Chapter Thirty

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A/N: Good day my wonderful readers! I would like to apologize for all the late updates that I've been doing. I promise that Romeo's Revenge is the story that I vow to complete (together with the rest of the stories I've done).

It's been tough lately especially with the financial crisis going on in our little islands and with me working a second job until almost midnight while trying to convince my little one to sleep because she has school the next day.

But now with this Covid-19 happening and with the schools shutting down, I am just at lost.

Dear goodness gracious. Help us, Lord! Lol! But seriously! I dont plan on giving up on my story because I love Romeo's Revenge and I want you to love it too! And I hope I did a good job convincing you otherwise. ♡

Anyways, I wanted to thank each and everyone of you who took the time to read and vote for Romeo's Revenge. You are amazing and awesome, and I hope that you would vote for this chapter and the following ones in the future.

Thank you and I love you guys!



"Nancy, I wanted to talk to you about something." Juliet stares at her surprised nanny. Tears were about to fall from her eyes. The poor girl had been confused about everything that happened tonight. She knew that deep down, she is in love with Romeo and he is in love with her too, but doubt filled her mind with ill thoughts. What if the passionate love making was nothing more than to take her virginity as a part of his revenge scheme? She gave up something so precious to someone that may or may not have loved her. But he does love you. Her sweet thoughts whispered into her mind.

"Oh my. Come inside my child." Nancy leads Juliet inside her small, cozy room. Juliet sits on her small bed and Nancy follows her.

"Now tell me. What happened?"

Juliet didn't know where to start. She still tries to fight the tears and the confusing battle between her mind and heart. "Nancy. I don't know what to do and I don't know what to think. All I know is that I love him and I want to believe him because that is what my gut is telling me."

"So I'm guessing that he finally told you the truth?" Juliet looks at Nancy wondering what she meant by that. Her eyes grew wide at the sudden realization.

"Wait. You knew all a long? How? Why didn't you tell me?" Juliet felt hurt from the betrayal.

"Because I wasn't too sure at first."

"What do you mean?"

"I wasn't too sure at first, because when I first saw the Prince when he was with you at the hospital, he looked eerily familiar. His dirty blonde hair and his emerald green eyes, and the strong features of his face. Everything resembled the late Montague family." Nancy explained smiling fondly at the memory of the wonderful Montague family.

"Nancy. You were here when it all happened twenty years ago. I need to hear your side of the story. What happened on Matteo's wedding day?" It was a very sore subject for Nancy, but she knew that the child needed answers and her stubbornness won't stop at nothing until she finds the truth.

Nancy nods her head and held the young woman's hand. "Very well. But what I am about to tell you is something that is worth risking my life over. I have grown tired of the mistakes the Capulets did in the past and I know that they will never learn from it. But you, my child. You are different from the rest of them and I thank the Lord and your late grandmother Juliet for that.

The feud between Capulet and Montague started during the bachelor ways of your grandfather, Lord Alessandro. See, he had this best friend. The one person that he knew would stick by his side through thick and thin. The two were inseparable. The boy's name was Lorenzo Montague.

The two were more than best friends. They were like brothers. They had silly talks about how they plan on uniting their great empire through their future children. When they have children, their children will marry. With both powerful names in Verona, imagine how powerful they would be together.

Then all of that changed when a very ordinary country girl decided to move to the beautiful city of Verona. She was smart and witty. She had a sharp tongue and isn't afraid to speak her mind. Her name was Juliet de Luca.

Upon gazing at such ordinary, yet unique kind of beauty, both men became drawn to her. They both wanted Juliet for their very own. They courted her and she rejected the both of them, but both never gave up until one day, Juliet fell deeply in love with Lorenzo Montague.

They were always together and I'm fact, very much in love that a growing jealousy started to form in Alessandro's heart. He wanted Juliet and he will make sure that Juliet will only belong to him.

One night, something unforgivable happened. Lorenzo was kidnapped and beaten to the point where he was near at death. Alessandro told Juliet that if she did not marry him, Lorenzo will die. Juliet wasn't given much of a choice. Her love for Lorenzo was so strong that she'd rather live in misery than see him dead. Juliet agreed on the depressing marriage and on the following day, Juliet and Alessandro got married with the promise of releasing Lorenzo.

When Lorenzo heard of this, he barged into the Capulet mansion and demanded to see both Juliet and Lorenzo, and as they went down to see all the ruckus, what Lorenzo saw shattered his heart into a million pieces. Juliet was forced down with only her blanket wrapped around her body and her tear stained face. Alessandro just smiled there in satisfaction.

I remember that night hearing her cries as Alessandro forced himself upon her. It was very heart breaking.

As much as your grandmother wanted to escape, she wouldn't dare. Either she would get killed or Lorenzo would. So she had to suck everything up until she fell pregnant with your father. You think that mothers love their children regardless, but Juliet was nothing but a hallow shell when she found out about her pregnancy. The only one happy was Alessandro. Especially when he found out that it was going to be a boy.

See, the sickening part is that Lord Alessandro makes it seem like everything is normal in their family. That the kidnapping of Lorenzo, the forced marriage and forced sex, everything didn't happen. He made it seem like it was God's will for him.

After Juliet gave birth to your father, she did the unthinkable. Juliet committed suicide. She was found dangling in the ceiling with the baby crying and begging to be fed and hugged by his mother."

After listening to Nancy's story, she couldn't help but felt pitty for her late grandmother. She suffered in this household. She loved a Montague and could never be with one.

Juliet looks at Nancy. "Did... did my father by any chance fell in love with a Montague as well?"

"What made you want to ask that?" Nancy looks at the child in surprise.

"Well since Matteo fell in love with Sofia and now I with Romeo after, I was starting to think that this is some curse." She says with a failed chuckle.

Nancy thought back if anything really did happened and gasp as if she remembered something. "Now that I think of it. Your father was very private about his love life and relationships so I never really noticed anything until I saw a woman with dirty blonde hair and emerald green eyes in his study. She had the same strong features as Lord Lorenzo Montague. They seemed to be quite fond of each other especially the way your father stared at her with so much love. After that, I never saw her again."

Inside Lord Capulet's Study

Everything seems to be falling apart in the Capulet business. Lord Capulet was going through the revenue collections of the Capulet empire and everything is just falling apart. He places his hands on his head to relief the upcoming migraine. His thoughts were interrupted by a silhouette figure standing by the door. He looks at the figure clearly and sighs in relief. "It's just you. What do you want?"

"Such a cold, cold greeting coming from my husband?" Lady Capulet scowls at her spouse.

"You should have gotten used to my cold greetings, am I right Tatiana?" He calls her by her first name.

Lady Tatiana sighs. "Shouldn't you be in bed?"

"Shouldn't you be used to me not being at your bed?"

"Our bed, Rodrigo. And would you stop answering my questions with another question? You are just fucking annoying the shit out of me!"

"Why are you here, Tatiana? You know that this place is off limits!"

"Off limits, you say? Yet it was fine to have the stinken whore, Rowena Montague, to be at your study?!"

The mention of Rowena being called a whore boiled Rodrigo's blood. He stood up and was ready to choke the life out of his wife, but he knew that he did not marry a coward. "Go ahead and kill me! All you ever thought about was that puta! Even when you make love to me, you always call her name!"

A stream of tears traveled its way down to her chin. She knew that she is nothing compared to Rowena. During the day of the bloody wedding, she took the honor of letting out her frustrations by killing Rowena herself. But Rowena's actions were different. She was not frightened to be killed by her. In fact, the woman had the audacity to smirk and it was her final words before she met her death that frightened her. "Benvolio is mine and Rodrigo's son." Those were her final words.

The memories of that day made her stomach churn.

"Our parents had an agreement. I marry you and there will be no harm to come to Rowena. Everything was an arranged marriage and you already know that love cannot develop during an arranged marriage." Rodrigo says with a blank expression on her face.

Tatiana chuckles. "You're so hilarious, my dear. I know that even during our marriage, you would go see your little whore. Do not fucking lie to me."

Rodrigo was surprised and calms down right after. "And so? Like I said. I dont love you."

Tatiana stomps her heels on the marbled floor and screeches. "You know what?! I am glad that Papa Alessandro ordered the Capulets to annihilate the Montagues! And I was so honored to kill Rowena myself and her bastard son! It felt could how she screamed in so much pain! Oh, and you know that child she had? Turns out that it was your son after all! It was amazing and truly satisfying how your bastard called out for his dead mommy and missing daddy." She laughs hysterically.

Rodrigo couldn't believe his ears. He had a son with the love of his life? Anger raged in him. His vision turns red and all he can see, all he can crave was blood. Not just any blood, but the blood of his "dear" wife. He pulls out the pocket knife, swishes it, and stabs Tatiana right in the throat.

Tatiana was shocked. She couldn't speak. She was choking in her own blood as it makes its way out of her mouth. She coughs it and it splatters on her husband's face. "I don't fucking love you. I will never fucking love you!" He yells as he removes the knife from her throat and makes its way to her abdomen. He pierces it deeper and harder, and slowly Lady Capulet lost her life.

Rodrigo walks towards his study table and picks up the phone. He dials Peter's number. "Pete. Please come into my office. I need you to get rid of something for me."

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