What do I have to do to get some love from you? Tell me! What"

Trish could be dramatic and lay it on thick when she wanted to. Jack thought it was a riot. She was a riot. He wouldn't want her any other way. Even when she was working up a scene over nothing at all.

Jack petted his thighs with both his hands and said, "Come sit with me Sweat Pea. I'll maul you as much as you want."

She laughed and her face broke into a wide grin. But before she could take him up on his offer, the cat jumped up and settled on his lap. Jack chuckled as he picked the fluff ball up and moved her to the sofa. She was having none of it though and got right back up on his lap.

He heard Trish sigh and he looked up at her a moment. His smile left his face. She didn't look happy at all. The playful look in her eyes was gone. She looked down right annoyed. Jack quickly put the cat down on the floor and got up from the sofa so he could grab Trish before she made a stormy exit out of the room.

The cat squawked over and over again and tried to rub herself against his legs repeatedly in an effort to get him to pick her up. He ignored her and gently took Trish in his arms. "Don't go anywhere just yet," he whispered in her ear. "I haven't had any snuggle time with you today," he murmured into her hair as he pulled her in for a good old fashioned hug.

She wasn't having any of it for a second but Jack knew now not to give up too soon with her. He pulled her a bit closer and made sure she was tucked in good and tight against him. She liked that - snuggling. He could feel it was working because he could sense her relaxing a little.

She wasn't there yet though. So, he'd planted some strategic kisses in her hair, on her ear and along her neck - all things she loved when snuggling. The extra effort was paying off. He felt her relax enough to wrap her arms around his waist and hug him back. It wasn't a tight hug but it was still something.

Jack smiled into her hair and gave her another tight squeeze, the kind she loved, before he leaned back a little to look her in the eye. "I can get rid of Sophie you know. You just say the word and she's gone." He was serious. He'd do it. He wouldn't be happy about it but he would do it.

"No, no," Trish responded right away in a deflated voice. "You love her. You guys have been together since before your last break-up. It would be selfish of me."

Jack could see she was conflicted. Her eyes were full of guilt and self-reproach. So, he gently encouraged her saying, "Sweet Pea, I live to make you happy. You just tell me what you want and I'll do it if I can. You want her gone, then she's gone. I wont complain. I wont argue. I wont make a fuss. I'll just do it."

"You love Sophie," Trish said softly. "I can't make you give her up. She's family for Pete's sake."

Jack heard the words but he wasn't convinced. Trish really wasn't happy and that was like an arrow right through his chest. "Do you hate her?" he asked.

Trish shrugged and then said, "Sometimes."

Jack laughed out loud and pulled her in for another squeeze. He loved her honesty. She really was the most wonderful woman in the world. Even if she was jealous of the cat.


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