Chapter 52-Pies & Love Confessions

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"And then, they gave me a box of old home videos they made, some before they adopted me, some after", said KJ.

The roommates were watching as KJ brought a cardboard box into the living room, setting it down on the table. He had already told the group about what his parents gave him during the break, but Anvi only returned from India three days ago, so she was none the wiser.

"Aww, that's so cute!", smiled Anvi.
"Getting a little peak into what your parents were like before they were your parents."

"That's another reason I like recording videos of my day", said Tabitha.
"To show my family in the future."

"Hey, should we record video diaries for our final year of uni?", suggested Sutton. 

"Yes, I love that idea", responded Tabitha. 

"Anyway, I'm going to watch a few now", said KJ.

"Say less, we'll get out of your hair", said Sutton.

KJ shook his head.
"No, it's ok. Might be nice to have some company."


In the afternoon, KJ invited Cassie over, to watch some of the home videos. They were alone in the flat, with Tabitha and Anvi working at the Baked Potato, and Sutton 'studying with a friend'.
She was still adamant about keeping her budding relationship with Tyler a secret.

"And this is apparently a video of them baking apple pie together", said KJ.

"Wow, they look so young", said Cassie.

KJ's adopted parents looked no older than eighteen. His mother's auburn hair was a strawberry blonde in the video, and his dad's dark brown hair was much curlier.

"I never actually asked them how they met before", said KJ.
"I mean, I only just found out that they had home videos of themselves.
All I know is, their love of baking brought them closer together."

"That's adorable", said Cassie, smiling softly at him. Her smile faltered when she saw the corners of KJ's mouth form a frown.
"What's wrong?"

KJ sighed.
"When I went back home for break, I told my parents about the memory box my biological grandad gave me. They already knew about it, but I had looked through it some more, with Anvi. That's when they told me about some videos they had. I feel... I feel bad. I think a part of them thought that I cared more about learning about my birth parents, than them."

Cassie shook her head. "No, I'm sure they don't think that."

"It's not like I don't want to know more about them", said KJ. "I've just never really known how to bring it up."

Cassie placed a hand on KJ's shoulder, gently rubbing it.
"Maybe you could ask them about some of the home videos?"

KJ's eyes lit up, his body moving to sit up as he pondered an idea in his head. He looked at the TV, smiling when he saw his parents putting the apple pie in the oven.

Curiosity piqued, Cassie gently pinched KJ's chin.
"What's going on in that head of yours?"

"Well, I've not got anything to do today, so... what if I tried recreating the apple pie my parents are making in this video?
I can take it to them today.
That'd be a good way to bring up the home videos, right?"

"That's a brilliant idea!"

"Do you want to help me?
It'd be so much more fun doing it with you."

Cassie smiled. "I'd love to."

"Plus, we all know by now that my culinary skills are... less than desirable.
Cooking and baking are not my talents."

"That's ok... you have many other talents."


"And this is one the photographer took", said Anvi.

During their free time, Jace and Luka decided to swing by the Baked Potato. Anvi had just gone on her break, and upon Luka's insistence, she was showing them pictures from the wedding she attended in India.

"Wow, you wear orange a lot", said Luka.

"Yeah, I think it suits me best", responded Anvi.

Jace wasn't even paying attention to the conversation. His full focus was drawn to the picture of Anvi. He thought she was just so beautiful. The way her eyes shone so bright as she smiled. The shimmering sheen of her curly raven hair.

Luka glanced over at Jace. He smiled softly, nudging him to get his attention.

"Huh?", Jace responded.

"We were just thinking about which colours suit us best", said Luka.
"I think black suits me.
What about you?"

"Oh, I definitely think it's red", said Anvi. "You look so nice in red!"

"I-I do?", asked Jace, a small smile appearing on his face.
Red might be the colour for me."


"Can you pass me the brown sugar please?", asked KJ.

"I don't know, does it need more?", quizzed Cassie.
"We don't want to make it too sweet, do we?"

"No, but I feel like it isn't actually a lot", said KJ.

"Well, if we're following your parents' recipe to a T, it should be fine as is, no?"

KJ chuckled.


He shook his head.
"Nothing. I'm just glad I have you here, you know? Like, I could've messed everything up with my overthinking, but you knew how to keep me on track."

"KJ, you really should stop being so hard on yourself", said Cassie.

KJ sighed.
"Easier said than done."

Cassie watched as her boyfriend absent-mindedly scooped up spoonfuls of apple pie mixture, carefully putting it into the pie casing. After a short pause, Cassie reached into the brown sugar packet, taking a pinch and sprinkling it on top of KJ's head.

"What the–Cassie!", exclaimed KJ.

Giggling, Cassie reached for a little more sugar, giving KJ a quick wink before blowing it into his face.


"Lighten up, KJ!"

Before Cassie could grab more sugar, KJ reached out and grabbed her hands. Twisting against his relatively loose grip, she turned to face him. Her back arched backwards—against the counter top, KJ's hand resting just below her shoulder blade.

Their smiles slowly melted away, as they both realised how close they were. After a moment of hesitation, Cassie placed a hand on KJ's chest. She wanted to lean in closer, but knew this would be a big step in their relationship. She wanted to make sure he was comfortable first. But she couldn't stop the rush of adrenaline coarsing through her own veins. The thumping of her heart against her chest. She could feel his heart beating rapidly too.

"I love you, KJ", she said.

KJ could've sworn his heart stopped then and there. Cassie's eyes seemed to shine brighter, as she awaited a response. His mouth went dry, the roof of his mouth now a chalky texture.

"You uh... you have some sugar in your hair."


"And then I told her she had sugar in her hair."

Anvi had very kindly offered to drive KJ's to his house, to deliver the pie.
On the way, KJ was telling Anvi all about Cassie confessing her love for KJ.

"Ok, so... that sounds bad", admitted Anvi.

KJ groaned, throwing his hands in the air.
"I know! I just panicked!
I wasn't expecting her to say that."

"Well, how do you feel about her?"

"I-I... I like her!
But, love, I don't... I've never been in love with someone before. I don't know what it's supposed to feel like."

"I've never been in love either. I've had crushes, but never anything deep. Maybe talking to your parents about their relationship can help you figure it out?"

"I hope so", said KJ. "I'm really worried I've ruined things between us."

Anvi shook her head.
"As long as you talk to her, you know, properly communicate how you feel... it'll all be ok."

Anvi's confidence took KJ by surprise.

"You really believe that?"

Anvi nodded.
"Cassie's a really understanding person. And she clearly cares about you a lot."

After getting dropped off by Anvi, KJ made his way to his front door. He had invited Anvi in, but she didn't want to intrude.

"KJ!", gasped his mother.
"What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to surprise you and dad with something", said KJ.

Look who's here!", called out his mother.

"Oh, please tell me it's not Dar–KJ?", questioned his dad, popping his head out the doorway.

KJ smiled.
"Nope, Darren from down the road, and his boring stories aren't here.
I brought an apple pie Cassie and I made. We used the recipe you used in one of your baking videos."

"Oh, KJ... that's so sweet!", beamed his mother.

"Let's let him inside, or he'll catch a cold!"


Once inside, KJ watched as his parents shared a slice of the apple pie. He was waiting for the crushing blow that he maybe added salt instead of sugar, or that common baking mishap he had heard of—a 'soggy bottom' had occurred.

His parents' faces lit up, almost in unison. They glanced at each other, an unfamiliar sparkle in their eyes. KJ had seen his parents look lovingly at each other before, but this was new. There was a sense of passion, but also a sweetness to their gaze. Like they were reliving the most precious memory they had.

"Is it... is it ok?", asked KJ.

"Oh, KJ... it's delicious", smiled his mum.

"It tastes exactly the same as the ones we used to make together", said his dad.

KJ smiled.
"Oh, that's a relief!
I was worried I burned it."

"Tell Cassie we thank her for helping you go through all this effort", said his mum.

KJ frowned.
"Things are... awkward between us right now.
She um, she told me she loved me."

KJ's mum gasped.
"Oh! That's so c–"

"I told her she had sugar in her hair then ran away", blurted KJ.

"Oh dear", said his dad.
"That's... not ideal."

"I know! But, I don't even know what love is supposed to feel like!"

"Oh, sweetheart", said his mum, taking his hands in hers.
"I know this might sound cheesy, but it truly is the most wonderful feeling in the whole world."

KJ's dad nodded.
"Your mum's right.
But, there's not just one way to love. The love I feel for your mother is different to the love I feel for you... but they're both so, so strong."

"But how am I meant to know what being in love feels like?", asked KJ.
"What was it like for you and mum?"

His parents looked at each other, sharing a look that KJ couldn't quite decipher.

"Well, we were childhood friends", said his dad. "We weren't very close, but we lived on the same street and were in some of the same clubs at school."

"Our friendship grew when we were in our early teens. We both loved baking, so when our school finally created a baking club, we joined together. We'd share recipes and test new ones out. We became best friends", continued his mum.

"We may not have been in love at that age, but we had so much love for each other", said his dad.
"I never wanted to be away from her, and things were just better whenever I got to do them with her."

His mum gazed adoringly at his dad.
"He always made me laugh. I was definitely an overthinker, but he always knew how to make me feel at ease. He'd listen to my ramblings—even the repetitive ones, like he was hearing them for the first time. He was really the only person who quietened the whirlwind of thoughts in my head."

"It wasn't until we had to choose our options for college, that we started to rethink our feelings. We both planned to go to different colleges", said his dad. "When we realised we wouldn't see each other, it made us realise how much we loved each other."

"But this time, it was different", said his mum. "It was like, this yearning feeling. You can't stop thinking about them, and every time they're close... you feel this electricity."

"And those feelings only got stronger as we got older, and as we continued in our relationship", said his dad.

"So... loving someone, and being in love, are two different feelings?", asked KJ.

"In our experience, yes", said his mum. She looked over at her husband, smiling as she took his hand.
"But the two can exist, and be felt, at the same time."


After listening to more of his parents' stories, KJ bid them farewell. He was just about to pull out his phone to check the closest coach time, but stopped in his tracks when he saw Anvi, parked down the road.

Approaching the car, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion when he saw her fast asleep. Clearing his throat, he knocked on the door.

Anvi awoke with a start, chuckling to herself at her own reaction. She unlocked the door, waving for him to come in.

"So, how did it go?", she asked, her big, expressive eyes glistening.

KJ closed the door as he got in the passenger seat. He stared at her for a few seconds, still processing everything.

"It's been five hours", said KJ. "You... you stayed out here for that long?"

Anvi shrugged.
"I wanted to be there for you if you needed me."

KJ felt his heart swell, growing ten times bigger.

"I love you."

The words rolled off his tongue so easily. Like he had said them a million times before. And yet, this was the first time he had ever professed his love to anyone beside his parents.

Anvi smiled softly.
"I love you too, KJ."

The love he felt for Anvi, now that he could kind of sort out his feelings, wasn't like the feelings he felt for Cassie. He still wasn't quite sure if he was ready to say he loved her, but his love for Anvi was one he was certain of.

He loved her with all his heart. He wasn't in love with her, but why did that matter? He spent most of his life believing that he was never capable or deserving of being loved, or loving others.

He didn't want to waste another minute not telling those he loved how he felt.


The duo got back quite late, and were well and truly knackered. They walked along the street together, hand in hand.

"Anvi? KJ? You're finally back!", said Jace.

He was sat on the sofa outside—his and Anvi's sacred place.

"Traffic was a nightmare", said Anvi, turning to KJ. "You go ahead. I'm going to sit with Jace for a bit."

KJ nodded, before walking away.

"Anvi you look like you're about to pass out", said Jace.
"Go to sleep!"

Anvi shook her head.
"No, come on, I don't wanna miss our late night chat."

She flopped down on the sofa, making Jace chuckle. She turned to face him, and although her eyes desperately wanted to close, she fought off the urge, focusing on Jace's face.

"Ok, so... what do you want to talk about?"

Jace laughed.
"Anvi, seriously—go to bed.
I didn't really have anything I wanted to talk about anyway.
I just wanted to chill for a bit."

Anvi nodded.
"Ok, we can do that."

She picked up the free earphone that was in Jace's hand, carefully placing it in her ear. She rested her head against Jace's shoulder. Smiling, Jace rested his head on top of hers.

"This is nice", he smiled.
"Sitting here... with you.
I missed this over the break.
I-I missed... I missed you.
A lot.
More than I thought I–"

The quiet sound of snoring cut Jace off. He looked down at Anvi's face, chuckling when he saw she was fast asleep.

"Come on, let's get you to bed."

Carefully scooping her into his arms, Jace let Anvi's head rest against his chest.
Smiling down at her peaceful face, Jace slowly walked back to the flat.


In his room, KJ was on the phone to Cassie.

"KJ it's so late!"

"I know, I know. I'm sorry. I just wanted to apologise for earlier."

"KJ, let's just forget about it."

"No! I don't want you to just push away how you're feeling, to make me feel better.
That's not fair on you."


"I didn't say I love you... because I've never been in love before. I... I don't fully know how I'm supposed to feel.
So, I don't think I can say that I love you—atleast not yet. But, I do really, really care about you Cassie.
So, so much.
If, uh, if that's not enough right now, I understand."

"KJ, I never want you to feel forced to say something to please me. I told you I loved you because that's what I felt in that moment. I still do. If you can't say it yet, that's ok. Just knowing you really care about me is enough."

KJ smiled, breathing a sigh of relief.

"Why are you so amazing?"

Cassie giggled.
"Good night, KJ."



This chapter was big on love! KJ's parents, Cassie and KJ, Anvi and KJ and, maybe... Jace and Anvi? I enjoyed writing this chapter, and I think I am getting better at writing cute romance moments. What are your thoughts on this? I appreciate any constructive feedback!

Platonic love, such as the kind between KJ and Anvi, is so crucial. In my opinion, it is even more important than romantic love. Platonic love can be just as all-consuming as romantic love. Healthy, loving friendships like theirs, especially male/female friendships, should be shown more, in my opinion. We're seeing a rise in healthy male friendships of straight and LGBTQIA+ males, which is so great to see! I'd love to see more healthy straight male friendships though, where emotional connection is prevalent.
Sorry to go on a bit of a ramble there, it's just an area I am very interested in and have read quite fascinating studies on.

No one should be pressured into saying they love someone when they are unsure. They shouldn't be made to feel bad about not saying they love the other person at the same time. Sometimes that pressure comes without the other person intentionally making them feel that way, which is why healthy communication is so important.

Cassie really understands KJ, and even in moments where she struggles to, she still remains empathetic and doesn't jump to conclusions. This is one reason why they work so well together.

What are your thoughts on this chapter?





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