Chapter Fourteen: Red String of Fate

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There was a small strand of sunlight that kissed Juliet's face. She was bothered by it. She wishes that the sun would just go back to sleep because that's what Juliet wanted as well: sleep.

When her mind started to wake up, she suddenly remembered what took place last night. She remembers how she was having a good time with the Prince only for it to end so suddenly, then to the time when she nearly killed Raena because she found out about her little secret.

After leaving the bar last night, that's when she decided to quit the Chambre and continue her miserable life as a Capulet. No matter how much she tries to run away from it, it would always come back to haunt her. Look at where it got her. It nearly killed someone just so that the stupid bitch can keep her secret.

The Prince would never want a woman like me. She tells herself. If the Prince found out what her family has been doing lately just to get back into the rich society, he would never want to pay attention to a woman like her.

Suddenly, Juliet sits up from her bed. She stares into her deep thoughts. Why should I care if the Prince likes me or not? Thinking started to give her a headache.

A light knock was made on her bedroom door. Thankfully, the knock distracted her from her thoughts. "C-come in!" She could hear some commotion happening outside of her room and she wondered what was going on.

Her bedroom door barges open and in comes her mother strutting her way towards her. Juliet rolls her eyes and groans as she noticed the thick makeup her mother wore and the new facelift her mother got. "Juliet. What are you still doing in bed?! Get your ass out of there now and get ready, or we will be late!"

Confused, Juliet asks, "Late for what, mother?"

It was Lady Capulet's turn to groan. "Are you forgetting that your grandfather Alessandro wants us to have breakfast with him?! My goodness, child! What am I to do with you?! Have I been cursed to birth such a forgetful child?!"

"Mother, I swear. You over react... a lot." She sasses her mom.

Lady Capulet shrieks at how disrespectful her own daughter has become. "You get yourself ready now, Juliet Capulet! Or I swear I'll..."

Juliet interrupts her mother's threat. "Or you'll what? And besides, why should we visit Papa Alessandro? He's going to die anyways."

When she least expects it, her cheek started to sting from the intense slap that was given to her. She thought it was from her mother, but it was from no other than her own father, Lord Capulet. The anger in his eyes was enough to make Juliet crawl in the corner and hide in fear. "Get ready, or we will all be late," were all the words the Lord Capulet said before leaving the room.

Nancy was behind Lady Capulet as she witnessed everything. Her hands placed on her mouth; her heart broke because she couldn't protect the poor child.

Lady Capulet smirks at her daughter. Her arms folded across her big chest, too bad they weren't real either. "If you listen, you wouldn't have received such a cruel punishment early in the morning." She tells her daughter before leaving her room like a skanky model.

"Juliet, my child?" Nancy says soothingly as she quickly approached her bed. Juliet remained silent as she was still stunned at the slap her father gave.

She still remained silent and slowly got out of her bed and into her wardrobe, finding the right clothing to wear. She came across a plain white sundress, pulls it out, and neatly places it on her bed that has now been fixed by Nancy.

Nancy stares at the poor child, but she didn't know what else to say to comfort her. Nancy tries to say something but couldn't because Juliet went straight to the bathroom and closed the door shut.

Juliet placed her back against the cold door and slowly slid herself to the ground. She pulls her knees closer to herself and puts her head down while hugging her legs. "I fucking hate this place." She tells herself.

After a few minutes in the bathroom, she finally exits and wears the dress she chose. She leaves her bedroom with Nancy by her side and ascended down the stairs where everyone was in the front exit, awaiting for her arrival.

Lord Capulet didn't look at his daughter. Lady Capulet tapped her watch as she stared straight at her own daughter. Matteo and Rosalita were both just in their own worlds at the moment as they waited for their little sister's arrival.

"Oh my God, finally! It took you long enough." Lady Capulet whines. They all exit the building and enter into their black limo.

It felt like an awfully long drive despite it only taking twenty minutes. All Juliet did was stare outside the dark tint windows. She continues to admire how everyone out there looked alive and free while here she is looking dead and captured only to being forced to have breakfast with an old man she despises, Alessandro Capulet, the most fierce Capulet that has ever lived.

According to mama Nancy, he was ruthless and took no for an answer. His wife, Juliet Capulet, the woman whom she was named after was rumored to have an affair with a man. Jealousy poured over and Lord Alessandro made sure that the two were never to meet again.

Grandmother Juliet died of a broken heart as she was forced to marry and bear children for the cruel Alessandro Capulet. But this was spoken in secret. No one was allowed to speak of her grandfather's past. And since this information all came from Nancy, for her sake, she kept this secrecy.

The Capulets finally arrived in the hospital. The driver turns to the entrance of the hospital and drops the family off, and drives off to find a parking as he waits for his masters to finish.

The guards at the entrance of the hospital greets the Capulets, while one assisted them to Lord Alessandro Capulet's room. His room was a private suite. He had his own personal restroom suite. The monitor was in the corner of the room. His bed was a king size one with a very comfortable comforter with red and yellow colored designs.

On that very bed laid the Lord Alessandro Capulet himself. He was weak and fragile as a withering flower that could snap at this very moment if touched. He looked at his family as they enter the room filled with happiness and pride. His gaze then landed at Juliet, somewhat beaming with love and hatred at the same time.

That was the very reason why Juliet despised the old man. One day he will be the sweet and loving grandfather she wants him to be, then with a tiny mistake that wasn't Capulet-like, he will punish her until she becomes the proper lady he wishes her to be. The same way he molded the late Grandmother Juliet as the proper lady that is fitted for a Capulet.

Juliet held her tongue from any snarky remarks she wanted to lay out at the old man. She stared at him with a poker face expression as she followed her family to approach him and greeted him with some fake love. "Good to see you, grandfather." She says with no emotion in her eyes and voice. This is what you wanted, right grandfather? For me to be like a pathetic little puppet like grandmother? She says in her thoughts.

"I am so glad that my entire family is with me." He says to every one and coughs right after.

"Anything for our dear Lord Alessandro Capulet." Says Lady Capulet. Kiss ass. Juliet says to herself as she rolls her eyes in her mind.

Everyone in the room conversated with the old man, except Juliet. She quietly sat right in the very edge of the couch and watched the news on the big 50" flat screen TV that was mounted on the walls. She could care less of the politics and business her family spoke of as long as she doesn't have to chitchat with superficial folks like them.

On the corner of the room were the servants. She could tell how hungry she was, especially Nancy. She looked at the poor woman with pity.

"So, when will Juliet find a man to settle down with?" Her ears perked as she heard her grandfather talking about her.

She turns her head to respond only to be interrupted by her own mother. "Oh father. Sadly, it is the same as always. She is rejecting and dodging men like they are a plague!" She says with remorse in her high pitched voice.

Grandfather sighs in frustration. "Juliet, you are getting too old to marry and bear children. Why, your late Grandmother Juliet was 18 by the time we had gotten married! And your mother here was 17! What is taking you so long?"

Juliet's knuckles were turning white. She takes one breath to calm herself down. Even her own brother noticed. "I apologize, Grandfather Alessandro. I guess it is because none of the men mother introduces me to is not worthy of mine own attention." She smirks at her mother. Gladly, the old man did not notice her disrespect towards her own mother.

Lady Capulet glares at her daughter and was interrupted by the old man. "Well, you shouldn't be picky at all! There is a quite wealthy Lord in England that you should finally meet. His grandfather is a good ol' friend of mine and I expect the two of you to be married in three weeks time."

Juliet was shocked. She can't believe that her grandfather would go this far just for her to get married! And to some man she has never met nor heard of! "But-"

"No buts and that's final, Juliet Capulet! For someone who was named after her own grandmother, you aren't quite obedient! This is the rule of I, Lord Alessandro Capulet, and you will abide by my rule. Got it?!" The old man yells and wheezes for oxygen right after.

Juliet's mother quickly grabs the oxygen mask and places it on his face. "Breathe, father. Just breathe." She says as she tries to calm down the old man.

As soon as the old man had calmed his nerves, Lord Capulet intervenes his father's wishes. "Father, if you could listen to me just for a sec."

"What is it, my son?"

"There is a man that I wish my daughter to marry. In fact, it will do the family good when she does marry him." Juliet couldn't believe her ears once more. What is this? A family breakfast or a meeting on who will wed her?!

She was getting ready to burst into flames. If she hold such a magical power, she would gladly burn everyone in this room just to achieve happiness.

She couldn't take the madness anymore.

Juliet stands up and interrupts the two men's conversation. "I apologize, father. But my stomach doesn't seem to be well. I- I think it might be the eggs. They don't smell right nor do they taste right. If you could please excuse me, I would like to take a walk. Maybe some fresh air would help ease the unsettling feeling I have at the moment."

Luckily, the stress she felt at the room made her pale enough to convince her father. "Very well. We will discuss what needs to be done as soon as we are done here."

Juliet nods and leaves the room.

As she closes the door, her heart started to ache at the conversation her grandfather and father were having. Was she a human being? Or a material object that can be sold to the highest bidder?

She walks to the exit and as she does, she bumps into a hard wall. The poor girl was about to land hard on the floor, but was caught in time by a mascular figure.

She looks up to thank the person only to be surprised on who it was. "Uhh..." was all she could mutter.

"Oh? It looks like the red string of fate brought us together one day after another."

A/N: Do you guys remember reading the line that Juliet said? "Why should we visit papa Alessandro? He's going to die anyways."

I posted that line on my Instagram (follow me at @joharateregeyo on Instagram ;D) and Facebook page, and asked everyone what they think about it? So, I would like to ask you readers: what would you do if someone said this about someone you care about?

This is nearly the same exact line that an aunt said about my husband when he was rushed to the hospital on May 2019.

Please comment and let me know what you think. :) I love you guys.

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