Town on a Lake

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(* Inspired by Avatar the Last Airbender show)

The two were walking out into the forest they were silent until Neko asked Usagi "Usagi what is that symbol you wear for?" he looked at her and said "The symbol shows the clan I am from" and she looked at it and thought 'Clan...' "What clan are you from Neko-san?" he asked her. She looked down and said "I still don't remember anything except the things I told you" and they kept in silents. Soon enough they got to a river and the farther they fallowed it the more contaminated it looked, it looked like the water was sick.
As they kept walked closer they found a rather large lake and saw the farrie man on the bottom of a small cliff "Usagi this this..." "Jang Hui? Yes" he said as he lead her down and to the farrie man.
"Welcome new comers" the farrie man said "I'm Doc cause I work on the doc" and Neko just looked confused. "May we go to your village?" Usagi asked and he let them on and started to row.
"What... happened here?" Neko asked and so Doc said "A few years ago some clan just came in and started to dump all there trash here and took just about all all the food and medians here" he said in a trying to be cheery voice. Then silents until they got to the village doc and it was much more sadder in person. "My goodness" was all she said.
Then they found the same man "Hi Doc-" "I'm not Doc, he's my twin brother. I'm Shop" he said while holding up a box of shoes. "Alight Shop, might I asked who is that statue of?" Neko asked pointing at the statue.

"You don't KNOW HER, well she is what the visitors call The Painted Lady but we call her The River Spirit, she is basicly the protector of the town and its waters" Shop said and she just kept looking at the statue.

"THAT is the River Spirit but many people call her Moon, she is said to protect our people from when times get ruff" he said and Neko looked at the statue warry. "Are you alright Neko?" Usagi asked worried "Huh, oh sorry... I just feel like I've seen her before..." she said and they walked along.
As they walked the watched as people grow sicker and were dying left and right "Usagi, I think we should help them" Neko said and watched as people rolled the dead body's off the doc and into the river to sink. "You're right" he said and they heard drums getting louder and they ran towards the edge of the doc and saw a boat and it was coming in a slow pace.
"What are we going to do?" Neko asked looking back at him and he thought for a moment before grabbing her and running towards a house and said "We are here to help you and if we are able to get them out of your town we need your help" Usagi said and a few people got up. "What do you need Samurai?" a lady said "We need to get my friend to look like your spirit" he said and they nodded and took her away quickly.

Soon the clan came into there village with torches and they main one yelled out "EVERYONE COME OUT WITH ALL THE GOODS YOU HAVE UNLESS YOU WANT YOUR PROTECTION TO RUN DRY" and people ran out with what little they had left. "This all they got?" the leader asked before saying "Search there homes, if there is nothing left burn it" and his men went off and searched the place but to find something waiting for them.

As one of the soldiers got in fog came out from one of the houses and all of them went towards it. As the smashed the door open they were met with Neko looking down and looking like The River Spirit. They backed off afread "IT'S JUST A GIRL, BRING HER OUT" the leader yelled and two of them went towards her. She looked up and as they were about to grab her she leaped up into the air and kicked them to the ground "What the-" before he could finish him line she ran toward him and took out her sword and shrinking him to the ground. His men tryed to fight her off by Usagi joined in to help her.

As as swords finally dropped Neko stepped towards there still breathing leader and said menacingly "Leave this place, and NEVER return" and he ran it rather swimed for it.
People began to walk toward them and said "Thank you for everything, but what about the water" one said "Try to clean it with a net that can left up the water seap out but keep in the trash" Usagi suggested and they began to leave.
Ones they got go shore Neko asked "Where to next?" "Where ever the road shall take us" Usagi said.

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