The Cave of Two Lovers

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(* Inspired by Avatar the Last Airbender S2 Ep2)

It was afternoon and the two were already in the middle of the forest walking forward in silents until Neko asked "Usagi might I asked where we are going?" "Where ever the road leads us, perhaps Omashu or Jang Hui" he said looking at her before looking forwards again.
As they kept walking they told story's both that they heard from other people and that really happen through those hours of talking they got to know each other better like how Neko was scared if compacted places and how Usagi scared the living hell out of a man and his so to be wife.
They quickly become closer, but they stopped when they got to a fork in the path. As they kept quiet Neko's ears started to twitch around "Neko what's wrong?" Usagi asked concerned "I hear a waterfall with a large shallow lake... up to the knees or ankle" she said and they kept twitching and she turned to left. "That way and to the right..." she starts to twitch her ears to the right and said and looked very dum found and confused "I hear a most if metal and horses for some reason" she said so Usagi spook "This way" and the went left.
They kept walking the found the lake Neko described and Usagi was astonished "Who did you?" "I don't know, I heard something and saw a small vision of it and described it" she said. Neko started to walk towards the lake and places her feet in and sighing happily. "Shall we?" Neko asked pulling out her sword and he nodded and did the same.

They started to fight Neko mostly dodging his swings until at her feet and knocked her over "You did well though you could do better your stantes" he said lending out a hand. But as she picked her hand up water started to come up as well and she smirked and made the water grip onto his Usagi's hand and pulled him down and Neko got on top of him and smirked. "I'll never surrender 'til my last breath" she said and Usagi smiled and said "You Neko are a very unique young lady" and they smiled until they heard a guitar strumming and Neko quickly got off him and let Usagi fall into the shallow water which he quickly got up from. They saw a small group of people with flowers in there hair. Then the leader (a panda) spook "Heyy river people" he said and Neko tilted her head very confused 'I wonder what a river person is' she wondered. Then Usagi said interrupting her thoughts "We're not river person" he said. "You're NOt? then why are you guyses cloths soaked?" he asked "We... we fell into the river" she said looking away a bit. "Well I'm Hoe, this is my wife Lilly, and these are my fellow musicians" he said and Neko just waved awkwardly. "So where are you two off to?" Lilly asked them and starting to braid Neko's hair randomly "We're going to Omashu or Jang Hui, which ever comes first" Usagi informer them. "Actually we know a short cut there and a song to go alone with it, wanna hear?" Hoe asked "Umm, I think we'll pas-" "Great hit it" Hoe said and started to strum.

(*Starts at 0:16)

Everyone started to clap except Usagi and Neko who were very confused about if this was real or not "Well that was..." Neko couldn't find the right word for this situation "Amaging?" Hoe asked so Neko said "Sure?" and they looked happy. "Well come on let's show you where the cave is besides we want to get to this waterfall where people like us will be" Lilly said and before Neko could move Usagi held her and said "Give us a moment" and they did "Are you sure you want to do this, I mean you told me that you aren't very fond of compacted places like caves" he said and Neko just sighed and said "Well if it'll get us to Omashu quickly I'll go through the compacted cave" she said and he nodded. "Okay let's go" Usagi said and they started to walk and play there music.
As they kept walking Usagi was getting conserened about the story Neko talked about while they were walking together about her being in a cave with no light as a child, he didn't want her to go though that traumatizing experience.

Soon enough they got the the large  cave and Hoe spook "Well here he are the cave, oh and also in the Story they didn't want anyone to know about there love so the made a labyrinth" and Neko's eye twitch annoyed that he left out THAT important detail out before they left "Oh ya so um this is as far as we go with you guys since we've remembered a way to get to that rainbow another way, but here they're sticks that can light up by themselfs if you drag them onto the ground, they'll last for at least 8 hours" Hoe said giving them two. They watched them leave until the were out of sight, they looked at the opening of the labyrinth and saw writing in the top "You must trust in love if you want to get through, if not you will be lost in the cave and die" it read and Usagi looked at her and said "Let's go" nd walked themselfs into the labyrinth and started to walk deeper in.
Then they hear rocks falling and they looked up to see a collaps and Usagi pushed his and Neko out of the way before any rocks hit them.
They staued on the ground until the rocks dropped falling and got up to see the Cave in and Neko started to freak out a little bit more as every minute passed and Usagi took notice and held her hand and said "It's okay Neko, just watch the flame or just close your eyes and I'll lead you" Neko just leand on his shoulder and watched the flame carefully.
They kept walk and walking for what felt like hours and Neko say that they might only have 20 minutes before light out since they were using the second one already. "I wonder if it's night already" Neko wonder to herself out loud. "I belive it's getting dark or sub rise" Usagi said to her "Usagi can I ask you something?" she said looking at him and he nodded and so she asked "How did you become a Ronin?" and Usagi was surprised that this was the question she asked.
"Well years ago failed to protect my master in battle, it was my duty to protect him but I couldn't" Usagi said looking away "That's how I became a Ronin that wonders the land" Neko was silent for taking what he said in. "Usagi I... I'm so sorry" she said "There's no point being sorry, I did what I could and what matter is that he odd to be in a better place now" he said and Neko just leaned on him and started hugging him. "What are you going Neko?" "I thought you needed a hug" she said and dead silents but Usagi looked at Neko and saw her head was down and her eye was calmly closed.

Usagi started to smile and wrap a arm around her and she looked up serprised but relaxed when she saw the smile on his face. Soon enough the found a large boulder covering some type of hold "This might be a way out" Neko said running to the side of the boulder "If it is then they would be perfect timing cause he only have 8 or 10 minutes left" he said helpings push it.
Then it was finally out of the way the saw something grand "This isn't the way out" "No it's a tome" he said as the wonder in.
"Usagi look!" she called out to him to show him writing with pictures "It tells a story" he said and started to read the story.

"Love burns brightest in the dark..." they were both speechless after the story "I... I never knew how that city was made cause everyone had forgotten about there history" Usagi said while looking at the carving of the two lovers. "It's beautiful... how could people forget about a tragically beautiful story that made there city?" Neko asked to no one in particular "I don't know" he said looking at the light seeing only they had now 5 minutes left.
"Neko this might be crazy but..." he left of his sentence unsure that she would agree to this "Don't worry Usagi what ever you're going to say I will kept an open mind, so please tell me" she said holding his other hand and he sighed and rubbed her hand gently. "They said 'Love burns brightest in the dark' and the carving shows them kissing..." he left off the sentience again hoping she would connect the dots to it but she said "I don't get what you are try to say."
Usagi sighed and said a little nervously "What if we... kissed?" Neko was confused about this and saw his face blush. "Usagi your face it's turning red" she said woriedly putting her hand on his cheecks the on his forehead "Don't worry Neko I'm not sick so what do you think about my suggestion cause I won't do it if you don't want me to" he said holding her hands "Usagi I-I don't even know what a kiss is" she said and his eyes widened. He pointed to the carving and said "That is a kiss" and she looked back at him "So they just put there lips together?" she asked and he chuckled softly.
"It's not just that, a kiss shows that you love someone with everything in your heart. It shows you care about them and you can feel like the strongest person alive. A kiss can shows many emotion" he said and saw a small twinkle in her eye "I... I nervous about this" she said looking at the small fire only second away from burning out and they just looked at each other think this might be the last time they'll see eachother again. As the fire burned out they just leaned closer to each other and...

Light appeared... they both looked up and saw the glowing crystals and Neko laughed a little "The light they most lead the way out" and grabbed Usagi's rist and started to run towards the way the crystals where going." Soon enough they found the way out and saw it was getting close to sun set, as Neko started to walk down hill Usagi stopped her and said "How about be watch the sun set first" so she nodded and sat down next to him watching the red sun hid behind the horizon.
After a few minutes of waiting Usagi got up and lend her a hand and said "Come I have a friend in Omashu that is an innkeeper, he'll let us stay for the night" and they started to go down the hill as Neko thought of what happened back in the labyrinth with a smile, knowing what a kiss is.

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