Chapter 42- Under Lock And Key

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Includes mentions of health scares/lumps, emotional distress, alc*hol poisoning, relationship struggles, pressure.

It was eleven o'clock in the morning, and the roommates were just now having breakfast.
In her room, Anvi was sitting in front of her mirror.
She took her top off, grimacing when she saw a lump on her chest. She gently ran her fingers across it, a frown appearing on her face when she felt it. She stared at it for only a couple more seconds, before quickly turning away and putting her top back on, refusing to think about it right now.

She left her room, making a beeline for her open laptop that was on the sofa. She hopped onto the sofa and began working on her assignment again. Is was due at noon tomorrow, but she had one thousand words left to write.

A bowl of cereal was shoved into her face, making her lose concentration.

"Eat food, Anvi!", implored Luka.

"Sorry, I'm just really busy w-"

Sutton grabbed Anvi's laptop, quickly saving her friend's work. She then closed the laptop, before picking it up and clutching it to her chest.


"Anvi, trust me, I know how bad working yourself too hard can be", said Sutton. "You have a long shift at the Baked Potato again today, remember?"

"I still can't believe Venn agreed to another late night closure", said Jace.

"It probably has something to do with there not being any wifi", said Anvi.
"Bolin texted me saying that the wifi stopped working yesterday and they haven't been able to fix it. I doubt there will be many customers there if there isn't any wifi."

"Still, you've been working on your assignment with barely any breaks", said Sutton.
"I'm only doing this because I care about you, Anvi. You can finish your assignment after work."

"Yes, Amma", joked Anvi.

"Thank you, Kanna", she replied.

Sutton had picked up quite a lot of Tamil phrases Anvi used, particularly ones she used whenever she spoke to her parents on the phone. Anvi and Sutton connected quite a lot because of their shared love of their cultures. They had inside jokes and regularly spoke about all the things they liked and disliked about their cultures.

Anvi never expected to make a friend who she had these types of discussions with, but it meant a lot to her that she did. Luka would also join them in their discussions, teaching them about his culture too.

"Tabitha, are you sure you don't want to come to the Baked Potato after your lesson?", asked Anvi.

"Yeah, I want to stay here and work on my book", said Tabitha.

"Oh, can I read it?", asked Anvi.

"Anvi, you ask that every time I work on it!
I need to keep some mystery", chuckled Tabitha.

"Alright, alright, I'll wait."


Tabitha, Luka and Jay were sat at the dinner table.
Tabitha was working on her book, and Jay offered to help her.
Luka just happened to have some free time, and decided that he wanted to spend it with Tabitha. Sutton was making veggie fajitas for when Anvi got back, knowing her friend would be hungry and need fuel to finish her assignment. She was also testing out a vegan cake recipe she found online.

KJ walked into the living room, texting away on his phone. He chuckled, a smile lingering on his face as he continued to stare at his phone.

"What's got you all happy?", asked Sutton.

"Oh, Cassie's on a trip with her parents and their car broke down. She's been sending me really random memes", explained KJ.

The others immediately exchanged looks, with Luka and Sutton trying to hide the smiles on their faces.

"Oh, really?", asked Sutton.

KJ nodded, his smile dropping when he looked up from his phone and saw the others staring at each other.

"Oh, don't be weird", he said, before rolling his eyes and putting his phone away.

"No, no, no!", they all exclaimed, as Sutton rushed over to him. The others got up too.

"We're sorry", said Tabitha, Luka and Jay nodding in agreement.

KJ nodded, staring at each of them for a few seconds, before finally looking back at his phone. He smiled softly when Cassie sent another message.

"Oh, oh! What did she say?", they questioned, gathering around the phone.

"Oh my gosh, when will this end?", exclaimed KJ, sighing heavily and marching back to his room.

"We uh... we were really cool then, weren't we?", quipped Sutton.

"Oh yeah, we played that so cool", sarcastically replied Jay.

"Oh! Wait, I forgot to ask-did anyone remind Jace about that dance gig today?", she asked, frowning when everyone shook their head.
"I'll text him now."

There was a knock at the door, and Sutton went to answer it.
Her eyes widened and she felt her heart skip a beat when she saw Tyler standing there. Despite being neighbours, the pair didn't interact much these days.

"H-Hey", he greeted, his usual smooth as butter voice stuttering a little.
It reminded Sutton of a memory she hadn't thought about in years.


It was the first day of year eleven, and a fifteen year old Sutton was in science class. Her teacher chose to sit her at the front, mainly because she had requested it last year. Her classmates started to enter the room, and soon, the teacher started her class.

"Ok, so the main project we'll be working on this term is renewable energy resources. In pairs, you'll conduct an in depth study into the pros and cons of using renewable energy, and will create a scenario in which you could use renewable energy resources", explained the teacher.
"And don't even think about asking if you can choose your partners.
I will now read out the pairings."

As the students started to shuffle around, Sutton perked up when she heard her name. Only a few seconds later, Sutton saw someone sit beside her.

"H-Hey", he greeted, his voice shaking just a little.

"Hi", smiled Sutton.


"Tyler", she said.
"I know who you are.

"Sutton", said Tyler.
"I know who you are.
Plus, Miss did just say our names", he added, making Sutton laugh.

Sutton had seen Tyler around school.
He started last year, and they had never had any classes together before, but she couldn't help but be drawn to him whenever she saw him walking in the halls. He had light brown, slightly curly hair, a few strands of which usually dangled over his forehead and eyes. Looking at him now, she could see just how blue his eyes were.
His teeth were pearly white, his cuspid teeth sharp and pointed.

"So, for our project, maybe we could do something like, hold up I was reading a paper on it like a few days ago let me find it..."

Tyler couldn't care less about what Sutton was saying.
Ok, that's not true actually.
He cared very much about what she had to say. But he couldn't help but watch as her eyes lit up and her hand gestures took up more space the more passionate she got. He got lost in the warmth of her eyes. In the way she'd scrunch up her nose. In the way her smile would brighten.

That night, they talked some more about their project. And about other things. Random things. Funny things. Goals for the future. How hard science was. What science even was? Like who even invented it and how do they get them to pay for what they did?

That was the night Tyler fell for Sutton
She was everything he wanted and more. He wanted her to be in his life forever. And Sutton's heart would beat faster whenever her phone would light up with a text from him. She never wanted to stop talking to him.

"Sutton? Sutton? Do you have any?"


"Milk", repeated Tyler.
"We ran out and I need some urgently."

"Do you not know the way to the shops?"

Tyler was momentarily taken aback, but then he chuckled, remembering how much attitude Sutton could give at times.

The others won't get back until late and I can't really leave."

Sutton sighed.
You can borrow some."

"Here, I got it", said Jay, getting up to grab the milk from the fridge.
He handed it to Sutton, smiling warmly at her.
His smile comforted her, and she hadn't realised how much she needed that until now.

She hated going down memory lane when Tyler was involved.

Jay picked up on Sutton's change in demeanour, but decided not to say anything right now.

"No, Luka, I'm not making the omniscient narrator a rat!"

"But it's perfect!
The Black Plague was started by-"

"This isn't even set in that time period!"

Jay and Sutton looked at each other as Tabitha and Luka playfully bickered in the background.
Jay chuckled, attempting to get rid of some of the awkward tension.

"Kids, am I right?"


Later that afternoon, at the Baked Potato, Jace, Anvi and Bolin were cleaning up after a surprisingly smooth shift.
The trio were on clean up and lock up duty. Anvi was too shy to tell Venn she'd rather go home at the same time as the other employees so she could finish her assignment.

A part of her also wanted the extra work. After discovering the lump on her chest, Anvi had been desperate to distract herself. With helping Sutton. And KJ. Reading and rereading Tabitha's book drafts. Her uni assignment. Anything and everything she could distract herself with, she jumped at.

"And... that's the last chair", announced Jace, patting the chair he had just put on the table next to him.

"I'm going to give the counter another quick wipedown", said Anvi.

"No, no I'll do it!", exclaimed Bolin.
"You get home and finish your assignment.
I have to visit family out of town now otherwise I would've offered to help you."

"Bolin, I love you, but mechanical engineering and paramedic science are two very different degrees", said Jace.

"True, but I have a cousin who is a paramedic", said Bolin.
"I would've called him."

"It's ok, thanks anyway Bolin", smiled Anvi. "How far do you need to travel?
I saw you packing a lot of snacks earlier."

"It's a three hour drive", frowned Bolin. "Drives are so boring alone."

"Blast music if you have any", suggested Jace.
"Oh, and I'll call y-oof, my phone two percent.
I'll run home and charge it."

"Oh, that reminds me, I need to charge up my phone", said Bolin.
"Where's that emergency charger?"

"Emergency charger?", questioned Jace.

Anvi nodded.
"Bolin told me that like, three years ago?
An employee forgot to charge their phone and came to work.
Apparently, their girlfriend was cheating on them and a friend was texting him so he wasn't in the dark about it.
They came to the Baked Potato, not knowing he was working that day, and he watched them have their date.
He was heartbroken.
From that day, he left a charger here to make sure he'd never have to miss important text messages or calls again."

"Poor guy", frowned Jace.

Apparently it's really slow though", said Anvi.
"It's hanging on by a thread."

"Found it!", exclaimed Bolin.
"Ok, I've made a mess here..."

"Need some help?", asked Jace.

You two go home!
I'll lock up!"

Anvi and Jace nodded and said their goodbyes to Bolin.
The pair left the café.
They walked in silence, which Anvi wouldn't have minded, if it wasn't for the worries she was hiding. She actually liked that she and Jace didn't need to talk all the time.

"Cr*p!", she yelled, as soon as she touched her jacket pockets.
"I left my phone inside!"

Jace chuckled, shaking his head.
"What are you like?"

Anvi playfully shoved him.
"Shut up."

"Come on, let's go back and get it", he said.

The pair ran back to the café.
At first, Jace just waited at the door, but he decided to follow Anvi in and help her.
Anvi knelt beside the sandwich bar, smiling to herself when she saw that she had left her phone in the small cubby hole attached to the sandwich bar.

Jace knelt down next to her, his face close to hers as he tried to see where exactly the phone was.
Unbeknownst to them, Bolin had finished tidying, leaving the counter when he saw it was already spotless. The lights were already off, because the trio found that the nearby street lamp provided enough light for them to clean.

He closed the door, locking it behind him. He threw the keys in the air, a smile on his face as he went to catch them.
They brushed against his finger, before landing on the floor.

"Oop!", he let out, quickly bending down to pick them up.
He chuckled to himself and shook his head, before walking to his car.

"Gosh, that was hard to reach", said Anvi, standing up.

"Why did you push it so far back?", asked Jace, standing up too.

Anvi shrugged and walked closer to the storage room.
"Bye Bolin!"

"Have fun with your family!", exclaimed Jace.

The pair smiled and headed for the door. Jace grinned.

"After you, milady-oh!"

Jace yanked on the door, frowning when he couldn't get it to open. Anvi rolled her eyes.

"Very funny.
Just open the-"

"No really, it's locked!"


Back at the flat, Tabitha was about ready to rip up every page in her notebook.
She had been struggling to find inspiration for her royal romance novel, and it had gotten to the point where she couldn't even think about working on her songs anymore.

Another indication that her creative juices had run dry, was that she was letting KJ sit next to her and type away on his phone. Before, she had been quite particular about not having any distractions near her.

From the kitchen, Sutton watched as KJ's smile grew bigger the more he texted Cassie. She remembered when she'd stare at her phone the same way whenever Tyler messaged her.
How he'd go to his garden shed at night just so he'd be able to talk to her without disturbing his parents.

They had a really good thing going.

It could have been something beautiful.

Maybe it still could be?


"Ugh, this is the worst timing ever!", yelled Anvi, before screaming into her hands.

"Can't you text Bolin?"

"My phone died this morning", replied Anvi. She groaned loudly.
"I'm going to miss my deadline!"

"Look, I'll charge my phone using the emergency charger.
Then I'll call Bolin and he'll come and get us.
I'll stay up all night to help you with your assignment if I need to."

Anvi appreciated Jace's help, but she couldn't quite see past this disaster. Frowning, she sat down on the floor, leaning against one of the walls.
After plugging the charger into the wall, connecting it to his phone, and flicking the switch, Jace joined her.

All of the stress she was feeling, and keeping trapped inside, was finally pouring out. She couldn't afford to get marked down for this assignment. She couldn't afford to let herself slip.

Clasping her hands over her mouth, Anvi let out a loud, frustrated sigh.

Jace wasn't quite sure what to do, but he knew he needed to do something to help take her mind off her assignment.

Uni has literally taken over my life.
The other night I dreamed I was examining a crime scene.
I used all the forensic terminology I learned though, so that's good."

"I practise chest compressions in my room every day", said Anvi.
"My poor pillow has been well and truly squashed."

"Your parents must be proud of you though."

Anvi nodded, pulling her legs up to her chest and wrapping her hands around them. "Um, yeah.
They're really happy.
I uh, haven't really spoken to them much lately."

Jace raised an eyebrow at Anvi's admission.

"How come?"

Anvi sighed.
"I've... I guess I've been stressed lately, but I don't want them to know that.
You know, in case they think I won't be able to handle actually being a paramedic one day."

"But that's insane.
You work so hard.
You've hardly been going out partying with us lately because you've been studying so much."

"They get stressed when I tell them I'm stressed.
I don't have the best track record with dealing with my emotions", said Anvi.
"And it worries them."

"How do you mean?"

Anvi frowned, suddenly aware of where this conversation was heading.
But Jace was looking at her like he really wanted to understand her.
And she did feel like she could trust him.

"Uh... you know how I don't drink, right?", asked Anvi, swallowing when Jace nodded. "Well... there was something that happened that made me not drink."


Anvi nodded.
Jace turned to face her, his warm brown eyes softening as he looked at her. He was so serious and focused, but his concern for her cut through everything.

"When I was fourteen, I took some alcohol from my parents' stash.
I was stressed out about so much.
I felt like I had to be perfect, but I knew I never would be.
I thought drinking would... numb everything."

Anvi rested her chin on her knees.

"I drank a few more times after that, but when Anu dropped me as a friend... that's when I really drank.
I was fun when I was drunk.
Bubbly, bold... brave.
People liked being around me.
It was the only time they liked being around me.
But I... I got alcohol poisoning and it was... the scariest experience of my life. I thought I was going to die.
At sixteen, because I cared so much about pleasing other people.
The paramedics came and... this woman paramedic, she held my hand.
I was terrified but... just feeling her with me, well it really helped."

Anvi exhaled sharply.

"She visited me again in the hospital.
She told me how cool and brave she thought I was.
Then, she gave me a warm smile just before her radio went off and she had to go on another call.
She was a hero.
She was my hero.
Yet, she walked away like it was just another day on the job for her.
That's when I decided that I wanted to be like her."

Anvi finally looked up at Jace.
He opened his arms and pulled her in for a hug.
He rested his head against hers.

"Anvi... you know that's bullsh*t, right?"

Anvi slightly pulled away from him.
"What is?"

"People liking you better drunk.
We love you the way you are."

Anvi looked down in embarrassment. "Jace-"

"No, listen", he interjected, placing his index finger on her chin and lifting her face up. "You are so amazing.
And kind.
And smart.
And you give the best advice.
And you're such a great listener-"


"No, I want you to hear these things!
God, Anu really made you feel so cr*p about yourself, didn't she?"

Anvi frowned.

"I wanna hang out with you all the time.
I treasure our 2AM chats a lot.
We all want to spend time with you.
Sober you.
Because we love you."

Jace wasn't sure if he was getting through to Anvi, but he desperately wanted to.
He was so sick and tired of watching Sutton doubt herself, that he vowed never to let someone he cared about think so little of themselves.

If they didn't see how incredible they were, then he failed as a friend.

Anvi smiled softly at him.
She was so thankful to have such good friends in her life, but part of her still questioned whether she truly deserved them.

"Anyway, enough about me", said Anvi. "Your parents must be so proud of you."

"Not really.
What's there to be proud of?
I haven't booked any dancing jobs."

"But you're doing so well with your studies! Surely they're proud of that."

"I haven't really told them about that."

Anvi's eyes widened.
Jace, you have to celebrate the academic achievements too!"

Jace shook his head.
"No, I don't think-"

Anvi grabbed Jace's arms, shaking them a little.
"Accept. That. You. Are. Brilliant."

Jace chuckled.

"Wanna check if your phone is charged?"

Jace nodded and went to go and check on his phone. It was only three percent. Scrolling through his contacts, he smiled when he found Bolin's number.

JACE: Hey bro

Sorry to mess up your plans but can you get back to the BP quickly? You accidentally locked us in and Anvi really needs to get back to do her assignment.

Jace noticed that he had another text, from a friend who was shooting a music video today.

MALCOLM: Hey J! Josh had to cancel, so there's an open spot as backup dancer in my video? How soon can you get here?

Jace's eyes widened when he read the message. He scrolled through his other messages.

SIS ❤ : Jace awesome news!!! Mal wants you in his music video! Get here after work quickly!!

Jace started to panic. He was crushed when Malcolm said he couldn't fit in an extra dancer. He thought this could finally be his big break!
But now... the opportunity was right in front of him.

It was quite the metaphor really.
No matter how hard he tried, the doors of opportunities always stayed locked for Jace.

"Jace? Are you ok?"

Jace felt blood rush to his head, everything becoming blurry for just a few seconds. He stared at the floor as he processed what this would mean. He clasped his hands together, frowning when he felt a thin layer of sweat on them.

Anvi had never seen Jace like this.

"I missed the dance gig.
I-I've ruined everything..."


Anvi's body was turned towards Jace's, her hand on his arm. She carefully guided him in a breathing exercise, in an attempt to calm him down.

"Feel better?"

Jace nodded.
"A bit..."

"Can you tell me something?"


"What's your favourite thing about dancing?"

Jace knew Anvi was just trying to distract him, but he couldn't help but smile at the question.

"Definitely the storytelling."

Anvi's eyes widened a little.
I thought you'd say performing in front of people."

Jace chuckled.
"I get why you'd think that, and I do love that.
But I've always loved how dance can tell stories that words just can't."

"Maybe that's why you felt a connection with Tabitha?
Because you're both storytellers."

I didn't think about it like that."

"So you're into the whole storytelling aspect then?
I think that's cool."

Jace smiled.
"Have you heard of griotic dance?"

Anvi shook her head.

"Historically, African tribes have griots, which are basically like storytellers.
Griotic dance was a way for them to tell stories using movement.
It evolved as time went on.
It's so integral to those tribes' way of life."

Anvi placed a hand to her face, leaning against its touch as she focused on what Jace was saying.
She never knew dance had such a rich history, or that Jace was interested in it.
Jace noticed how Anvi tilted her head to the side, her total focus on him.
He suddenly felt a little self-conscious.

He always felt like that whenever Anvi looked at him.
Not just a glance or something, but whenever they had deep conversations, she would stare at him with such intensity.
Like she was so present in the moment.

"What are you looking at me like that for?", he chuckled, breaking the silence they found themselves in.

Anvi smiled.
"I love hearing you talk about dance.
You can literally see how much it means to you."

Jace blushed, looking down at his lap.

A lightbulb went off in Anvi's head.
She jumped up, before turning to Jace and extending a hand to him.

"Up you get."


"Just get up."

A curious Jace listened.
The pair walked over to his phone, which was now five percent.

Anvi scrolled through Jace's playlist, clicking the first song she recognised. She had to turn his data on, because the wifi wasn't fixed yet.
After putting the phone back down, Anvi took Jace's hand, guiding him to the middle of the café.

"We're going to dance."

"Oh, Anvi, you don't need to-"

"Would dancing help you relax?"

After a brief pause, Jace nodded.

"Then let's dance."

Anvi took his hands in hers, swinging them side to side.
Jace laughed, twirling her around a few times. He stepped back, a mischevious grin on his face.

"Hey, let's do that Dirty Dancing move!"

Anvi's eyes widened.

"It'll be fun!"

Anvi did not want to do it.
At all.
But she was trying to make Jace feel better, so if this is what it took... she'd be brave.

"Alright, fine."

Anvi took a deep breath, before charging towards Jace. He had his arms out, ready to catch her. Something deep inside Anvi told her to bail. The closer she got to Jace, the more intense that feeling got.

Worry building up, she ended up barrelling straight into Jace, knocking the poor boy over. They landed on the floor, her body pressed on top of his. Instinctively, he moved to wrap his hands around her waist. Strands of her hair touched his face, making them both laugh. Anvi rolled off, before helping him up.

"Ok... maybe we were overambitious", said Jace.

Anvi chuckled.
"Yeah. I'm sorry."

Jace shook his head, before grabbing her hand.
"No worries. Let's just take it slow instead."

Smiling, Jace, pulled Anvi a little closer to him. He placed his hands on her hips, and she clasped her hands loosely round the back of his neck. They swayed slowly as the music played in the background.

"And darling I will be loving you 'til we're 70.
And baby my heart could still fall as hard at 23.
And I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways.
Maybe just the touch of a hand.
Oh me I fall in love with you every single day.
And I just wanna tell you I am."

Jace found himself studying every inch of Anvi's face. Her big expressive eyes. The tiny dimples that would poke through, even if she smiled just a little. Her cute button nose. Standing so close to her, he could smell her tropical perfume, followed by the very faint smell of her apple scented shampoo. It was strange how he didn't register them as separate, independent scents. They had been spending so much time together, after all. The scent was familiar. One he'd instantly recognise as hers.

"So honey now.
Take me into your loving arms.
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars.
Place your head on my beating heart.
I'm thinking out loud.
Maybe we found love right where we are."

Jace's smile slowly faded the more he looked into Anvi's eyes. He got lost in just how warm, yet intense they were. He pulled her closer, neither of them seeming to mind the close contact. Jace felt his heart beat faster in his chest.

What was going on?

What was he feeling?

And why was he feeling this way around Anvi?

Without properly realising it yet, Jace leaned in-just a little.
It was barely noticeable.
He didn't even know why he did it.
But he thought that, maybe, if he leaned in a little more-

"Guys!", exclaimed Bolin, making the pair pull apart.
"I'm so sorry I took so long!
This random grandma somehow thought I wanted to race with her or something.
It was a whole thing."

Anvi giggled.
"Wow, sounds like you've had an eventful day."

"I did.
I need a coffee", said Bolin.
"But you two have had an even worse day!"

Anvi looked over at Jace, a small smile appearing on her face.

"It wasn't that bad."

Bolin gasped.
"Anvi, your assignment!"

"Oh cr*p!"

Jace looked at Anvi.
"Ready to run?"

"Faster than I ever did in my life."


After a very tiring sprint back to the flat, Anvi and Jace was greeted by their roommates, who had laid a table of snacks out for Anvi. Sutton opened up Anvi's laptop, putting it on the table. Luka grabbed a blanket and handed it to her, so she would be comfortable. Tabitha helped Sutton finish off the veggie fajitas earlier.

Smiling, Anvi sat down next to her laptop. KJ approached her, a steaming hot yellow mug in his hand.

"Got you some lemon and ginger tea."

Anvi grinned.
"You're the best."

KJ smiled, lightly punching her shoulder. "Good luck."

Sutton approached Jace, who was watching Anvi from the kitchen.

"I'm sorry about your dance gig, Jace."

Jace frowned.
Me too."

"There will be other chances."

"I know."

She looked at Anvi, her smile growing.
"You two must've been bored out of your minds."

Jace chuckled.
"No, we uh... we actually had some pretty good chats."

Sutton smiled.
"I'm glad."

"What happened back here?"

"Uh... not much.
Tabitha chased Luka around with her notebook at one point.
I think she was trying to hit him over the head with it, but I never know what's going on where Tabitha's concerned.
Oh and... Tyler came by."

Jace looked at Sutton.
Do you want to talk about it?"

Sutton shook her head.
"Not really."

The twins both had an eventful day of confronting potential feelings.
Not that they'd ever tell each other that.

Not yet anyway.



This chapter pushed me to write better, I think. The 'love at first sight' thing is personally something I've never really resonated with or believed in. I don't believe you can fall in love, true deep love, with someone instantly. But that attraction can be strong, and it is important to a relationship. I'm not saying love at first sight is never possible, of course! It just doesn't really compute in my head, personally.
I'm not a romantic person and don't date, so my experience of relationships like this is non-existent. That's why writing relationships is difficult for me, because I don't know if it's an accurate depiction. But there isn't just one clear cut way to love someone.

When I was younger, I used to think that I would be the first ever person to write a book that didn't have romance in it but was still entertaining. Now I'm sure that it's already been done, but I am yet to see a book like that. Because romance keeps a lot of people interested.

I would love to know, for those of you that have read multiple of my works, what kind of relationship I write best? Romance, friendship, family? It would be really helpful to know!

Back to the chapter:

-Jace & Anvi are able to relate to each other and have deep, meaningful conversations about their lives and where they are heading. They help each other be better, I think. They had a rocky start, but now they are really close. Jace wasn't expecting them to share a moment, and he has no idea if Anvi thinks the same. Could this threaten to ruin their friendship? Or was it just one moment that will pass?

-Another thing I really loved is Sutton & Anvi's friendship. And the fact that they can connect, with Luka too, about their cultures. Friendships like that are so deep and meaningful to me, because they show people trying and wanted to understand each other on such a personal level. Sutton & Anvi's friendship is one of the most comforting friendships I've ever written, and it brings me so much joy to write their scenes.

-Sutton & Tyler have a lot of history together. Quite a bit of time has passed, but even though they broke up, the only reason they did so was because they couldn't do long distance. But now that distance has disappeared. Is there a chance their former romance could be rekindled?

-KJ & Cassie are cute. Cute, adorable, shy dorks.

What are your thoughts on this chapter?





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