Chapter 14- Spiked (Part 3)

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WARNING: This chapter deals with topics such as spiking.
For those of you that find this topic distressing, please message me and I will send a summary of the chapter via message, so you don't miss anything else.
Also, drinking is involved in this chapter, but the legal age is 18, so they are all allowed to drink.

It was the morning after, and Jace had called all the roommates into the living room, to talk about the night before.

"I still can't believe he punched you", frowned Sutton.

"I can.
This is the same guy that spiked Caoimhe, remember?", responded Tabitha.

She was next to Jace on the sofa, absentmindedly running her hand along Jace's leg as she spoke.

"I can't believe this stuff actually happens", said Luka.
"I've only heard of it happening in movies."

"Most movies are based in some form of reality", said KJ.

"What I can't understand is why they only spiked Caoimhe?", questioned Jace.

Anvi frowned, and she slouched, seemingly defeated.
She ran a hand through her hair and exhaled sharply.

"She was the youngest.
I mean, she looked young and innocent. He knew she was new to our group as well, so wasn't with her usual friends", said Luka.

"So, he probably thought no one would walk her home", said Anvi.

"Typical hero bullsh*t ensues, and he swoops in to save the day and offer to take her home", added Tabitha.

"Then his other friends make an appearance", said KJ.

"Six against one... she wouldn't have stood a chance", frowned Sutton, her voice barely a whisper.

"What the f*ck?
How can someone do that to someone else?", questioned Jace.
"She was just trying to enjoy herself!"

"Do you think people like him care about that, Jace?", asked Tabitha.
"They just see a piece of meat."

"And we were all in an established group already.
It's much easier to win an equally matched fight, than a grossly unequal one", explained KJ.

"Except they didn't count on one thing", said Sutton, her eyes squinting and her jaw clenching and unclenching.

"What's that?", asked Luka.

"That there are people in this
world—good people—who won't disregard someone in need of help."


The boys had gone to get the food, leaving the girls alone.
Anvi and Sutton were on the sofa, and Tabitha was on the floor opposite them.

"What happened between you and Caoimhe anyway?", asked Tabitha, her question geared towards Sutton.

Sutton continued to tug at the sequins on the cushion in her arms, a drawn out sigh escaping her lips.

"You looked like you were getting on really well", said Anvi.

Sutton exhaled, her breathing shaky.

"Well, um, it's like you said.
We were getting on really well.
There's a private area where people can go to... you know."

"We're all mature girls here, Sutton", said Tabitha.

"I know, sorry.
At first we just talked.
I don't know, she just had this vibe.
I would've been happy to just talk to her for hours."

"But... is that all you did?

Sutton shook her head.
"One thing led to another and then–well... it stopped before it could get to where I wanted it to.
But I'm not complaining!
I wouldn't have wanted to go there with her, not with her being spiked."

"Why don't you give her a call?", suggested Tabitha.

"Oh, I don't know–"

"Tabitha's right.
After everything she's been through, a friendly face might be what she needs", said Anvi.

"Go on, give her a call", said Tabitha.

"Alright, fine.
But let me make this clear, I'm only calling as a friend."

"Yep, sure.
Bone Buds.

Tabitha was cut off by a sequined cushion whacking her across the face.



"Hey KJ, can I borrow one of your hoodies?", asked Jace.

"Uh, I don't really share my clothes. Sorry", he replied.

"Oh, but didn't Anvi have your hoodie on yesterday?", questioned Jace.

"That was to make her feel more comfortable", said KJ.

"Oh you did that to make her feel comfortable?
That's pretty cool, dude", said Jace.

"It's not a big deal."

"Oh, it definitely is", said Luka.
"It was a really nice thing to do."

KJ shrugged.
"I doubt she'd see it as some big gesture. Her boyfriend probably does it for her all the time."

Luka turned to KJ.
"You're a quick thinker, by the way.
I mean, you were on it at the club."

"I'm just observant."

"Yeah, well it's good that you were", said Jace.

"It just sucks that people go through this all the time", said KJ.
"Especially girls."

"Some people are just sick in the head", said Jace.

"Yeah but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try and change them", said KJ.

"I think raising awareness is more important", said Luka.
"If we all knew about spiking, we could've avoided Caoimhe getting hurt in the first place."

"I know.
And just think about how many more people, how many of our classmates, will go to clubs like that one, and meet guys like Ealan", said Jace.

An idea popped into KJ's head, which was evident by his facial expressions changing.
His squinted and his eyebrows furrowed.

"Maybe there's something we can do about that."


Sutton stood outside of the block of flats.
She placed her foot on top of her used cigarette, crushing it into a powdery mess.

"Oh, you're here!
Thought we were gonna have to send out the search party", joked Anvi.

She noticed Sutton's dejected demeanor, and frowned.

"Did she not pick up?"


"Well, we can get Tabitha to give you her friend's–"

"I don't want to talk to her, Anvi."


"It's my fault she got hurt."

Anvi's eyes widened.
No, Sutton, it's not–"

"I chose to go to the club.
I got Ealan to buy us all drinks.
I kept flirting with her when she should've been safe with her friends."

Anvi noticed Sutton's trembling hands, and reached out to grab them.
She gently rubbed her thumb in circles on Sutton's forehand.

"Listen to me, Sutton.
Do you really think he wouldn't have spiked her if you hadn't been at the club?
People like him are twisted, Sutton.
It wouldn't have mattered.
Sure, Ealan bought drinks for us all, but you didn't force him to put pills in them, did you?
Ealan and his friends had already chosen their target.
Nothing you did would've changed that."

"But she's not just a target, Anvi!", she cried.

Anvi's face softened.
"I know.
But she was to those guys.
And that's not on you."

Sutton sighed, tears forming in her eyes.
She shook her head, before looking up and to the side.

"I just want to see her."

"We can ask Tabitha to call one of her friends."

Sutton shook her head.
"No, it's... I lied.
She didn't answer, so I called one of her friends.
She gave me the number yesterday."

What did she say?"

"She said Caoimhe is terrified of going back to the club.
And that... they all think it's best that I don't speak to Caoimhe again.
That none of us do."

"Oh, Sutton..."

Anvi carefully wrapped her arms around her.
Sutton felt safe in Anvi's embrace.
It had the surety of a firm handshake, but also the softness of a hug from a mother.

"Sutton?", called out Jace.

He ran towards his twin, with Luka and KJ following after him.
He placed a hand on Sutton's shoulder.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"It's ok, Jace.
I'm ok.
Anvi's here."

Jace looked up at Anvi, who gave him a small smile.

"Thank you, Anvi.


The following week, Sutton, Tabitha and Luka walked through the campus, looking for their classrooms.

"Wait, look over there, by the music note statue!", exclaimed Tabitha, pointing at it.

Several posters were plastered onto the stone walls that separated the greenery from the pathways.
Tabitha jogged over to one, a big smile appearing on her face when she looked at it closely.

"It's a safety guide, for what to do to protect yourself against people spiking your drink", said Tabitha.

Anvi pointed to a small
logo at the bottom—a shamrock (Ireland's national flower), with the initials 'C.O' on top of it.

"What's Caoimhe's full name again?", asked Anvi.

"Uh, she said it was Caoimhe O'Connor", replied Sutton.

"C.O", said Tabitha.

Sutton smiled.
"The boys did this."

"Which one?", asked Tabitha.

"It doesn't matter.
What matters is that someone's done it", said Sutton.



This concludes the Spiked chapters. I hope you walk away from this feeling a little safer for when you go out. It's awful that these precautions needed to be taken in the first place, but that's the society we live in.

However, through education, vigilance and empathy, I believe we can change that.

Please share the advice I wrote at the bottom of the last chapter, with anyone you feel might need to know, or just on social media in general.

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Did you like KJ's idea? And are you happy with the boys for helping him?

What are your thoughts on this chapter?





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