Romeo Juliet

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Hey guys this is sridiyasai....and I am very glad to meet u all in this show...

In this show, we will be having four loving couples....and the best loving couple will be given the title ROMEO JULIET.....For that the couple must win the tasks given....

So let me welcome our four couples....

                                 Karan, Preeta, Shrishti, nd Raghav

                                            Purab nd Bulbul

Last but not the most favourite couple....

                                             Abhi nd Pragya

Welcome all...I am very happy to see u all together here...

Abhi : Even we r glad to be here....

Myself : So before going to the first task...each couple has to share us ur first meet....

Starting with Abhigya....

Abhi : It was late night...nd I used to jog only during late night....I saw a person covered with blanket...I thought it was theif nd started following the person....

Then the person entered a big mansion...I was shocked seeing name board, it was my house....the person entered inside my house nd stood there for sometime....without wasting time I took a blanket nd covered that person from back...the person shouted me to leave....but I didn't listened nd called everyone in the house....everyone came nd I took off the blanket from that person...i couldn't see the face....

I told them that the person came here to stole something....I thought that they will shout that person but to my surprise they stared at me nd said sorry to that person....nd shouted at me....I was totally confused...

That is wen my sister Aliya said that the person is her close friend nd everyone in the family knows her...I asked her then why she entered like this....

Before she could reply the person turned nd said it's my wish....I can enter like a their or rat...what bothers u....I was stunned seeing her beauty...

Then my family members said her that I am Aliya's brother....then we both said sorry to each other....So this is how was our first meet...

Myself : OMG....but I have a doubt...why Pragya entered like that....

Pragya : Actually it was a dare given to enter aliya's house without anyone's knowledge....

Myself : but ur lover boy saw u....right...

Pragya : Absolutely....but I am happy that he saw him...if he didn't see me then we wouldn't have met....if we didn't meet then I couldn't get a soulmate like him...

Myself : Super...So it's Rabul's turn...

Bulbul : we are friends from childhood...So our first meet was when I was in std1 I was eating my favourite lollypop....that time someone snatched it from me...that is wen I saw him....I became very angry nd so I pulled his hair....then we started fighting....

The next day I saw him in school nd was shocked to see him sitting in my place in the class...then we had a fight for that too....For small small things we started to fight...then one day we became friends and now as lovers...

Myself : Wow....u said ur love story in few minutes itssss Preeta nd Karan ' s turn...

Preeta : it was the most important day of life....its the day of my interview to my dream work....I was rushing to office in my scooter but the road was fully jammed with too many vehicles...I waited for more than a 15 mins...then I lost my cool nd got down from my scooter to see y it is jammed...that is wen I saw him....he was fighting for something...

As it became too late I went nd shouted at them for standing in the road nd fighting...Thn I went to the office nd to my luck I was selected...I was asked to meet my boss so I went nd was shocked to see him as my boss....I cursed my stars for letting me meet him in morning....Thn I asked sorry to him...he said that it was his mistake too...

Nd that was our first meet...

Myself :So it's Shrishti nd Rishab ' s turn....

Shrishti : we both r college mates....he is my was the first day of my college...I love making I won't avoid talking to anyone...nd whole College became my friends in a short span....except him....he was very rude nd no one likes him...

But something in him attracted me...that I can't stop myself from seeing him....We met in our examination hall....I usually won't study for exams...I was confident that my seniors will help me as everyone r my friends....but I was sad that he sat next to me....I tried asking answers to him but he didn't say....I just filled the paper with my own stories....After exam he called me nd said that he is going to help me in studying....

So from that day he said me what all I should learn nd we came friends.....

Myself : So all the pairs finished saying about their first the first task issssssssss

In this task, we will hide ur girl in a dark room...she cannot talk or shout....There r 5 rooms nd u should find her....nd ur time limit is 60 secs....

So our first pair issssssssss

hey guys this is a fews shots.....just got an idea nd tried to express....pls forgive me if  It is not upto mark.....

Love u all 😘😘😘😘

See u soon.....

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