Friends No More #wattpadlovenotes

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Words: 982 Genre: Romance For: #wattpadlovenotes Tagged by: lyttlejoe

Friends No More

Lily stared at Aaron. He was rather good-looking. His features were classic. His jawline was square and at the moment he sported a slight shadow from not shaving. His eyes were the shade of a grey cloudy day and his hair, which always seemed slightly tousled, like some woman just ran her fingers through it, complimented him immensely.

Aaron turned away from the movie they were watching and quirked an eyebrow. "Can I help you?" His mouth twisted into a mischievous grin.

Lily couldn't believe she was just caught checking Aaron out. They have been friends forever. What was she thinking? "No... I'm good."

"Uh-huh," he replied. Letting her know he wasn't letting this go.

Lily, sighed. "Okay, I guess I was just wondering ... well... do you think I'm pretty?"

What was she talking about?  "Is it your time of the month? Are you feeling insecure?" he teased.

Lily hit him with a pillow. "Jerk."

It was then he realized with shock she was serious. Aaron moved in closer. He tilted her chin so she'd have to look at him. "This isn't like you? What's going on?"

Lily looked away feeling stupid. "Forget it."

"No, really. I want to know."

"We've been friends forever, right?"


"Why have we never dated?" she asked.

"I don't know maybe we just never got around to it," Aaron joked but relented when he'd seen her serious expression. So, he gave her an honest answer. "We're friends. Best friends. We just wanted to keep things that way, I guess."

Lily nodded and went back to watching the movie.

Now it was Aaron's turn to stare. Lily wasn't pretty. She was beautiful. She wore her dark hair in a short pixie cut and it suited her but he always wondered what it would look like if she grew it out as it has such wave to it. Her eyes were a crystal blue, but his favorite feature was the pink in her cheeks, which deepen whenever he teased her or she got mad at him.


She looked at him out of the side of her eye not wanting to make full eye contact. She felt so stupid for bringing it up. He was right. They had a good thing going. Why ruin it? They loved spending time with one another. Often they'd spend Friday night going out to eat or sitting in, catching a flick like tonight. No matter how bad things got in their relationships with other people they knew they could always count on one another to be there.


"What?" she said, in a huff.

"Why did you ask?"

Why couldn't he drop this? No, it just wasn't his way. Lily shrugged. "A moment's lapse in sanity? The crazy notion just popped in my head and well... came out before I gave it serious thought."

Aaron smiled at her, causing her to smile back. Her impulsiveness was one of the things he loved about her. She was always game for an adventure. Never did she say, "No, I couldn't possibly..." she just went along with any crazy idea he came up with and there had been many.

Still... "Are you sure that's all?"

"What more could it be?" she challenged.

"Curiosity," he posed.

"Curiosity?" Lily echoed.

"Yeah, maybe after all this time you're curious if there's...I don't know... something more?"

Lily's head tilted in consideration. Her lips pursed. "Maybe? But that's stupid, right?"

Aaron didn't answer. Instead, his face became rather intent as he stared at the T.V. screen.

"Right?" Lily didn't like to be left hanging and was feeling more foolish by the second.

Then Aaron looked back at her. He looked a combination of angry and determined and Lily had no idea about what. Suddenly and without warning, he pulled her towards him. Her eyes widened with surprise as his lips came crashing down on hers.

What was he playing at? Did he think he had something to prove? The one thing Lily was absolutely certain of, although she found Aaron attractive when he kissed her like this, there was.... nothing. No excitement, no anticipation, not a stirring to be had. What a disappointment after all this time.

Aaron pulled back with his own look of disappointment, then shrugged and went back to watching the movie like what just happened didn't really happen.

Lily blinked once or twice to clear her head. "Oh, no you didn't," she thought.

She climbed onto his lap so she could sit facing him, blocking his view of the television.

"Lily, what are you..."

She put her finger to his lips to silence him. She looked into those stormy grey eyes and rubbed her thumb lightly across his lower lip. Her eyes left his and she stared at his mouth, biting her bottom lip as she waited momentarily before making her mind up about something.

Aaron felt his breath catch when she brushed her lips gently against his. Not actually kissing him but more of a caress. He could feel her breath mingle with his. She pressed against him and nuzzled her cheek against the stubble of his face, trailing her lips down the side of his neck and back to his lips.

His hands instinctively, came up to caress her back and tug her even closer. Her fingers brushed through his hair and then came back to his cheeks. She pulled his face towards her and claimed him for her own. She deepened the kiss when he sighed and he could feel her smiling against his lips.

She suddenly broke away and went back to watching the movie, having proved some sort of point. Aaron didn't know what hit him. He just stared at her.

"What?" Lily said after several seconds of being stared at. "We're just friends, right?"

Aaron turned off the movie, his look intense. "Not anymore."

Lily cheeks colored in the way that he loved just before he made it very clear, they are so much more than friends. 

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