Chapter Two: Down the Aisle, We Say Our Vows

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After their passionate love making, Sofia couldn't help but feel the butterflies in her stomach that were about to explode! The fact that Matteo spilled his hot seed inside of her was the first of it. Matteo was usually careful with her, but this time he wasn't. Was it because they were getting married? "I'm going to be a mother." She whispered to herself with a nervous feeling in her heart. She questioned whether or not she will become a good mother. A better mother. A better mother than these rich farts.

The more depressing her thoughts became, the more she nearly had forgotten about her wedding. "Sofia, are you ready?" Her mother suddenly barges in her room, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Mother! Could you at least knock?" She scolds.

"Now, there is no time for knocking! You are going to be walking down that aisle to get married, and might I remind you, to that fucking devil king." Lady Montague spits with pure hatred. The history of hate between the Montagues and the Capulets have went on since the days of Sofia's grandparents. No one really knew the reason behind their issue because grandfather Lorenzo Montague chose to keep everything to himself. All everyone knew is that he hated Lord Alessandro Capulet, and he wishes to see him fall with all his business chains and riches, but because of his love for his granddaughter, Sofia, he chose to, by no choice, accept her wish to marry the young Matteo Capulet.

"I can't believe padre Enzo accepted this marriage! I thought he hated the Capulets, and here he is! Letting our only daughter marry a fucking Capulet!" Lady Aurora Montague frustratingly walks around while getting her daughter ready for the big day.

"Mother, language." Sofia scolds. "There are kids!"

"Oh, boohoo to their puta Capulet mothers." She rolls her eyes and makes her daughter face the mirror. Lady Aurora examines each beautiful feature of her daughter and sighs. "Such a waste of endless beauty only to be given away to a monster."

Sofia rolls her eyes in return. Now she understood where she got this type of sass from. "Ma..."

"Ah." She silences her own daughter. "If ever the Capulet family does not treat you right, you tell your mama, okay? And I will squeeze Matteo's balls until they pop and I will shove his flat balls into his mouth, and force him to eat them and swallow them... raw."

Sofia grew pale at her mother's morbid words. There is no denying that the Montagues can cause so much violence, especially her own mother. "I would be questioning you more if you end up cooking them first." She teases.

"One thing about being a Montague is that you do not let anyone step on you. You got that?" Aurora stares at her daughter in the eyes to make sure she understands what being a Montague is all about. Sofia nods in agreement.

After their serious talk, little feet were heard running up the stairs and into Sofia's room. "Sofia, Sofia!"

Sofia turns her head to see a very excited Romeo, her little brother. She smiles at the little rascal. "Hi Romeo."

"Guess what?" Says the very mischievous 7 year old.

Sofia already knew that her little brother was up to no good. "What did you do, Romeo?"

"You have to guess!"

"Now, Romeo. Please tell me what you did?"

Romeo started giggling as he tries to explain his little prank to his sister. "Benvolio and I grabbed as much frogs as we can from the fountain and snuck them up in mother and father's room!"

Sofia's eyes widen as she hears about Romeo's little joke, but little did the child knew, his mother was in the same room with him. "Romeo Montague!" Lady Aurora scolds.

"M-mama. How long were you standing there?" Romeo stutters as he sees his mother crossing her arms and tapping her foot on the ground with her glaring right at his face.

"You and Benvolio better get rid of all the frogs in the room or else you will be grounded." She says sternly. Romeo pouts and leaves the room, following Benvolio. Sofia couldn't help but chuckle at her little brother's silliness.

"I swear. That child will be the death of me! When you were that young, you were such an obedient one!" Sofia didn't like how her mother was comparing the both of them.

"Mother, he is just a child. He knows nothing of what he does. Let him live the moment!" She tries to reason with her.

"No. Romeo is a Montague. He is the future of this house and he should act as one." Now, Lady Aurora was being completely unreasonable and Sofia did not like it one bit. Tis true that she was a well behave child while growing up, but it was because they were strict on her, especially since she was a female.

Every day, it was a lesson. Every day, it was loneliness. Every day, it was pure torture. Sofia never felt an ounce of love from her egotistical mother, and busy father. That is until Romeo was born. Since then, they have been inseparable and Sofia loved her little brother more than anything in the world.

Sofia tries to calm herself from furiously shaking her mother's shoulder on her wedding day. She took several deep breaths to hold her anger. Oh, how temper runs in the veins of the Montagues. "Anyways, mother... I should continue to get ready. We have to be there in a few minutes." Lady Aurora had an uninterested look on her face. She'd rather die than to see her own flesh and blood be married to a Capulet.

Sofia knew what her mother was thinking. She rolled her eyes and said, "Not unless... you'd want to show the world how embarrassing it is that the Montagues are not punctual!" She lets out a fake gasp. She knew how to convince her mother well, and one thing that she knows about her mother is that she always makes sure to save the family's face.

"Well, that is quite embarrassing. We must save face! Okay, I'll be off now. Sofia, you dare not be late or you will shame your family! It is enough that you are getting married to a fucking demon." She leaves in a rush and slams the door shut.

"Ugh! Finally! Peace and quiet!" She looks at herself in the mirror one last time to see if there was anything she had forgotten. Her face was still flushed from her naughty little event in this room. She bit her lower lip and noticed how moist she still was in between her legs.

When she began to pay attention to the wetness, her insides started to throb for more of her fiance's warm cock. She remembers how it would suddenly harden some more with each penetration made inside. She also remembers how he spilt his warm seed in her. Looks like they will be expecting a baby Capulet very soon.

Another knock was made at the door. "Come in." She says.

"Sofia. We're going to start." It was her best friend and maid of honor, Rosalita. She was not Italian, but a Spaniard. Rosalita, or Rose for short, was born and raised in Verona. Her parents decided to live there and left Spain. She had a light brown complexion and her hair was as black as a raven. She also had dark brown eyes. Her figure wasn't slim, but she wasn't fat either. She had quite a voluptuous body that would make any man in Verona fall head over heels for her.

Sofia approaches her best friend in a warm hug. "Are you excited?" Rose asks and Sofia nodded.

"I promise you that whatever Matteo has in plan for you, it will be something you will remember for the rest of your life." Rose says with the biggest smile on her face.

"It definitely is. Especially since we will be expecting a baby Capulet very, very soon." Sofia held her belly and smiles.

Rose was confused until her eyes opens wide as soon as she realizes what she meant. "W... wow. T-that's great! Congratulations, bestie!" She pulls Sofia in a very warm embrace.

While the two of them hugged, Rose couldn't help but feel disgust. She clutches her hands into a fist with obvious hatred shown in her face. She quickly goes back to her usual happy self, removing all evident trace of anger that used to linger on her face once they broke out of their embrace.

"I am happy for you Sofia Montague. Now, come! It is time! Down the aisle, we say our vows!" They both lock their arms together and walked down the stairs to where everyone was at.

There they all stood behind a giant, silk, lavender color curtain. Behind the curtains were the guests sitting on their seats, chattering amongst each other. Sofia felt nervous, all of a sudden. It wasn't wedding jitters. It felt like something else. Something that she can't pin point. She tries to brush it off and reminds herself of her special day.

The music starts playing and slowly, the curtains open. Two sets of bridesmaids and ushers walked down the aisle, side by side. Followed by Rosalita and Tybalt, Matteo's best man and cousin.

Next was Romeo, the ring bearer, and by his side was a baby Juliet, the flower girl and Sofia's soon to be sister in law, who was being carried by Lady Capulet.

Once Romeo and Juliet were farther enough, it was Sofia's turn to walk down the aisle. She grip her bouquet tightly and took a deep breathe, and started to walk down the aisle. She looked around and noticed that something was definitely wrong. She drops the flowers and removes her veil. "Matteo? What is going on?"

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