𝑖𝑣. A scandal is best served cold

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Chapter 4
A scandal is best served cold

            When all balls are the same, they become dull. No one dances with you, no one even looks in your direction. Penelope shared this feeling, so the two girls did the same every ball. They stuck to each other. Until one of their Mamas pulled them away from the other to meet new people. Most of the time this was Zahara, since Lady Featherington was more occupied with Marina, Prudence and Phillipa.

            Outside of the balls, they became a trio. And today, the third party was able to actually join them at an event. Today was a picknick, suitors and debutantes floated over the water in small boats. Many tents were set up on the grass for all the families to reside in.

            The Lachapelle tent was chaos. There wasn't much surprise in this. Henri wasn't in attendance, but the remaining six members were chaos enough. Cristian and Franklin were discussing the best way to lead an army, despite neither of them having any previous experience. Sloane tried to eat a cake, but Lola kept poking her finger in it. Fleur sat in a chair, reading a book.

            Their tent was beside the Featherington tent. She closed her book. "May I go promenade?" She asked Zahara.

            "Of course," She replied. "In fact, I shall go with you."

            "That won't be necessary," Fleur said gently. "I shall go with Penelope and Eloise." She gestured to the Featherington tent, where Penelope was already looking at her, and to Eloise, who was making her way to her tent.

Before Zahara had time to answer, Fleur was off to Penelope, who, simultaneously, had asked for clearance as well. Together the two girls made a small run to Eloise. With Penelope in the middle, Fleur and Eloise were able to ask about the maid with child.

"Well, what have you learned from your maid, the one who is in the family way?" Eloise asked instantly. "What happened? How did it happen?"

"She said it was love." Penelope replied, but it only confused Fleur more.

"Love?" She questioned herself more than Penelope. "I have love for my Papa, that doesn't mean—" She stopped herself at the images of a baby in her belly. "That doesn't stand to reason."

Penelope agreed. "No, it certainly does not," She said. "Look at my Mama. Three children. Would anyone presume that had anything to do with love?"

"Well, what else did she say?" Eloise asked again. "Was she not frightened?"

"More . . ." Penelope searched for the right word. "Sad than frightened. But there may be a chance for her to have a happy ending yet, I suppose," Fleur and Eloise huddled up for that. "She wants to escape to the country, where she and her love will marry."

"Then she has even greater reason to be frightened," Fleur nodded along to what Eloise said. "Once she is married, her life is over. Scarcely an escape, Penelope. Oh, that poor maid!" Fleur furrowed her eyebrows. That wasn't the direction she'd thought she'd go.

"Well, I think even being married is better than having a child unwed," Fleur shared. "Imagine the shame that she'll endure."

Penelope's breath caught in her throat. Fleur's eyes travelled back to Lord Berbrooke who was stomping in the opposite direction. His rage blinded him so much so that he did not see the girls before him. In passing, he walked against Fleur's shoulder, and said nothing.

Looking back to see what was so urgent to forget his manners, Fleur scowled. "Looks like he's headed to your tent, El." She said.

"Oh, no," Was all she said. "Daphne was to be married to that filthy man, but Anthony cancelled the arrangement." She excused herself to walk towards her tent hastily.

"I've always found him strange," Fleur said to Penelope. "He's the personification of a snake, do you know what I mean?"

"I do," Penelope giggled. "Though, I hope all is well for Daphne. I'd hate for her to be married to someone such as him."

"Indeed," She said. After a heated argument between Lord Berbrooke and the Bridgertons, the Bridgertons did not know how fast they had to leave. Their servants cleared the tent of all its interior as fast as they could before the two carriages left the premises.

After fleeing the scene near the water, Fleur had not heard of the Bridgertons anymore. She invited Eloise for a stroll over the market, as she knew she enjoyed that as much as herself. The two girls passed stalls with pens, fabrics, hats, everything you could possibly think of.

"So . . . How is your Mama finding the wedding planning?" She asked Eloise.

Eloise scoffed. "It would be ghastly. But you know what? There is to be no wedding."

"No?" Fleur was surprised. "I thought— Lord Berbrooke made quite the fuss about it, did he not?"

Eloise pulled her in closer, and started to whisper. "His mother visited us the other day. Her maid said saint Berbrooke has a bastard who he refuses to attend to. Mama is hoping to spread the rumour to Lady Whistledown."

"A scandal," Fleur said, rather amused. "What can I do? The faster this news reaches Lady Whistledown, the better."

Eloise's tone became normal again. "All we have to do is speak the words. The ladies of the ton will do the rest."

The two laughed at their scheme, stopping at a stall with books. It was known they shared a fondness for literature, so them stopping to take a look surprised no one. But when the meddlesome ladies of the ton heard of the things they spoke of, smirks rose, one lady at a time. And every time Eloise and Fleur realised this, their excitement rose.

Suddenly the conversation was led elsewhere. "How are plans for your ball tomorrow going?" Eloise asked as they started to turn back after a successful walk.

"I think Mama hasn't had this much fun since Sloane's wedding," She giggled. "You should come."

"I'm not invited." Eloise shrugged it off.

"I'm inviting you right now, am I not?" Fleur said. Eloise looked at her, almost looking astonished. She cracked a smile. She hated the idea of balls, but she'd make an exception this once.

Zahara's planning did not go unnoticed. The ball was sure to be one of the best balls of the season. The orchestra was playing delightfully. It was the first thing the guests noticed when they walked in. The drinks were full of flavour and the dancing was lively. Simply said — the ball was splendid. Everyone was in attendance. Even the Queen, who rarely ever came to balls, seemed to enjoy herself.

Despite being the host, no gentleman had asked for Fleur's honour. They'd asked Sloane's (She declined all because of Cristian) and even Zahara's and Carlotta's, but not the one who was up for the position.

            Fleur's eyes traveled to the opening door, where the Bridgertons entered. Lady Bridgerton, her three sons and two eldest daughters, all in the Lachapelle home. She walked to the entrance.

            "Bridgertons," Fleur curtsied. "I'm so glad you could make it."

            "We are grateful for the invite, Miss Lachapelle." Anthony, the oldest child, nodded.

            Fleur turned to Daphne, who looked ever–so gracious. "How are you, Daphne? Have you yet recovered from your . . . inconvenience?"

              "Quite well, thank you," Daphne smiled. Her eyes went to something behind Fleur. She curtsied. "My apologies."

             As Daphne walked into the crowd, Eloise became more visible. Anthony, Benedict and Colin followed their sister's example and walked into the crowd. "You came," Fleur smiled at Eloise. "Have you decided you like balls after all?"

            "Unfortunately, no," The Viscountess was the one to reply. "But, Eloise insisted that this was the one exception. Maybe you can bring some sense into her." She joked.

            Fleur laughed. "I shall try, Lady Bridgerton."

With one final look, Eloise and her Mama left to mingle with the other guests. The walls were decorated with white flowers in a way that it lured the guests in and dared them to stay for a little while. Fleur saw Eloise and the Viscountess join her Mama for a drink and a conversation.

Just when she thought everything was going well, the room went quiet. A few gasps were all that left the throats of the guests. Fleur tried to find the source, looking around. Her eyes travelled to the front door where a familiar face entered the room.

Lord Nigel Berbrooke entered the ball shamelessly, as if he had no knowledge of the rumours that had been spread about him. Fleur knew it was all a facade. Everyone reads Whistledown as soon as possible. She stepped up to him, the room quiet. Even the orchestra stopped playing.

"Lord Berbrooke," She acknowledged him, her hands folding in front of her. "I wish I could say I'm pleased to see you, but Mama has taught me not to lie."

"I need to speak with Miss Bridgerton," Lord Berbrooke stated. "I was expecting her to be here."

Fleur tutted her lips. "Unfortunately, to enter this ball you'd need an invitation. Which I cannot recall we've given you. Have we invited him, Mama?" She called back to Zahara.

"I'm afraid not." Zahara sipped from her drink.

"Then I must ask you to leave. Maybe you should visit your son, seeing as you haven't for quite some time," Fleur said. "I'm going to ask you to leave now. This is my property, and men like you are not welcome here."

Lord Berbrooke looked around the room. Fleur guessed it was his last attempt to search for Daphne. Seeing her on the arm of the duke, Simon Basset, made him boil up with rage. If there weren't an entire room watching his every move, he surely would've harmed Fleur physically for embarrassing him so.

He stomped away, never having taken more than five steps inside. Fleur sighed deeply. The sound of someone clapping erupted. Fleur turned around, and saw it came from Eloise. A proud expression painted her face. Slowly, more people joined until the entire room clapped.

Fleur's face turned red. Suddenly she became hyperaware of being in the midst of a crowd. The last time that happened she was the one who got embarrassed. She made an awkward curtsy, her dress in her hands.

            She started to walk towards Eloise. Only a few steps removed from her, Fleur got stopped by Carlotta. "That was amazing, Sister." She stated.

            "Oh, it wasn't. I don't suspect Lord Berbrooke had anything to offer me, and there's certainly no room for men like him in this society," Fleur said. "I was merely the one to tell him that. Now can we please get some music in here?" She shouted the last part at the orchestra up on the balcony. The orchestra started up their instruments and continued their lovely playing.

            Carlotta left and made space for her mother. "It is a shame, though," Zahara said, sighing. "He might've accepted your hand, since expectations of this society are so low now. Oh, well," Zahara smiled. "I suppose it's for the better he didn't. I'd hate for a son in law such as him."

"Of course," Fleur nodded along. She didn't know where to look, but it sure wasn't her mother's eyes. Behind her mother, Eloise approached. "If you'll excuse me . . ."

Eloise was more exciting company than her mother. Though this wasn't strange, Eloise was a person she wouldn't mind spending the rest of her life with. Simply two girls living in a house in the countryside, free from the judgment of the ton, and just living. That wasn't possible. It was a delusion the girls had talked into themselves.

"When you're not walking into the palace, I'd almost say you're a nice occurence to look at," Fleur ran a palm over her face in embarrassment. "I love to see men humbled by a lady. And I am sure Lady Whistledown will say so, as well."

            "If it means Lord Berbrooke will stay away from your sister it will be well worth it." Fleur said courtly. She felt her cheeks heating up.

            "I would, if I were him," Eloise shared. "Though I would never do a thing like that. But, of course, men are allowed to do so. I'm content he's socially banished. Should you think he'll leave the city?"

            During Eloise's rambling, Fleur could stare at her with big eyes, nodding along. Eloise's opinion on certain matters was so strong it scared her sometimes.

            Aside from the minor mishap with Lord Berbrooke, the night went exceptionally well. Fleur spent most of the evening with Eloise and, when she finally joined, Penelope. She was sure to have gotten the favour of a few more people in the room. Maybe even the Queen?

Slay Fleur 💅 more El and Flo content today. I felt it was going a bit slow, and I definitely wanted Eloise to be in this moment. It might feel very sudden, because they've never before talked about having a ball. That's because the show moves very fast through this period in these episodes. Weeks sometimes go by. But it was definitely planned

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