Chapter 36- You Again

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Mentions of bullying and unwanted advances.


What. The. F*ck.

I'm staring at Tyler.
My ex.
My ex boyfriend Tyler.

I can't work out whether I want to kiss him or punch him.

"You're supposed to be in Australia!", I blurted out.

Tyler frowned.

"What are you doing here?"

Just as he opened his mouth to speak, a girl pokes her head around the door.
She wasn't wearing very much at all, apart from shorts and a man's jacket.
Please don't be Tyler's.
She placed a hand on Tyler's shoulder.

"Come back to bed."

Oh heck.


Not today.

"Um, I-I should go", I said.

"Sutton, wait!", he exclaimed, reaching out and grabbing my arm.

I wanted to push him away.
Well, a part of me did.
Another part wanted to pull him closer.
I couldn't work out why though.
We broke up.
Long-distance wasn't for us.
We drew a line under all that.
We were supposed to be over.

So why was he here?

"Th-this... this is my friend", he clarified. "We were just watching a movie together, I promise."

I shrugged.
I don't really care either way."

Tyler's face softened.
"Sutton... listen, why don't we get some coffee in the morning?
It'll give us a chance to catch up."

The last thing she wanted right now was to spend time with him.
But... she needed answers.
She needed to know why she had to experience the worst break up ever, just for him to move back without telling her?

I know a place."


The morning shift at the Baked Potato wasn't something Anvi had experienced yet. She couldn't imagine it getting that hectic, but she was glad she had Bolin by her side in case things went pear shaped.

"This is when we usually get our regulars", said Bolin, discreetly pointing to some of the customers.

He pointed to a red haired lady.
She was wearing a pink nightgown with rabbits sown along the sleeves.
She was wearing thick framed glasses that were the most unflattering shade of green Anvi had ever seen.
The more she looked at them though, the more she could see how they suited the woman's red hair.

"That's Edith.
She pops by for a coffee every morning, then takes two more to go.
She's got five kids, and her husband basically never does the morning run for her", explained Bolin.

"Poor Edith", frowned Anvi.

A short and plump old man-possibly in his early sixties, waddled over to the counter. He had a black top hat on.
He had other clothes on, of course, but none of his items of clothing seemed as important to mention once you took in the top hot.

"Morning, Roger!", beamed Bolin.

Roger smiled and nodded his head. "Mornin', son!
Ooh, is this young lass the missus then?", he asked, gesturing to Anvi.

Bolin chuckled and shook his head.
"No she's a friend.
Anvi, meet Roger.
The cheekiest matchmaker you'll ever meet."

Roger laughed.
"Ah, it's true!
Well I'm not getting any younger, I gotta get my kicks when I can.
Still, you won't find a better guy than this one right here."

Bolin looked down in embarrassment whilst Anvi giggled.
She subtly nudged him, making him look up at her.

"He's hyping you up, you should be loving this", said Anvi.

"Aw, the poor bugger can't take compliments.
Don't worry, he'll get comfortable soon enough", said Roger.

"Hey, why don't you shower him with compliments every morning, and I'll take over during the day?", suggested Anvi.

Roger's face lit up, and he clicked his fingers, before pointing to Anvi.
I like the way you think, Anvi."

Meanwhile, Sutton and Tyler were sitting at one of the tables furthest from the door.
An error on Sutton's part, as she had initially planned on sitting next to the door in case things went south, but she panicked and just sat down anywhere.

Sutton quickly put on some makeup, and borrowed one of Tabitha's cool leather jackets to put over her black turtleneck.
She wanted to make it look like she wasn't trying too hard, when in reality, she stared at her mirror for three hours this morning.

Tyler seemed to have been thinking the same way though.
Well, probably with a lot less anxious and frantic throwing of clothes, but he did try to make an effort.
His hair looked like it had been brushed, but not too much.
Some strands of hair rested on top of his eyebrows, whilst others brushed against his eyes.
He had a white shirt on with a blue and green flannel shirt over it.

"So, what happened to Australia?", blurted out Sutton.

Tyler chuckled.
"Wow, cutting straight to the chase, are we? Expected nothing less from you.
Australia didn't really work out.
I dropped out of uni like two weeks in.
I moved back during the break."

Sutton was shocked.
The Australia news was huge for them, and ended up being the reason they decided to break up.
Now, he was essentially telling her none of that needed to happen?
Confusion, irritation and anger bubbled away inside her, but you wouldn't know it by looking at her.
She plastered on a small smile, before leaning back in her chair.

So what brings you here then?"

She tried to hide her irritation, but Tyler could tell something was up.
He squinted to help him read her facial expressions better, but Sutton didn't notice this.

"I decided to go to uni here.
I'm doing Theatre."

Oh no.

Don't say that.

Sutton's jaw fell to the ground, and her surprised expression made Tyler laugh.
His laugh sounded the same as it always did-warm and comforting.
It always cheered her up when she was having a bad day.

"You're doing Theatre too right?
Maybe we'll be in some of the same classes?", he asked.

"Maybe", said Sutton, trying to sound indifferent, but it came out more shaky than she anticipated.

"Anyway, how have you been?
Is Jace doing alright?"

"Jace is good.
I've been great.
I'm actually co-leader of a Black Youth society at the uni."

Tyler smiled softly.
He was looking at her, but his eyes didn't seem like they were really focusing on her. It was like he was thinking back to a distant memory.
Sutton wished she knew what he was thinking about.

"That's great, Sutton!
You're a natural born leader, so I'm not surprised.
You always knew how to get me to do as I'm told."

He chuckled at the end, meaning for it to come across as a joke, but there was a hint of sadness to his laugh.
Sutton watched as his smile fell.
He pressed his index finger and thumb together repeatedly, in a pinching
motion-something he only did when he was nervous or stressed.

Sutton had to do everything in her power to stop herself from reaching over and taking his hands in hers.

"Hey, are you ready to order?", asked Anvi.

Sutton turned to face her, and she saw that a quick glance of concern appeared on Anvi's face.

"Uh, yeah sure", said Tyler.

Anvi nodded and turned to face Sutton, subtly blocking Tyler's gaze with her body. She lowered her voice to a whisper.

"Are you ok?", she asked.

Sutton nodded and gave her a small smile. She looked at Tyler and gestured to Anvi.

"Tyler, this is Anvi.
She's my roommate and friend", said Sutton.
"Anvi, this is Tyler.
My... ex."

Tyler smiled at Anvi and gave her a little wave.
"Hey, nice to meet you!"

Oh gosh.

Anvi had no idea what she was supposed to do in this situation.

Give him a hug?

Slap him across the face and immediately start telling him all the reasons why he didn't deserve Sutton in the first place?

What was the protocol here?

All Sutton had told her and Tabitha about was that they broke up because they couldn't handle long distance, and that the break up really hit her.

So should Anvi really hit him?

"So, what do you guys want to order?", asked Anvi, opting to just ignore the greeting.

"Uh, oh ok, um... just an iced tea, please", said Tyler.

"My usual please", said Sutton.

Anvi nodded and gave Tyler a polite smile, before scribbling down the order and hurrying back to Bolin.
The same girl who had been there since about ten minutes before Anvi went to take Sutton and Tyler's order, was still there.

She cackled loudly as Bolin told her what was on the menu-for the third time.

"Oh my gosh, you look so cute when you say 'blt sandwich'.
Say it again", she said, before reaching over and brushing her fingers along Bolin's arm.

Noticing Bolin's very visible discomfort, Anvi walked over to the pair.
She gently bumped her hip against his, getting his attention.
Bolin's body relaxed when he saw Anvi was there.
She placed her hands on top of his shoulder, interlacing her fingers.
She looked up at Bolin, doing her best to gaze lovingly at his face.

"Hey baby, our break started five minutes ago", she said.

The girl's eyes widened, and she pulled her hand back.

Wait, you're like, together?", she questioned.

It took Bolin a few seconds to catch on, but when he did, he prepared himself for the performance of a lifetime.
He placed an arm just above the small of Anvi's back, pulling her closer and bridging the gap between them.

He loosened his grip so that Anvi knew she could pull away at any point.

"Yeah, I'm her girlfriend, she's my boyfriend", said Bolin, his eyes widening when he realised what he said.
"No wait, I meant I'm the boyfriend. Boyfriend is me.
I'm the boy one!"

The girl just stared at him like he had grown a horn on his forehead then and there.
Anvi giggled, moving her hands and wrapping them around Bolin's arm.

"Babe, you know how you get when you don't sleep enough!", she exclaimed, before looking at the girl.
"I'm so sorry, he says the weirdest stuff when he's sleep deprived.
Anyway, we have to get going so if you still need to think about your order why don't you take a menu and grab a table?"

The girl nodded and took the menu that Anvi handed to her.

"You two are really cute by the way."

The pair just smiled sweetly as they watched the girl turn around.
They pulled apart, and Anvi had to cover her mouth to stop herself from laughing.

"Anvi, thank you!
You're like a lifeguard, but on land", said Bolin.

"So, like a lifesaver?", she suggested.
"I'm sorry if I went too far with it.
I just didn't really know how else to get her away from you."

"No, no, I'm sorry.
I kind of got a bit close there", said Bolin.
"I was just trying to sell it.
I don't really know what I was trying to sell, but I sure did try my best!"

Anvi laughed.
"You did!
I saw you over there with the quick
'hug and pull'

"I've literally never done that before in my life but I'm gonna call it that if I ever do it again", said Bolin.
"But listen, you really saved my bacon there. I see her every time I do the morning shift, and she can never take any hints."

"Have you told Venn?", asked Anvi.

Bolin shook his head.
I can't always tell when people give me hints, so I thought maybe she was the same."

"Still, if she was making you uncomfortable... say something next time, ok?
Even if it's just to me."

Bolin smiled.
"Thank you, Anvi.
I know!
Why don't I take you out to my favourite restaurant, to say thank you?"

"Oh, you don't have to do that."

"I want to!
We've never really gone out anywhere together anyway.
It'll be fun!"

"Well... ok then!
If you're sure."


Later that day, KJ was home alone.
Jace and Luka were studying in the library, whilst Sutton and Tabitha went on a night out with Cassie and Jay.
Anvi just left a few minutes ago.
She mentioned something about a not-date date with Bolin?
Yeah, it confused KJ too.

KJ's run-in with Joshua was still playing on his mind.
He felt like he was right back in the children's home, all alone.

A tall man walked into the room.
He had hazel eyes and a beauty spot next to his left nostril.
His nose was long and thin whilst his eyes were big and expressive.
None of his facial features were in proportion.

"Kalvin, you've been very disruptive in class lately.
I'm going to have to call your social worker and your assistant care worker."

KJ's eyes widened and he quickly shook his head.
"No, please-"

"You've left me with no choice.
Kalvin, you pushed James in the playground. You pushed him so hard he almost hit his head on the swings!
Look, I want to help you.
But I can't if you don't tell me why you did it."

"I just wanted him to stop."

"Stop what?"

"Being mean."

"Being mean?
What was he saying?"

KJ suddenly came to his senses, and he looked down without saying another word.


"He said not to say anything."

The man knelt down so that he was the same height as KJ.

"Kalvin, I promise to do everything I can to protect you.
But in order to do that, I need you to tell me what he said."

He trusted the man-his English teacher.

So he spoke.

That next day James was called into the office, and was excluded for three days.
That night, James broke KJ's nose.
Since then, James forced KJ to give him his pocket money every month.

KJ never really spoke after that.

Not about things that bothered him.

It would never end well for him anyway.


Bolin was wearing a black polo neck with striped green and blue high waisted trousers.
One trouser leg was green and the other was blue.
Anvi was wearing a dark green dress and her black boots.
Her hair was still straightened from earlier, but she put it in a low ponytail this time, her middle part perfectly straight.

"Wow, this place looks fancy!
Is that a chandelier?", questioned Anvi.

Bolin nodded.
"Yeah, it is.
It's just within my budget, so I don't go here all the time, just when I want to treat myself."

"Well you definitely deserve a treat.
Thank you for bringing me along, that was really sweet of you."

Bolin smiled, his eyes flicking down to Anvi's dress, taking it in for a few seconds before looking back up at her face.

"You look great by the way, Anvi!"

"Oh, thank you!
So do you.
I love your trousers-I need to find them in my size."

A well-dressed man approached the pair. His jet black hair was slicked back with an obscene amount of gel.
Bolin contemplated knocking on his head to see if it'd just be rock hard or not.

"Table for two?", he questioned, nodding his head when Bolin said yes.
"This way, please."

Whilst they were being guided to their table, Bolin spotted a sign that read 'COUPLES NIGHT-50% off for all couples.'
He leaned in closer to Anvi and whispered.

"Care to keep this ruse up a bit longer in the name of discount price food?", asked Bolin.

Lying is wrong.
But listen, uni is hard and living life on their budget is even harder.
You gotta get your perks where you can.

"Sure thing, Sugar Plum", she said, trying to suppress a laugh at the nickname.

They reached their table, which was in a quieter corner of the restaurant.
Bolin quickly rushed over to pull out Anvi's seat for her, nodding to the waiter, who gave him an approving nod.

"Please peruse the menus and I'll be back to take your order shortly", he said, before walking away.

"So, we need pet names", said Anvi.
"Got any cute nicknames?"

"Um, no, not really", said Bolin.
Well, it did take me longer than most kids to say the word 'potato.'
It was just one of those words I couldn't get right."

"But Bolin... you work at the Baked Potato! Wait, wait... say the cafe name the way you would've said it when you were little."

Bolin's face went red when he thought about it.
He gently shook his head, as if he couldn't believe what he was about to do.

"Uh... hey there, my name's Bolin.
Welcome to the... the Baked Patoot."

Anvi's face softened, and she clutched at her chest.
"Oh my gosh, that is the cutest thing ever!"

Bolin looked down, but he couldn't help but laugh at Anvi's infectious giggle.

A little while later, the starters came out. Anvi didn't like the sound of it-Beetroot and lime pancake, but it did look beautiful. Wanting Anvi to try something new, Bolin broke off a piece with his fork, and held his arm out to her.
After a moment of hesitation, Anvi leaned forward, gently placing a hand under his elbow as she ate the piece of pancake.

"How is it?", he asked.

Anvi's eyes widened as she chewed it. "That's good!
Why is that good?
That shouldn't be good."

Bolin laughed.
It's fun to try new things!"

Anvi smiled.
If last term, and being with Bolin taught her anything, it was that new experiences can be daunting, but also really fun.
And they were even better when shared with friends.

"Are you ready to order?", asked the waiter.

"Um, actually, what would you recommend?", asked Anvi.

"Well... my recommendation is more for a personal reason, rather than for its taste, although it is delicious.
It's the Gobi Manchurian", replied the waiter.

"Gobi Manchurian?", asked Anvi.
"I've had Aloo Gobi before, but I've never heard of this one."

"It's my wife's favourite dish.
She's Indian and I'm Chinese, so its history is actually one we connected to.
It originated in Kolkata, from a small Chinese community that resided in India at the time.
They adapted the recipe so that it aligned more with Indian cuisine."

"Wow, I didn't know there was a Chinese community in India", said Anvi.
"I mean, it obviously makes sense, but it's not really something I learned about."

"It's so cool how food can bring people together", said Bolin.
"I think we should definitely get that then! Oh, is it vegan?"

"No, but we can make the vegan alternative", said the waiter.
"And, I'm sorry if this is oversharing... but it's actually the dish my wife and I had on our first date.
Perhaps it'll bring the same luck for you two?"

There was a genuine warmth to the waiter's tone, and his facial expression exuded pure happiness.
It was clear to see how much this dish meant to him.

And sure, this may not have been a real date, but it was still bringing Anvi and Bolin closer together in one way.

Bolin reached out and placed a hand over Anvi's.
Smiling, Anvi placed her free hand over theirs, gently squeezing it.

"Yeah, maybe it will", she said.



I want to explain something about Anvi. The more I write her, the more I phsycoanalise her as well. She's been quite physically affectionate so far, and for someone with her backstory, it felt like it didn't make sense. She's not used to having friends. However, Anvi doesn't shy away from her emotions. She tells people that she cares, and is always there for her friends. That's always been her main way of showing affectionate-so physical and verbal ways fit into that. It also depends on her deep her bond is. She'd feel more comfortable being physically affectionate with Sutton because of the fact that they literally live together and spend so much time together, whereas with someone like Cassie, she'd need more time. So yeah. That's my random character analysis that no one asked for.

I know that this is a long chapter. I wanted to just focus on Sutton and KJ this chapter, but I felt like it would be too short, and it would just feel like two sections rather than a story if that makes sense? I wanted to have some of the other characters interacting, even just little interactions like Anvi taking Sutton and Tyler's order, to flesh out the world-building/scene a bit more.

KJ's scene is heartbreaking. I wanted to kind of give you little snippets into his past, and we'll see more as time goes on. I want to clarify that the teacher never outright told James about what happened. James just managed to find out, and reacted in the way that he did. That event led to KJ keeping quiet about things that didn't like or was scared by. That's where his distrust of people really started.

The Anvi and Bolin scenes were really fun to write! I wanted to include the whole 'walking Anvi home' thing, like they do in real dates. I feel like it's just the kind of extra dramatic thing they'd do. It didn't really fit though, but maybe I could write it as a deleted scene? I haven't really shown much of the Baked Potato trio at work, so that's something I'm trying to work on.
The history of Gobi Manchurian is so interesting, and I love a fusion of cultures, especially within cooking.

It's been a long time since Sutton has seen Tyler, but now they're neighbours! Do you think they'd be able to keep it like that, or will old feelings resurface? What would that mean for the rest of the roommates? I'm not too happy with how I wrote this chapter. I wrote the Baked Potato scenes and 'date' scene before the very first section, and couldn't find a way to make it feel coherent. I would really appreciate your feedback on this please!

What are your thoughts on this chapter?





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