Chapter one- Justice

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"Justice! Get your ass over here. Do you want to come to this field trip or not?"

A boy with shaggy brown hair that fell in front of his eyes stood looking at himself in the mirror. His black glasses where slightly lopsided and his chocolate brown eyes glanced around nervously. He was wearing a baggy white sweatshirt that was so oversized it went down to his knees. His blue jeans where light and ripped only slightly.

He fumbled nervously with his notebooks and stuffed them into his old backpack he had since 7th grade.

"What kind of 9th grader goes on a field trip?" He mumbled to himself as he slung his backpack over his shoulder.

"Justice! Get your ass. Over. Here!" A harsh voice growled again.

"Okay okay Dad! One second!" Justice yelled as loud as his quiet voice would go. He was suprised he was even related to his psycho Dad. Quiet, submissive, obeying Justice, related to that? Never.

He slipped on his old faded black-almost-gray tennis shoes and hopped downstairs.

"There you are. Get your breakfast." A large man that smelled strongly of cigarettes and beer towered over him. He had messy hair and his face was slack.

"Chill. I got it." Justice's voice cracked slightly as he took a granola bar from the table.

"Okay. Lets go." His dad took out his cigarette and blew smoke out of his mouth briefly before taking a deep breath and opening the front door.

Justice clumsily stumbled out the door and shut it behind him, then sped up to a jog to catch up to his dad, who was already at the truck.

The truck was a faded red and made a horrible noise when it started. It was about 6 years old, the amount of time Justice's mom had been gone.

Mom. A knot formed in Justice's throat.

He shook his head lightly to get rid of all of the memories and hopped in the car. It smelled just like his dad. Cigarettes and beer.

Justice's watch read 7:30. He would have to be at the lab by 8.

As his dad started the car, Justice realized how exited he was to go into a lab.

I might be a "nerd" or whatever, but nobody can say labs aren't cool.

The truck made the horrible screeching he was not prepared for, snapping him back to life. His dad roughly hit the truck wheel in anger and pushed down on a pedal.

The truck raced off. Justice was jerked to one side and his head hit the window.

"Shit. Dad, I could have just ridden the bus y'know!" He yelled over the roaring of the old truck.

"With all those girls? No thank you. Woman are the key-"

"To life's destruction. I know."

He nodded at Justice and stepped on the pedal a little more, going well over the 40 mph speed limit.

Whats wrong with Women? Mom never did anything to you. She left because you where abusing her. Justice thought bitterly.

I wish she took me with her.

Justice pushed the home button, letting his phone light up. He started to text his best (and only) friend, Bear.

Justice: Are you coming to the field trip?
Bear: I'm forced to-
Justice: It should be pretty cool.
Bear: ur going on ur own accord. ur lucky ur dad doesn't give a living shit.
Justice: Oh, he does. Just not about school.
Bear: About girls-
Justice: I don't get his problem with them.
Bear: They are like a whole different species tho-
Justice: Well i'm not gay.
Bear: I don't understand why, boys are hot.
Justice: Whatever.
Bear: See ya later-
Justice: Mhm

He put down his phone and sighed as his dad turned up his excessive music even more and rolled down the window.


"Not now. I don't want to hear your bullshit."

Justice naturally lowered his head in a sign of submission. He learned not to fight and let it happen a long time ago.

"Stop acting like a useless dog."

Justice knew then and there he had done the wrong thing. He made his father angry.

"Okay, I'm sorry." Justice's voice cracked with a sob. But it wasn't from sadness. He was afraid.

"Stop." His dad's voice was raising.

Justice nodded and sat rigid in his seat. He was too afraid to move. How had his Dad's temper get inflated so quickly?

"Get out. Your here." His dad stopped, making Justice's knee slam into the door.

"I said get out."

Justice nodded and practically flew out of the car, tripping onto the grass. He cringed and stood up, wiping the dirt off his pants.

He lifted his head and locked his gaze with the lab.

It was huge.

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