Chapter Five: Dante's Inferno

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A/N: Sorry for the late upload, my wonderful readers! I had a three day weekend and really wanted to enjoy it with mi Familia ❤

"Please, my Prince..."

"In this house, you call me Escalus." The Prince interrupts Mercutio.


"No matter what, you are my cousin and brother. There is no need for formality." Escalus smiles at his close relative and Mercutio nods in agreement to his Prince.

"Very well, my Pr- I mean, Escalus. Now, I need your help." His tone becomes serious.

"What is it?" Escalus stares at Mercutio and Romeo curiously.

"I... The Montagues are dead." The sad man confessed.

"What?" Escalus stared at his cousin in disbelief. "How did this happen? And without my knowledge? When and why, Mercutio? I demand answers right now!" The Prince scolds. He could not believe that something horrid would happen to the Montague family. He knew them all too well. They were a wonderful family. Quite strict in keeping the ancient tradition of royalty, yes, but their daughter was an angel.

Their daughter. Yes. The Prince suddenly remembered the beautiful Sofia Montague. His stomach turns and his heart ached. He always had a crush on the young girl, no. It was more than just a crush. He loved her. He loved her to the point of wanting a future with her. He wanted them to be married. He wanted to make endless love with her in his bed chambers, feel her hot, juicy core with his long groin. But it wasn't meant to be. The endless courtship ended with a painful rejection when a wedding was announced for Sofia Montague to be wed to Matteo Capulet. It hurt the Prince, yes, but he accepted it because as long as his beloved Sofia was happy, he would be too.

Especially knowing that Sofia was going to be married to Matteo Capulet. Matteo used to be a close friend of his during their childhood days and he wasn't such a bad person compared to his entire family who has always loathed the Montagues. He thought that Sofia would be in good hands and away from harm, but was he wrong?

"If Sofia is gone, I wonder how Matteo is taking it." Escalus frowned at the thought of the poor widowed man, but little did he knew of Matteo's betrayal.

"Actually, my dear cousin, it was the Capulets that plotted against the Montagues... and Matteo was one of those who planned it." Confessed Mercutio.

"What?" Prince Escalus' voice deepens. He couldn't comprehend what his dear cousin had said. Matteo planned it? He planned Sofia's death and her entire family? That can't be true. Many emotions came to face from anguish to pure hatred. Mercutio was terrified with his sudden change of emotion.

"Mercutio, please tell me that it is not true." The Prince  started shaking in anger. Ideas of revenge slipped into his mind. He wanted justice for his beloved Sofia. He wanted the entire Capulet clan to pay for what they've done. Especially for causing so much distress in the entire town of Verona and for threatening his cousin, Mercutio and his family. But how? How will be plot his revenge?

Mercutio looks at the ground. "Y-yes. It is true, Escalus."

"I want them to pay." Prince Escalus turns to see little Romeo speaking shyly in the corner. His eyes flick back and forth from the marble floors and back at the intimidating Prince before him.

"What is that you said, child?" He asks.

"I- I want them to pay. I want them to suffer. They killed my family. They killed Sofia. I know they expected me dead and gone, but here I am. Before you. Please, help me, my Prince. I know that your family has more wealth than the Montagues and the Capulets combined because you are obviously a Prince, so I ask before you that you would help me get vengeance against who did my family wrong. Not for me, but for my family. I will do anything as long as you can help me. Please, my Prince." The poor child was crying so hard that snot started falling from his nose. He wipes his tears with his dirtied, bloodied little tuxedo. Prince Escalus pitied the poor child. That's when it occurred to him.

This child wants revenge just as much as he does, but from the looks for the boy's eyes, they craved for blood. And not just any blood, but the Capulets. He grins as soon as all his plans started falling into place. "Come here, Romeo."

At first, Romeo was hesitant, but slowly approached his Prince. "In a few years time, I will become King of Verona, and while I am King, I need to find someone who will take over as well once I retire. I loved your sister and I would never let anything or anyone harm her. And because of her, I doubt I will ever love again, nor do I plan on remarrying."

Escalus knew that this will be the perfect revenge... for Sofia. "What is your name again, child?"

"Romeo, my Prince."

"No. From now on, I am not your Prince... I am your father." Both Romeo and Mercutio quizzically looked at Escalus.

"Escalus? What are you planning?" Asks Mercutio.

"My dear cousin. We are going to teach the Capulets a lesson they shall never forget. They will realize that it was a big mistake to mess with the Montagues. They will realize that it was a big mistake to mess with a peaceful Verona under my father's rule. They will realize that it was an even bigger mistake to make sure that they did not end Romeo's life right before their very eyes." His grin widens. His eyes passionate for revenge. Oh, he will definitely get his revenge and so will Romeo.

He looks at the child one more time. "From now on, you will be known as..." he rubs his chin as tries to come up with the perfect name. "Ah! You will now be known as Prince Dante."

Romeo's brows furrowed. "Why Dante?"

"Have you heard of Dante's Inferno?" Romeo shook his head.

Mercutio smiles fondly. "It's a childhood classic that Escalus' father would read to us when we were just children. It's about a man named Dante who went through the seven rings of hell to take back the love of his life."

"I see. So why Dante?"

Escalus explains. "Because what I am about to teach you will help you survive something similar to the seven rings of hell. You and I will both go to hell and back just to seek justice for your family." For Sofia.

Romeo thinks about it and smiles. "Let's do it!"

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