Why I've Been Gone

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Hey everyone. It's me, the author.
I'm pretty sure you all noticed that... I have been gone for some months now.

By the way, some of you have privately messaged me asking if I'm okay and I want to say I've highly
appreciated it a lot

Some of you may know that me and my boyfriend of 4 years have gotten our own place recently back in October, that has mean we both have had to grow up a lot with paying bills and groceries and such as that.

During the last few months I've updated off and on and tried to be consistent.

Well recently a lot has happened, my father has been having medical problems which has been worrisome, and my grandmother had been put in a rehabilitation facility.

By the way she is doing amazing.

Though recently we have found out my Dad has fatty liver disease. The doctors say if he doesn't take of himself it will turn into cirrhosis.

For those who don't know, cirrhosis of the liver is caused by unhealthy eating habits and alcohol and other things.

And there is no cure if it gets that far unless he gets a liver transplant.

My Dad doesn't have the best eating habits and drinks alcohol almost every night.

He is what I would call a borderline alcoholic, not a constant drinker but everyday after work he would drink a lot. And stay sober all day. Some nights he wouldn't but most nights and lots of it.

This news destroyed me because my parents were young when they had me my mom was 20 my Dad 21 almost 22. I just turned 20 on the 13th of April making him and my mom 40 and 41 (he turns 42 in July)

He is still young and in the next few years there is a chance I'll get married and even though we always said if something to him my brother (who is 2 years younger) would walk me down the aisle. He is my Dad and it would crush me if he couldn't be there to give me away

I love my brother but he even agrees our Dad should the one and if he doesn't change his habits now. A nurse at my job said he most likely wouldn't see 46...

That's not the only thing! What about when I get older. Have kids. I want them to know my Dad and I want my Dad see them grow! He is young he has this chance to be in my future kids lives for many years!

Also...he is my Dad and when I was a little girl I was a Daddys Girl and I always dreamed of walking down the aisle, the father daughter dance at my wedding. Him meeting my kids...I love him. I don't want to lose my Dad...

He is getting surgery to get rid of this hernia (a whole other thing). And will get more tests done soon so please pray for his recovery and healing.

And pray for me to be stronger because I already tore into him about his health recently cause he is still drinking. My Mom told me to be patient because it's hard to stop a habit he's had for years and I'm trying.

I just don't want to lose him

Man I didn't think I wouldn't be going into my 20th birthday with all this stuff.

Oh yeah I turn 20 on the 13th this month my boyfriend just turned 20 on the 23rd. Happy birthday to us heh.

Also my boyfriend has been an amazing support through all this. I bawled when I found out and he has just been there. I love him so much.

I plan on updating soon I have drafts for each of my books next chapter partially there so hopefully those will be finish.

Also thanks for the rant. I love you all.


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