Part 2

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Suman called her again slowly patting her head. Suman was not sure if Sona was actually sleeping. Her heart ached to see her daughter withering in pain. The whole humiliation at the Sippy house, Rohi's father's venomous words, Rohit's family's unusual silence, Suman was ready to take everything in her stride and move on, but not her daughter's tears. She was not sure if she could comfort and help Sona to move on as she did four years ago.

Four years back, the whole fiasco between Karan and Sona ended up in such a bloodbath. Suman knows how Sonakshi moved heaven and earth to save that wounded girl from the lecherous goons and Karan. Suman reached that scene to see a frightened Sonakshi with torn clothes surrounded by goons. Suman, who came with the policemen, was able to save Sona from the molestation attempt. Sona devastated at the betrayal and badly shaken after the whole drama, could not even utter a word to Suman for about an hour. They should have gone to the police against Karan. They should have done everything in their power to bring those perpetrators in front of justice.

Suman cursed the day she decided not to file a complaint against Karan and silencing Sonakshi to stay silent. Along with Raima, her daughter was also a victim of that horrific violence. Suman was not sure why she did that. Sonakshi's new show KPKs talks were in progress. Suman did not want any distraction over a Molestation case and she did what a mother should do. Sona protested for days but she herself was shaken and broken beyond repair.

I have no regrets. Suman wiped her tears.

I did whatever I could to protect my Sona. And even today I will do the same.

Suman sat down near Sona's bed as if in a trance. As the hours pass by, Suman willed her mind to stand beside her daughter no matter what tomorrow brings up.

Nothing will happen to Sona as long as I am alive. If I know how to bring her back to life after that gang rape attempt, I know how to stand behind her like a rock during this break-up.

Suman's steel will give her new energy and confidence. She pulled over the blanket over Sona, Switched off the light and moved towards the door.

"Goodnight mamma" Sona rasped, with her broken voice.

Suman, quickly wiped her tears and closed the door and begin walking towards the hall. She should never see me cry.

It was almost 4 AM and Suman sat down in the balcony with a cup of Coffee. She noticed Rohit's car entering the community and a hooded figure getting down from the car. She did not want to create a scene and disturb up Sona so she got her sweater and got out of the apartment waiting for Rohit. In another 5 minutes, Rohit, still in his tuxedo came out of the lift.

Suman's glaring eyes never left him the moment he entered the hallway outside the apartment. His arrogance, his rudeness towards Sona and his complete lack of regard for Sona's emotions boiled in Suman's mind. Her discerning eyes were never wrong before. when Sona was with Karan, Suman had warned her about him and it turned out to be true. But with Rohit, Suman was sure, she could see nothing but love for her Sona in his eyes. But today, She was proved wrong. His past seems to have a hold on him and her Sona was nothing in front of that. Suman's heart ached at her Daughters plight who gave her everything for the love and got scorned twice.

"Sona...?" Rohit did not waste time explaining why he is here.

"She is sleeping," Suman replied coldly and Rohit did not even wait a second before passing Suman and entering the apartment. Suman was confused for a minute, she wondered if he is here to take revenge for Raima. Suman followed Rohit to Sinakshi's room.

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