Chapter Ten:

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Rooming with Maddox-Chapter 10

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"He's the dean's son?" I ask, surprised.

"Yeah." she answers back.

I was walking back to my apartment when I thought back to my earlier conversation with Adele.

Every bone in my bone went still at the realization that I now knew a small semblance of Kalea's plan.

The rumor she might've been spreading about me.

Could Maddox be behind it?

If not, why else would she try to get close to him?

Maybe I was just being paranoid, or maybe I was just being naive.

Walking down the street, my phone rang, someone was trying to call me.

I look down to see the silly nickname Kalea changed her name to on my phone.

I laugh, looking down at the name, remembering back to the time she put it into my phone.

We were in our dorm room. It was a few months ago.

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Kalea and I were in our dorm room, it was a Saturday night, and we had nothing to do, so we stayed in, watchingTV and making funny filter photos on Snapchat.

"OOOO!" she draws out suddenly. "What do you have me as in your phone?" she asks with a smile on her face.

I laugh, "where did that come from?" I ask.

She shrugs, "just popped up in my head." She reaches over and takes my phone from me, investigating.

After a minute, she looks up, "really?" she asks, unamused.

I laughed, realizing that I didn't have any nickname or anything silly as her name, even though she was my best friend.

"Just Kalea, really?" she rolls her eyes. "Ok, I'm changing this." she states like it wasn't even up for discussion.

"Okay." I say, shrugging nonchalantly.

She types something in and tossing the phone back at me. When I picked it up, I laughed at the name. "Laughing kale?!" I question, a mix of feelings.

I wanted nothing more than to laugh at the name as I read it, but then I realized something. "Is that for Kalea or the vegetable?" I ask, the hilarity in the whole situation.

"Both," she declares, and we burst into a fit of laughter simultaneously.

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I answered the phone, and hearing her voice for the first time in a little while felt a little surreal. It brought me back to the times we fought, and I just let it pass without an apology or any explanation.

"Hey, savvy Sagey!" Before when we had arguments, and she would call me, I would usually answer the phone and laugh at the nickname she came up with this, but I didn't laugh this time.

It almost made it feel like an end to an era. "Hello... Kalea." I say in a monotone voice.

I could almost hear the eyes roll as she said, "Come on, Sage! Why are you being so... sassy?" She questions as if she's oblivious to all things not Kalea.

I roll my eyes at her words. "What do you want, Kalea?" I ask, cutting right to the chase, annoyed and a little irritated at her words.

Who was she to act like nothing happened, after a week of tormenting me?

"Come on, Sage! I just want to meet up with you and have a chat," she tells me.

I almost laughed at the hilarity in her words.

I would have just told her no, but I thought back to Knox's words the day before.

"And I don't want to make anything worse between you, but I do think that you guys need to talk..."

My silence seemed to make, didn't seem to bring her any solace. "Come on! It's almost break and I don't want to go back home hating each other," she pleads.

I couldn't help the eye roll that came naturally at her words. Of course, this was all about her, why was I surprised?

I didn't let it faze me, and I felt that after all of these years, I thought I should at least give her a chance, but only one more.

And maybe she didn't deserve it, but how else was I supposed to figure that out without speaking to her, hearing her reasons behind the way she had been acting lately?

I may not have owed it to her to hear her out, but I somehow felt like I owed it to myself, and Knox's words spoke to me as a reason to agree.

So, that's exactly what I did... I agreed.

And we were supposed to meet up tonight.

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✘R♚W♚M✘❘ Word Count: ❘✘R♚W♚M✘


A/N: Thank you to everyone who reads this story, please let me know what you think.

What do you guys think of the new dividers?

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