Chapter 41- The Shift From Hell

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Includes bullying, emotional distress, the care system, trauma.

Today was a very busy day for the roommates.
Well, 2 out of 6 of them, anyway.
Ahead of Jace's first official day working at the Baked Potato, he suggested capitalising on university students who wanted to place to go for late night meals to help them study, or for something to eat after a night out at the club.
Cafés in the area typically closed at around six, so Jace suggested closing at around eleven instead.

Venn was extremely hesitant, but Bolin was the one who convinced him to give Jace's ideas a go.
He decided that he'd give it a trial run, which coincidentally coincided with Jace's first day on the job.

KJ was in the laundry room, collecting the group's dry laundry to take back to the flat. Normally bigger chores, such as the washing up and laundry, were allocated to pairs, but the only clothes that needed washing this time were KJ's and Jace's, so KJ didn't mind going alone.

He scooped up the clothes, making sure to check that none had stuck to the drum, before putting them all in a bag.
He heard someone walk in, but was too focused putting the clothes away to really care.

"Look who it is."

KJ froze. Quite literally.
Every muscle in his body just checked out. Only one person was able to make him feel that way, just by the sound of their voice alone.

"You're a proper Cinderella, ain't you?
Doing all the jobs because it's all you're good for."

KJ stood up, his grip on the big tightening. He tried to walk past Joshua, but his shoulder accidentally nudged.

"Oi! Look at me when I'm talking to you", he said, grabbing KJ's wrist and turning him back around to face him.
"You think you're some big man, do you?"

KJ shook his head.

You think you're better than me, what, cos you've got a few mates?
You do know they're not your actual mates, right?
People like you don't make friends.
People are only nice to you because they pity you."

For some reason, Joshua never made KJ' blood boil. Once or twice when they were at the children's home together, but mostly, he had the kind of hold over KJ that made him feel weak. That made him feel small. That made him feel worthless.

Joshua kicked the bag, making KJ flinch.
He dropped it, the bag falling over and spilling some of the clothes on the floor. Joshua snorted, smirking cruelly.

"Oops, better clean that up."

On his way back up to the flat, a million memories were playing in KJ' head.
Terrible memories.
Awful, embarrassing memories.
All featuring Joshua.

"No, I only came by to drop that off.
Uh, is KJ in?"

The sound of Cassie's voice made him break away from his memories, his mood lifting the tiniest bit.
The door to their flat was already open, and KJ saw Sutton and Cassie standing in the doorway.
Cassie turned her head, her eyes meeting with KJ's.
Her face lit up and she grinned at him.


KJ smiled.
Didn't know you were coming."

"Oh, I just came by to drop off Tabitha's phone charger.
She let me borrow it earlier", explained Cassie.
"And I might be stalling a little so my parents leave for dinner without me."

"You don't want dinner with your family?"

"No, I do, but I overheard them talking about how they haven't been on a proper date in years.
I know they secretly wish I went out with friends more, so they have more time for themselves."

"Well, you know you're always welcome here, right?", reminded Sutton.

Cassie smiled and nodded.
"Yeah, I do.
Thank you, I appreciate it."

Sutton's eyes darted from Cassie to KJ, a smile appearing on her face when she noticed the way they were looking at each other.
It was much more obvious when looking at Cassie, that the blonde haired girl wanted to spend more time with KJ.
KJ didn't make it anywhere near as obvious, but after living with him for a while, Sutton had heard him mention Cassie in passing a lot lately.

Sutton looked over at Anvi, who was approaching them.
She wanted to communicate to her what she was thinking, but Anvi overheard the conversation and, from the look she gave Sutton, seemed to be thinking the same thing.

"Hey, I have an idea!", exclaimed Sutton.

Just then, Joshua appeared in the corridor, this time with Tyler by his side.
Tyler smiled and nodded his head at Sutton, temporarily making her forget what she was going to say.

KJ was more focused on Joshua.
He smiled perfectly innocently, a slight air of arrogance in his expression.
But KJ could tell that it was deeper.
KJ could see the pure hatred that seeped from Joshua's expression when he looked at him.

Sutton hadn't spoken to Tyler since they briefly caught up at the Baked Potato. They spoke in passing a few times, it was hard not to when they lived right next to each other.

But Sutton didn't trust herself to be alone with him for more than five minutes. Truthfully, ever since she saw him again, she kept remembering all of the memories they shared together. Late night movie dates, going ice skating and giggling every time Tyler fell on his face.

They had fun together.

But something in her wouldn't let her pursue things with him again.

"Uh, an-anyway... why don't you and KJ hang out together?", suggested Sutton, pulling her gaze away from Tyler.

Cassie's eyes widened.
"Wh-wha, ahem, sorry... just the two of us?"

Sutton nodded.
"Anvi and I have a lot of work we need to do unfortunately."

"Want some help with it?", offered KJ.

"No!", yelled Anvi, her eyes widening even more when she realised how loud she had been.
"Um, I mean... nah. We're good."

"Cassie, have you tried Sweet Pete's?", asked Sutton.
"It's a cute little dessert shop, like, ten minutes away from here."

"Uh, no I don't think so", replied Cassie.
"But I love dessert", she added, before turning to KJ.
"Um, would you, uh, like to go?"

The laundry room incident was still playing on KJ's mind.
As a result, more painful memories tried to push to the forefront of KJ's mind.
Memories he wanted to keep locked away. Memories he needed to forget.

"Sure, sounds good", said KJ.

Anvi's face lit up, making her look like a little kid who had just been given the biggest, most colourful birthday cake. Sutton discreetly nudged her, before looking at her, hoping she'd correct her expression. Anvi nodded, letting her grin fall.

"I'll um, I'll just head home to quickly get changed", said Cassie, turning to Sutton and Anvi.
"Bye", she smiled.

When Cassie was out of view, Anvi reached out and grabbed KJ's shoulder, frowning a little when she noticed him flinch.

"Let's get you ready!", beamed Sutton.


In the Baked Potato, the atmosphere was very different.
The employees stood behind the counter, a couple of them tightening their aprons.

"Right!", shouted Venn, pacing around the cafe.
"Today, we're trialling Mercer's open-till-late plan.
It's gonna be busy.
It's gonna be hectic.
It's gonna make you want to break down and cry!"

Jace glanced at the customers that were still in the cafe.
They didn't seem fazed by Venn's shouting, so Jace deduced that they must be regulars.

"Matt, your older brother quit when he was left to deal with a busy sandwich station all by himself", said Venn, pointing to one of the employees.
"Are you like your brother, Matt?"

"Uh, well... we both like cheese–"

Venn slammed his hand on the counter.
"Did I ask for your life story?"

Matt flinched, quickly shaking his head.

"Venn, don't you think you're being a little dramatic?", asked Tabitha.

Venn turned to face Tabitha, his eyes looking a little wild.
Tabitha reached out and clutched her co-worker Phoebe's arm.


"Uh, w-wait, Venn", said Bolin, stepping out from behind the counter, metal tongues in his hand.
"Look, it is going to be a really busy shift. But I believe in Jace's vision for this place. He loves it here, and he wouldn't suggest something that could jeopardise this place."

Jace smiled at Bolin.
"He's right.
Plus, he's for sure your best employee–no offence you guys, you seem really great, so you know you can trust him."

Bolin smiled at Jace.

Venn looked at Bolin, then at Jace.
He looked back at Bolin, a very small smile appearing on his face.
He nodded.

"Then let's get this shift started."


Sweet Pete's was quite an artsy, retro dessert shop.
The artwork made the shop POP, and the bright red jukebox in the corner played old tunes that oddly felt quite nostalgic despite neither KJ nor Cassie hearing them before.

A server walked the pair to a free table, which allowed KJ to actually take in Cassie's outfit.
She was wearing a sage green turtleneck with dark blue jeans and a black jacket.
Her trainers were white, with what looked like random doodles decorating the sides. Cassie must've caught KJ looking at her shoes, because she smiled.

"I did the doodles myself", said Cassie. "Didn't really see the point in paying loads of money for cool looking shoes when I could just design them myself."

KJ liked Cassie's creativity and resourcefulness. The pair sat down, across from each other. Cassie stretched her arms out, freezing when she bumped them against KJ's. KJ didn't seem to mind, but a nervous Cassie quickly rested her hands on her lap.

"Uh, what do you want to order?", she asked.

KJ flicked through the menu.
"Uh, the raspberry cheesecake looks nice."

A woman near them was tucking into a strawberry cheesecake. Just one cheesecake looked quite big, and she had cut it in half, seemingly to save the rest for later.

"Ooh, yeah it looks good."

"We could get one and share it?", suggested KJ.

Cassie smiled.
"Yeah! I'm down for that."

After ordering, the pair settled into a comfortable conversation. It was the first time they were actually getting to know each other on a deeper level.

"So what's your dream job?", asked Cassie.

"Uh, I've already got it", replied KJ. "Children's home worker."

Cassie's smile softened, and if you focused hard enough, you could see the exact moment her heart melted.

"You work in a children's home? That's so cute!"

KJ chuckled awkwardly. "Thanks. I just help out, since I don't have official qualifications to work there as a care worker.
But I plan on getting them after uni."

"So what will you use your degree for?", asked Cassie.

KJ shrugged.
"I'll probably be a data analyst or something. I'd love to apply for job that's linked with the care system though. Maybe analysing data there? What about you?"

"Oh, uh... I'm thinking of going into teaching", said Cassie.


Cassie nodded.

"I never would've guessed, with you being–"

"Passive, right", interjected Cassie. "It's ok, you can say it. I've heard it a few times before actually."

KJ frowned.

Cassie nodded.
"I mean, you probably figured that out by how Jay takes the reigns in, like, ninety percent of our conversations.
Even before coming to uni, I was always that friend that just followed my friends and what they wanted to do."

"No, I... I never saw you like that", said KJ. "I've always seen you as cool."

Cassie's eyes widened.

KJ nodded.
"You play the drums, you help Tabitha out with her poetry stuff, you have seriously cool style and... I mean, you sneakily wore trainers to a formal music recital.
I never got the impression that you just did what everyone else did, or didn't care about anything."

Cassie smiled, her face going red.
She looked down, hiding her face as she let out a nervous giggle.

"Don't be so hard on yourself."

During the midst of a slightly heated, bordering on lukewarm, discussion on how much butter is too much to put on toast, their cheesecake arrived.
KJ sat back and moved his hands off the table.

"What's wrong?", asked Cassie.

Just moving back so you can take a picture of the cheesecake."

"A picture?
Why would I do that?", she asked.

Uh... Tabitha and Sutton need to take atleast twenty pictures of food whenever we go out, oh, and a video with everything positioned perfectly."

"Ugh, I know!", exclaimed Cassie, throwing her arms up.
"I love her, but Tabitha takes photo shoots with the bl**dy food!
The amount of times I ordered something with cheese, just to have it turn into a cold, stringy mess is, honestly?
An alarmingly high number."

KJ chuckled.
It might have seemed like something small, but those were the things KJ loved to learn. He never had people his age who actually wanted to get to know him.
So, hearing about the little, seemingly insignificant things, was a sign that they actually wanted to get to know KJ properly, and that they maybe even intended to stay in his life.

He learned that Luka refused to step on cracks in the street.

He learned Sutton colour coded everything. Her outfits, her folders, her notebooks, her pens, even the cutlery and bowls she buys.

He also learned that Anvi was able to eat and drink scorching hot food and drinks.

Another thing he learned was that whenever a ball gets kicked Tabitha's way, she has to do several keepy-uppies, before kicking it back to them.
It's like her inner child gets unleashed.

Something he learned about Jace was that he has to sing a song to remember how to tie his shoelaces.

Cassie took a chunk of the cheesecake, placing it in her own plate.
KJ did the same.
Cassie put a forkful of cheesecake into her mouth, her eyes lighting up when the creamy and slightly tanging cheesecake hit her mouth.

"This is so good!", she exclaimed, after gulping down that first bite.

Needing no encouragement, KJ tried some. He smiled, the flavours feeling weirdly nostalgic.

"Right, remember our plan to steal the chandelier at the music recital?", asked Cassie, before looking down and frowning just a little, as if she questioned whether KJ would've remembered something like that.

KJ nodded.
"Yeah, I remember.
Sucks that it fell through.
Why, you thinking about stealing this recipe?"

Cassie smiled and nodded, happy that KJ was playing along. She was worried she'd come across as weird, but she was starting to realise that she didn't have to worry about that when she was with KJ.

"You think you can get balaclavas last minute?", asked Cassie.

KJ scoffed, leaning back in his seat.
"What do you take me for?
I've already got them."

Cassie giggled, bringing her balled fist forward, her smile brightening when KJ fistbumped her.

KJ took another bite of his cheesecake, finally forgetting about the incident with James. The pair talked more, and as the conversation grew longer, two separate slices and cheesecake, and two separate plates, become one. Hunched over a truly destroyed cheesecake, the pair continued to enjoy each other's company.

"So... what about guilty pleasures?", asked KJ.

Cassie blushed, shaking her head just a little. She cleared her throat and exhaled sharply.

"Um... ok, I have one.
Disney films."

"Disney films?"

Cassie nodded.
"I've always loved them."

"Disney is a pretty popular enterprise."

"I know.
But... I guess I'm just one of those people that turns to Disney for everything.
Jay's always trying to get me to see different movies, but I always say no."

KJ's eyes widened.
But you don't know what you're missing!"

"That's what Jay says!"

"Ok, I'm going to take you to see a movie next week.

Cassie smiled, a tinge of red appearing on her face.
She tried to hide the big smile on her face, but she couldn't.

"What's your favourite thing about Disney movies anyway?"

"Oh, I've always loved the whole idea of true love, and the princess being saved by the prince."


Cassie nodded.
"I've always been a big romantic.
My parents met when they were fifteen, and they got married at nineteen.
They've been together for so many years, and just seeing how they are with each other... it's what makes me believe in love."

Cassie took another bite of cheesecake.

"I know it's important for the princess to be able to save herself too, but I think there's something so beautiful about being with someone that protects you, and looks out for you.
No matter what you go through... you know you'll always have each other's backs."

KJ's smile fell.
He swirled his fork in the raspberry sauce on the cheesecake, shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

"Do you have a guilty pleasure?"


Back at the Baked Potato, havoc ensued.

Jace and Bolin were manning the sandwich station, which had become very popular with the new customers.
Jace frantically pointed to the toppings that the customer kept shouting out, trying his best to put them on the sandwich before they moved on to the next topping.

"Excuse me, I asked for one and a half olives!", shouted another customer, waving their hand at Bolin.

"I'm sorry, we don't divide toppings like that", said Bolin.

"What kind of service is this?"

Meanwhile, Tabitha wasn't having much luck with waiting tables.
She and Matt were having to juggle multiple orders, and the fact that this late night closure trial coincided with the Baked Potato testing out a few of Venn's brother Eunice's menu items didn't help.

"Oop, incoming!", called out Matt, twirling around Tabitha, breathing a sigh of relief when she lifted her arm up so her tray wouldn't hit him in the face.

"Matt, it's chaos out here!", said Tabitha.

"Uh-oh, Code Yellow!", exclaimed Matt, his eyes growing wide in horror.

Tabitha followed his gaze, a gasp escaping her lips when she saw two drunk girls throw up on their table.

"What the fu–"

"Where's my order?", shouted a disgruntled customer.

Tabitha rushed over to her, plastering on a smile as she muttered an apology and placed the customer's food on the table. She turned back around just in time to see two of her co-workers cleaning up the contents of the drunk girls' stomachs.

Just then, a group of club goers, if their outfits were anything to go by, stumbled into the café. Tabitha locked eyes with Matt, then another co-worker. They shuddered.

Back at the sandwich station, Bolin was left to work alone, after Jace dissappeared somewhere.

"Ok, Sir, what bread would you like?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Well, we have many options.
Wheat bread, Sourdough, Seeded bread, Malted Rye–"

"What's the point in all that extra cr*p?
Just put it on bread!"

"Sir, they are breads..."

Another customer lunged forward, snatching one of the metal tongues.
"Ah, I'll make mine myself!"

"Ma'am, no–"

Salad flew everywhere.
Perfectly salted tomatoes danced in the air. Slightly soggy lettuce covered the counter. Then the metal tongues.
Oh gosh, the tongues.
Somehow, they had been thrown in the air, slapping against Bolin's right cheek.

After another employee came to Bolin's aid, the bread enthusiast hurried away to the storage room, needing a break.
He opened the door, his eyes widening when he saw Jace on the floor, head in his hands.

Sorry, I didn't–what are you doing in here?"

Jace frowned.


"This whole day's a mess", said Jace.
"I wanted to show Venn I had good ideas.
I know he was hesitant about taking on more employees, but I thought, if I proved myself... that I could show I earned my place."

"But you did earn your place", said Bolin. "Maybe even more than others, because you had to deal with Eunice."

Bolin walked towards Jace and sat down beside him.

"You're doing a great job, Jace."

"Am I?
Look at how terrible this shift has been, Bolin.
There's vomit everywhere, I'm pretty sure I saw Matt mop up the same girl's sick twice. Tabitha's basically been a juggler with all the dishes she's serving."

"Ok, ok... we're not having the best day", admitted Bolin.
"But that's not on you.
You tried something new, and it's not working.
We'll just try again another day."

"You really think Venn will want to try again?"

"When I first started here, I kept my breadmaking side hustle a secret.
But Venn somehow found out.
I told my sister Margot it was because I came to work smelling of bread, but she wasn't convinced.
But anyway, that's when Venn started taking the sandwich station more seriously. He let me add different types of bread, and even let me make special sandwiches of the month."

Bolin chuckled softly at the memory.

"Venn believed in me.
He believes in all of us.
I'm sure he'll give you another chance."

"And if he doesn't we'll threaten to quit", said Tabitha.

Jace looked at the door, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion when he saw Tabitha, Matt and another worker called Leia, at the door.

"What are you guys doing here?", asked Jace.

Matt screwed his face up in disgust, shaking his head.
"So much sick..."

Leia patted Matt's shoulder.
"Poor Matt, he's... seen a lot."

Jace frowned.
"Guys, I'm so sorry–"

"Save it, Mercer", interjected Tabitha.
"This isn't on you.
We're a team, remember?
More than that, we're a family.
We've got your back no matter what, Jace."

Tabitha glanced at Bolin, who was smiling brightly at her.
She couldn't help but think about when Bolin first told Tabitha that the Baked Potato employees were a family.

"Tabitha's right", said Leia.
"We don't really know you that well, but Bolin and Tabitha never have a bad word to say about you."

"And in Tabitha's case, that's saying a lot considering you're exes", added Matt.

"So, if you're good enough for them, you're good enough for us", said Leia.

Jace smiled.
"Wow... thank you."

"Now, can we make a plan of action to deal with these drunken club goers?", asked Matt.

"Oh, and the feral sandwich customers!", added Leia.

"Whatever our plan of action is, we'll be ok. We've got each other", said Bolin.

"No one messes with the Baked Potato crew!", exclaimed Tabitha.

"Oh, we need to do a group hug after that", said Leia.

Matt shook his head.
"I wouldn't recommend hugging me in this state."

"Fistbump?", suggested Bolin.

"Fistbump works", nodded Matt.

Jace chuckled, his heart growing when the group fistbumped each other.


In the flat, Anvi was helping Sutton colour coordinate her notes.

"So, the pink ones are for theatre and the yellow ones are for Black pride stuff?", questioned Anvi.

Thanks again for helping me, Vee."

"Any time.
So where–"

I got a text from Cassie."

CASSIE: Hey just letting you know we're on our way back

SUTTON: Girl spill

SUTTON: How was it??

SUTTON: Did you kiss?


CASSIE: No we didn't kiss

CASSIE: But we did have a really good time

CASSIE: I think MAYBE he might like me?? I mean we shared a cheesecake so







"Is everything ok?", asked Anvi.

"The date went so well!", beamed Sutton. "Wait wait I need to text Jay and tell him."

"Hold on, let's here what KJ says first."

Sutton pouted.
"Don't you believe in lurve?"

Anvi giggled as Sutton batted her eyelids. She stuck a pink post-it note on Sutton's forehead.
Sutton reached forward and grabbed a yellow post-it note, sticking it on Anvi's chin.

The door opened, making Sutton immediately rush to it.
She squealed when she saw KJ.
She grabbed hold of his arm, not noticing the fear that flashed across KJ's face.
Anvi furrowed her eyebrows when she saw this.

"Tell. Us. Everything", said Sutton.

"About what?"

"About your date, you doofus", replied Sutton.

"What date?", asked KJ.

"With Cassie!"

"That wasn't a date", said KJ. "It was just a nice... friendly outing."

"A... friendly... outing?"

Sutton whirled around, just as KJ walked past her.

Please tell me you're not blind to the obvious signals she's giving you!
Cassie likes you!", exclaimed Sutton.
"Stop being silly and–"

"Stop telling me what to do!", yelled KJ.

Sutton closed her mouth, taken aback by KJ's anger.
He looked at Sutton, then at Anvi, before sighing and walking to his room.

"I-I didn't realise it would upset him", said Sutton.
"I should apologise."

Anvi shook her head.
"Wait... let me talk to him first."

In his room, KJ was sat on his bed.
Anvi held her hands up.

"I come in peace."

KJ's face softened when he saw Anvi.

"You know I'd never hurt you, right?"

Anvi walked over to him and sat down on his bed.

"KJ, what's going on?
Earlier, you flinched when I touched you, and just now, for a split second, you looked terrified of Sutton."

KJ shook his head.
"I'm fine."

Anvi stared at him and his shoulders slumped as he realised she didn't believe him.

"Joshua, he... he cornered me in the laundry room and basically threatened me."

Anvi's eyes widened.
We need to tell someone–"

You can't."

"But why?
He doesn't even know y–"

"We grew up in the same children's home."


KJ nodded.
"He was a proper bully. 
Most of us got sent to the same school, and he would always pick on me.
Our care worker told us we should look out for each other, but he only cared about himself."

"That sucks."

"He always had it in for me.
He turned most of the other care kids against me.
He ruled through fear.
He made my life Hell."

"KJ... I'm so sorry.
Where does Cassie come into this though?
I mean, Sutton and I were sure you liked her.
If Joshua told you not to go out–"

KJ shook his head.
"No, it's not that.
We were talking and... she was saying how she loved princess movies.
Like the whole 'heroic prince' thing.
How she wished she could be with someone like that."

KJ looked down at his hand, fiddling with his sleeve.

"I can't save her from anyone.
Not when just one look from Joshua makes me feel... paralysed.
It's like I'm a little kid again, locked away in my room out of fear he'd beat me up.
He's got this, this power over me.
Even after all these years!"

Anvi's face softened. She reached out and held KJ's hand.

"I feel the same with Anu.
It's like, I want to be brave, but I can't stop thinking about all the things she did to me. About the way she made me feel."


"But KJ... we're not those kids anymore.
We don't have to let them have that power over us."

"How do we do that?"

Anvi sighed.
"I... I'm not sure.
But we're not alone anymore.
We have our family... our friends", she said, smiling softly at him.
"And most of all, we have each other."

KJ smiled.
Anvi raised their clasped hands up, shaking them a little.
KJ just looked into Anvi's eyes, feeling safe.

"I promise you, Joshua won't lay a finger on you."

"Thank you, Anvi."

"I'll always have your back, you know?"

"And I'll always have yours."

Sutton opened the door, a plate of cookies in her hand.


She held the plate out.

"KJ, I'm so sorry–"

"No, Sutton, I'm sorry", apologised KJ, standing up.
"I shouldn't have lashed out at you.
I was going through something, but that wasn't cool of me."

"Are you... ok now?"

KJ looked back at Anvi, a smile appearing on his face.

"Yeah, I... I will be."

Sutton smiled.
That's all I care about."



The theme for this chapter was the same as the other few chapters too, to be honest. When you find your people, they'll always have your back.
KJ and Anvi have similar backstories in terms of experiences with bullying. Now that KJ has told Anvi about Joshua, he has someone to watch out for him. I didn't make it clear, but Sutton also knows now! And if you ask me, Sutton & Anvi are a great duo to have on your side/confide in.

The Baked Potato are also a family that have each other's backs. I want to show more employees, because it helps flesh out the world a bit more, and also provide opportunity for possible crossovers in my books or spin offs. But more than that, it shows how true Bolin's statement of the Baked Potato employees being a family is. They were all stressed, especially Jace, given how much pressure he was under, but they also felt that pressure because they wanted him to succeed.

Cassie & KJ are really cute together! Family means a lot to both of them, and they're both quite creative people.
Do you like them together?
Would they make a cute couple?
Also, do you have a favourite friendship pairing?

What are your thoughts on this chapter?





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